• Research,

Folle Journée de l'imagerie 2016

(Extraordinary day of imaging, 2016). The objective of this first edition is to bring together the different scientists in the Nantes area whose research is focused on imaging.

on February 2, 2016

This one-day event is intended to foster mutually beneficial exchange and collaboration between the different communities present (IT, mechanics, astronomy, biology, health, materials etc). It will also highlight local expertise in image processing and analysis, innovative imaging technologies, the development of new systems, to name but a few examples.

        Instrumentation and acquisition protocol
        Imaging and digitisation
        Imaging agents
        Imaging and interdisciplinarity

Researchers from Centrale Nantes -  IRCCyN, GeM and LHEEA laboratories - will be taking part in this event. 

More information and programme details in French: bit.ly/1PXwEco

Organising bodies and establishments 

Published on February 1, 2016 Updated on July 18, 2017