8 projects selected in the first Institut Carnot MERS call
Applications were open from 15 October to 15 November 2020 in the first Institut Carnot MERS call for projects. The selection committee met on 25 January 2021 and selected 8 projects.
on February 11, 2021
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This call for projects redistributes part of the funding contribution made to 2019 Institut Carnot MERS (iC MERS) revenue. This funding is used to finance upstream research or proofs of concept that are likely to lead to technology transfer.
The projects should meet the following criteria:
Address one of the 3 areas of iC MERS expertise: Safe,Smart andSustainable Marine Industry
Contribute to the scientific and technological progress of iC MERS
Aim to develop the iC MERS offering for industry, in the form of products, services or expertise.
As they announced the results, the selection committee emphasized the quality of the projects submitted, which did not make their job easy. Most of the projects selected showcase the collaboration between different iC MERS teams, which will pave the way for the development of an active MERS community.
8 selected projects:
Approche numérique « data driven » pour la modélisation de la réponse mécanique non-linéaire des ombilicaux dynamiques utilisés pour l’éolien flottant | Centrale Nantes (GeM & LHEEA)
Liens matériaux-architecture-propriétés mécaniques des câbles synthétiques pour l’ancrage des éoliennes flottantes | Centrale Nantes & Ifremer ( GeM, LHEEA & RDT)
Étude et Réalisation d'un banc d’étalonnage de balances hydrodynamiques à six composantes | Centrale Nantes (LHEEA)
POSDYN - Positionnement Dynamique en bassin d'essai | Centrale Nantes (LHEEA)
ScanLid IO - Interface Opérationnelle pour l’exploitation embarquée d’un Lidar Scannant stabilisé et compensé | Centrale Nantes & CNRS (LHEEA)
Suivi localisé de biocolonisation sur les structures offshore | Centrale Nantes & Université de Nantes (LS2N & GeM)
Durabilité des élasto-MERS : expériences et modèles | Ifremer & Centrale Nantes (RDT & GeM)
MObiDIC-4-life - Module d'Observation In situ pour la détection, l'Imagerie et la Caractérisation de la vie microbienne | Ifremer (LM2E & RDT)
These 8 projects will benefit from a total budget of €601 500.
Stay tuned to Carnot MERS news for updates on these projects!
Published on February 12, 2021
Updated on October 27, 2022