• Mauritius Campus,
  • International (partnership / study),

A major Kenyan delegation at Centrale Nantes

Centrale Nantes will welcome a major delegation of 10 Kenyan Professors on the 23rd March, an excellent opportunity to explore future collaboration.

on March 23, 2016

The French embassy in Kenya, Campus France (The French national agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services, and international mobility) and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development are organizing a 'Kenya Day' on 22nd March in Paris. The aim is to discuss academic cooperation between France and Kenya, the economic powerhouse of East Africa. A delegation with representatives from several Kenyan ministries and universities, including the best engineering institutions, will be in attendance.

To complete their French visit and following on from the 'Kenya Day', the delegation will visit two schools selected by the embassy for their particularly active international cooperation: SciencesPo Paris and Centrale Nantes.

It is thus a real honour to welcome this delegation on campus, a visit which confirms Centrale Nantes international position. The aim is to present Centrale Nantes and explore means of future collaboration. It also affords the opportunity to establish Centrale Nantes' presence and visibility in Africa thus facilitating student recruitment for the Bachelor programme on the Mauritius campus (autumn 2016).

For over a year now, significant effort has been put into laying the foundations for recruitment in Africa for the Centrale Nantes Mauritius Campus, and more broadly for the development of further collaboration on the continent. The delegation's visit thus also falls within this context and follows on from actions undertaken in-situ.

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Published on March 21, 2016 Updated on April 8, 2019