• Research,

Call for papers 19th "Numerical Towing Tank Symposium" (NuTTS 16)

This year, Centrale Nantes, the CNRS and LHEEA (Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment Laboratory) is organising the 19th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, which will be held on Oléron island, on the French west coast, from 3 October to 4 October 2016. Contribute to the call for papers!

on March 30, 2016

Jeroen Wackers jeroen.wackersa49f901f-247a-4767-9fcd-e03ed8705af2@ec-nantes.fr
The deadline for early feedback, 30 March, is fast approaching. If you wish to participate, please send an email to   (a tentative title is enough).

The conference covers the numerical simulation of flows around ships and offshore structures, with a strong link to realistic applications.

Published on March 17, 2016 Updated on March 31, 2017