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A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
On September 22, 2020 All day
The Executive Education team organises and runs events as part of Nantes Digital Week. The team is taking part in the "Safari des métiers numérique 2020", (Digital job safari 2020) next Tuesday 22 September 2020 in Hall 6, Ile de Nantes.
This event brings together various players in the digital ecosystem (companies, training organisations, associations, etc.)
Centrale Nantes is involved in two conferences out of the five on the programme:
11.00 - 12.00 pm: Disability & the digital sector: a focus on invisible disabilities with Nantes Métropole, Pole Emploi, I-BP and Centrale Nantes Executive Education, which will explore support for people with invisible disabilities in the context of web development training.
3.00 - 4.00 pm: Working in the digital sector: the importance of softskills. ENI, Pole Emploi and the Centrale Nantes Executive Education will share feedback from the "Invest In Digital People" project - java web development training.