Centrale Nantes news - 2017

  • PhD defense - Quentin AYOUL-GUILMARD - ED SPI
    December 22, 2017
    "Méthode numériques multi-échelles pour la simulation de matériaux aléatoires quasi-périodiques."
    (Multiscale numerical method for the simulation of quasi periodic random materials)
  • Floatgen produces its first KWs
    December 21, 2017
    The Floatgen wind turbine, currently docked in the port of Saint-Nazaire before being towed offshore, produced its first electrons on Thursday 14 December.
  • Professor Ahmed Loukili appointed member of the board of directors of the Ecole Française du Béton
    December 20, 2017
    Prof. Ahmed LOUKILI, Centrale Nantes, was appointed member of the Board of Directors of the Ecole Française du Beton on November 27th.
  • A conference with SAMUEL COURGEY - "Les Matinales de la Transition Ecologique" (Ecological Transition Mornings)
    December 19, 2017
    See you on Tuesday 19th December, on the Centrale Nantes campus for the first edition of the "Matinales de la transition écologique" (Ecological Transition Mornings). On the programme - Samuel Courgey, project manager and specialist in insulation using natural materials, talks about his experience.
  • PhD Defense - Van Thang VU - ED SPI
    December 18, 2017
    "Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement au gel et du dégel des enrobés bitumineux partiellement saturés".(Experimental and numerical study of the freezing and thawing behaviour of partially saturated bituminous mixtures.)
  • PhD Defense - Hélène CLEMOT - ED SPI
    December 18, 2017
    "Study of the integration of wave energy systems into the electricity grid - Development of a model of the wave to the electrical network"
  • PhD Defense - Marie ROBERT - ED SPI
    December 18, 2017
    "Numerical modelling of the hydroelastic behavior of vessels in nonlinear waves"
  • PhD Defense - Rohit PETHE - ED SPI
    December 14, 2017
    "Variational h-adaptation for strongly coupled problems in thermo-mechanics."
  • The aerodynamic wind tunnel is being extended
    December 14, 2017
    To allow for the analysis and control of flows around obstacles such as aerodynamic blade profiles for applications such as Marine Renewable Energies, the aerodynamic wind tunnel is undergoing renovation.
  • PhD Defense - Chaofa ZHAO - ED SPI
    December 13, 2017
    "Modélisation multi-échelle des sols granulaires : de l'échelle des grains aux structures géotechniques". ("Multi-scale modelling of granular soils: from particle to geotechnical structure").
  • PhD Defense - Zexiang WU - ED SPI
    December 13, 2017
    "Modélisation du comportement des sables sous la condition de cisaillement simple et applications au calcul des pieux".(Modeling sand behaviour under simple shear condition and applications to pile calculations)
  • Call for 2018 RFI Ouest Industries Créatives Research Projects now open
    December 12, 2017 - February 15, 2018
    Ouest Industries Créatives - Research, Training & Innovation program on creative industries in Pays de la Loire, of which Centrale Nantes is a partner - has opened a call for projects from teachers-researchers to support research projects on the creation of experiments and their scientific evaluation. The call for projects is all about opening and consolidating new areas of expertise around original topics with high potential for development and visibility.
  • PhD Defense - Mohamad Hussein HOBBALLAH - ED SPI
    December 12, 2017
    "Conception multiobjectifs d'un isolant thermique biosourcé optimisé : du recueil des connaissances à l'aide à la décision interactive".(Multi-objective design of optimized biobased thermal insulation: from knowledge collection to interactive decision support)
  • PhD defense - Marina POPOVIC - ED SPI
    December 11, 2017
    "Potentiel des événements climatiques à l'échelle "pico" pour l'amélioration du confort thermique piétonnier". (Potential of climatic events at the "pico" scale for the improvement of pedestrian thermal comfort)
  • Accreditation to supervise research: Florent LAROCHE defense
    December 8, 2017
    Florent LAROCHE, lecturer and researcher at Centrale Nantes and member of the IS3P team of the LS2N Laboratory, will defend his 'accreditation to supervise research' at 9am on 8th December, in Lecture Theatre S, on the Centrale Nantes campus.
  • PhD Defense - Emna BEN ABDALLAH - ED MathSTIC
    December 7, 2017
    "Étude de la dynamique des réseaux biologiques : apprentissage des modèles, intégration des données temporelles et analyse formelle des propriétés dynamiques ."(Study of the dynamics of biological networks: model learning, temporal data integration and formal analysis of dynamic properties.)
  • Centrale Nantes stands out in the 2018 Étudiant ranking
    December 6, 2017
    Centrale Nantes confirms its excellence in the 2018 Étudiant ranking
  • PhD Defense - Bertrand MIANNAY - ED MathSTIC
    December 5, 2017
    "Analyse de réseaux de régulation par approches de coloration de graphes dans le cadre du myélome multiple." (Analysis of regulatory networks by graph staining approaches in the context of multiple myeloma)
  • Mazars Afterwork
    December 5, 2017
    An opportunity to meet Mazars staff in a unique setting!
  • Victor Contreau wins the Eurovia PFE Award
    December 5, 2017
    Congratulations to Victor Contreau - newly graduated from the Centrale Nantes degree apprenticeship programme in public works and construction - winner of the 2017 Graduation Project Challenge run by Eurovia, a subsidiary of the Vinci group.
  • Centrale Nantes is hosting the ‘Tour de France Agir Ensemble’
    December 4, 2017 - December 8, 2017
    Centrale Nantes will host the national operation of the ‘Tour de France Agir Ensemble’ (Act Together, tour of France) from 4 to 8 December. On campus you’ll be able to discuss climate and food issues and take part in educational and fun workshops on eco-friendly action.
  • PhD Defense - Grégoire SORBA - ED SPI
    December 4, 2017
    "Étude expérimentale et modélisation numérique des écoulements de compression dans les composites stratifiés visqueux à plis discontinus".(Experimental Study and Numerical Modeling of Compression Flows in Viscose Composites with Discontinuous Folds).
  • A first in France: Centrale Nantes and Pôle Emploi offer an employment programme for PhD holders
    December 4, 2017
    Centrale Nantes and Pôle Emploi (Employment Centre) are testing an employment programme for PhD holders for the first time in France. A free and paid training course in "Skills for the business world" for PhD-qualified job-seekers in Loire Atlantique opens on Monday 4 December.
  • PhD Defense - Chiraz KHELIFI - ED SPI
    November 30, 2017
    "Adhérence et usure des pistes de roulement pour métros sur pneus"(Grip and wear of running tracks for rubber-tyred metros)
  • PhD Defense - Yann BRIHECHE - ED SPI
    November 30, 2017
    "Optimisation du maillage de la veille sur radar à balayage électronique à panneau fixe" (Optimization of search patterns for fixed-panel tridimensional scanning radars)
  • Festival AlimenTerre: film and debate on the consumption of insects
    November 29, 2017
    As part of the AlimenTerre documentary film festival, the Engineers Without Borders Nantes association invites you to watch the film "Bugs" on campus at 6:30 pm on Wednesday 29 November.
  • #Culture Semaine Q 2017: Cultural Week Programme
    November 27, 2017 - November 30, 2017
    As every year, the Student Arts Association offers students and staff the opportunity to showcase culture for a week of campus events. Discover the programme!
  • PhD Defense - Vaiyee HUYNH - ED MathSTIC
    November 23, 2017
    "Stabilité posturale d'un exosquelette actif de jambes"(Postural stability of an active leg exoskeleton)
  • Qualifying rounds of the French Cross-Country Student Championships: two Centrale Nantes students on the podium
    November 23, 2017
    Congratulations to our students for their performances at the qualifying rounds of the French Cross-Country Student Championship (7 km). They won second and third place as well as the team event on 23 November in Le Mans.
  • Conference on: "safety at sea, an issue for all users"
    November 22, 2017
    The Centrale Nantes Team Voile (Sailing Association) invites you to a conference-debate on the theme of "Safety at Sea", which will be given by first Officer Pierre-André Saladay, navigator, radar operator and tactician on the Falcon 50 in the 24F fleet of the French Navy. See you on campus on November 22nd.
  • Atlanpolitan breakfast on high performance computing
    November 21, 2017
    "Modelling, simulation, artificial intelligence ... Discover the super powers of high performance computing!" Visit the campus on 21 November for a breakfast meeting on high performance computing and a visit of the supercomputer organized by Atlanpôle, technopole and member of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network.
  • Careers Workshop: "How to get on in industry"
    November 21, 2017
    Open to students and graduates. The Centrale Nantes Careers Service is holding a workshop in the form of improvisational theatre to answer your questions about your internship or job search.
  • Round Table on 'Childhood, robots and screens'
    November 21, 2017
    What place should digital objects - from robots to screens – have in childhood? Join in the discussion and discover new experiments in therapeutic and/ or family mediation. Sign up for the free conference, from 7pm to 9pm on Tuesday, November 21st in the Maxi Room at STEREOLUX.
  • PhD Defense - Nicolas MAGDELAINE - ED MathSTIC
    November 21, 2017
    "Diabète de type1, du modèle à la boucle fermée"(Type 1 Diabetes, from model to closed loop)
  • Centrale Nantes, first winner of ICAre, (the Inter-Centrales for the Arts)
    November 20, 2017
    Congratulations to all our artists! The Nantes team brought home another cup for the school by winning the first edition of ICAre, Inter-Centrales for the Arts.
  • Guest professor at Centrale Nantes: Prof. LAURENCE BRASSART
    November 20, 2017 - December 22, 2017
    Prof. LAURENCE BRASSART, Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Monash University, in Australia, is at Centrale Nantes from 20 November 2017 to 22 December 2017. She was invited by Laurent Stainier, member of faculty in the Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (GeM).
  • PhD Defense - Ngoc Son DUONG - ED SPI
    November 17, 2017
    "Instrumentation de chaussées : la route intelligente qui s'auto-detecte ?"(Road instrumentation: self-detecting smart roads?)
  • First edition of ICAre, the Inter-Centrales for the Arts
    November 17, 2017 - November 19, 2017
    For the first time, the Centrale Schools are getting together for a weekend bringing Centrale art alive. Participants will defend their schools' colours by taking part in 18 artistic events, open to all. This first edition takes place on the Centrale Lyon campus. Good luck to all the teams!
  • CityLab Centrale-Audencia-Ensa Alliance: "how will the inhabitants of tomorrow’s cities interact?"
    November 16, 2017 - December 8, 2017
    The second edition of Citylab, to be held shortly in 2017, will bring together students from the Centrale-Audencia-Ensa Nantes Alliance and a dozen companies to imagine solutions for how the "inhabitants" of tomorrow’s cities will interact.
  • Doctoral event "Digital Societies"
    November 15, 2017 - November 16, 2017
    As part of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Ange-Guépin's activities on "digital societies", its Steering Committee is organizing a doctoral event on 15 and 16 November 2017 on the following two themes: "Transformation of digital practices "and" Criticism, appropriation, resistance". Sign up now!
  • Ateliers Atlantique: Prepare for recruitment interviews with our industrial partners
    November 14, 2017 - November 15, 2017
    Following on from the Forum Atlantique, the team is holding a workshop (Ateliers Atlantique) for students: 40-minute one-on-one slots with partner companies to practise interview skills and secure your internship. Don’t forget to register!
  • Accreditation to supervise research: Alain MAIBOOM Defense
    November 10, 2017
    Alain MAIBOOM, Lecturer and researcher in the LHEEA (Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment) in the Thermodynamics of Motor Systems research group, will present his defense for his 'habilitation à diriger des recherches' - HDR (accreditation to supervise research) on Friday 10 November
  • Centrale Nantes at Composites Meetings 2017
    November 8, 2017 - November 9, 2017
    Centrale Nantes will be present at Composites Meetings - the international business convention for composite manufacturers and users - on the 8th and 9th November 2017 at the Cité Nantes Events Center.
  • XSun, world's first autonomous drone
    November 8, 2017
    Following a first successful test flight on October 30, 2017, the world's first drone, which is autonomous in energy and decision-making, was inaugurated on Monday, November 6th. The drone was designed by a French start-up, XSun, in partnership with Centrale Nantes, Airbus and Dassault Systèmes.Powered by solar energy, its consumes less than its capacity to recharge itself. The drone is thus set to smash the world record for flight duration in 2018.
  • PhD Defense - Jaime MORENO JUEZ - ED SPI
    November 7, 2017
    Optimization of the concrete mixing process: monitoring and control.
  • Centrale Nantes launches C Week-UP, its first summer school
    November 6, 2017
    "Create differently". This will be the theme of Centrale Nantes’ first summer school, which will be held from 3 to 6 July, 2018 in Nantes city centre. Please note that registration will open in January 2018.
  • PhD defense - Marion MÉDEVIELLE - ED SPI
    November 6, 2017
    "Using bioprecipitation of calcium carbonates to improve the quality of recycled concrete aggregates".
  • SEM-REV participated in the international meeting of European sea trial sites, WaTERS, in the Canary Islands
    October 30, 2017 - October 31, 2017
    SEM-REV, the Centrale Nantes offshore test site has participated in the international meeting of the European offshore test sites for several years. The actions of SEM-REV are in line with the various recent initiatives aimed at promoting exchanges between test sites such as UE MARINERG-i, FORESEA, MARINET1 and 2, THEOREM, etc.
  • PhD Defense - Risheng SHENG - ED SPI
    October 26, 2017
    "Application of the large-scale simulation approach to the evaluation of wind loads on structures".
  • 2 projects tested on SEM-REV in the FORESEA programme
    October 26, 2017
    In september FORESEA (Funding Ocean Renewable Energy through Strategic European Action) opens third call for offshore renewable energy technologies. Support packages will help commercialise offshore renewable energy technologies by giving free access to FORESEA’s network of test sites.Support packages will help commercialise offshore renewable energy technologies by giving free access to FORESEA’s network of test sites.
  • PhD defense Ali NOUR EDDINE - ED SPI
    October 25, 2017
    "Modeling and optimization of an exhaust energy recovery system for ship engines using thermoelectricity (Seebeck effect)".
  • Phd Defense - Karin BLACKMAN - ED SPI
    October 23, 2017
    "Scale interactions between the lower atmosphere and the urban canopy".
  • Annual Ouest Industries Créatives Day
    October 20, 2017
    October 20th is the annual Ouest Industries Créatives Day, a research, training & innovation programme for creative industries in Pays de la Loire region. Centrale Nantes is a programme partner.
  • PhD Defense - Angel LEON COLLADO - ED SPI
    October 18, 2017
    "Multi-Scale modeling of in-situ consolidation in automated tape placement process".
  • The University of Adelaide signs an agreement with GEMA (Graduate Schools of Engineering for the Australian Navy)
    October 18, 2017
    After Flinders University and the University of Tasmania in early 2017, the University of Adelaide has now signed a cooperation agreement with GEMA (Groupe des Grandes Écoles pour la Marine Australienne - Graduate Schools of Engineering for the Australian Navy) which brings together École Polytechnique, Centrale Supélec, Centrale Nantes and ENSTA ParisTech.
  • PhD Defense - Ranjan Kumar HASDA - ED SPI
    October 17, 2017
    "Contribution to the optimization of Unequal Area Rectangular Facility Layout Problem".
  • Training on the budgetary aspects of the construction economy - Pôle Atlantique Executive Education
    October 17, 2017
    Centrale Nantes offers tailor-made training courses in partnership with Pôle Atlantique Executive Education. Sign up now for the training day on the budgetary aspects of the construction economy on 17 October. Open to engineers, architects, construction or local authority personnel.
  • 4th call FORESEA for testing MRE technologies on SEM-REV
    October 16, 2017
    The FORESEA programme (Funding Ocean Renewable Energy through Strategic European Action) has launched its 4th call for proposals. The FORESEA project aims to help bring ocean energy technologies to market by providing access to northwestern Europe’s world-leading network of test centres. Through the project, the performance of innovative ocean renewable energy technologies will be demonstrated in real sea conditions, helping to leverage the investment needed to take these new products to market.
  • BIM Project Management Training - Pôle Atlantique Executive Education
    October 16, 2017 - October 19, 2017
    Centrale Nantes offers tailor-made training courses in partnership with Pôle Atlantique Executive Education. Sign up now for the three-day BIM (Building Information Modeling) Project Management Training starting on 16 October. Open to engineers, architects, construction or local authority personnel.
  • Marine Renewable Energy Training Programme, October 2017
    October 16, 2017 - October 20, 2017
    The Marine Renewable Energy Research Group is organizing a training programme on marine renewable energies from Monday 16 to Friday 20 October in Nantes.
  • A floating wind turbine tested in the Hydrodynamic and Ocean Engineering Tank
    October 16, 2017 - October 27, 2017
    Within the framework of transnational access of the Marinet2 European project, Centrale Nantes facilities hosted a team from Rostock University to test a new concept of floating wind turbine.
  • 5th win in a row for Centrale Nantes in the InterCentrales
    October 15, 2017
    Centrale Nantes wins the InterCentrales competition for the fifth year running. Congratulations to all the teams and especially our Nantes sports men and women!
  • Guest Professor at Centrale Nantes: Prof. PETAR MINEV
    October 14, 2017 - December 14, 2017
    Prof PETAR MINEV, Director of the Applied Mathematics Institute, University of Alberta, Canada, is at Centrale Nantes from 14 October 2017 to 14 December 2017. He was invited by Thierry Coupez, member of faculty in the High Performance Computing Institute.
  • Inauguration of Floatgen, the first offshore wind turbine in France, on Friday 13 October
    October 13, 2017
    Ideol, Centrale Nantes and Bouygues Travaux Publics will inaugurate Floatgen, the first offshore wind turbine in France. This historical occasion marks the starting point for a new national industry.
  • Aeronautics students at the Ancenis aerodrome
    October 12, 2017
    The students of the Aeronautics specialisation visited the Ancenis aerodrome on Thursday 12th October, where they saw some of the notions covered on their course in operation.
  • PhD Defense - Laetitia COURET - ED SPI
    October 9, 2017
    "Fractionation of wood waste by chemical or enzymatic process for the production of biosourced materials".
  • Centrale Nantes - to co-organise the next International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
    October 9, 2017 - October 13, 2017
    Centrale Nantes - AAU and INRIA Rennes are co-organising the next IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). It will be held at the Cité des Congrès in Nantes from 9th to 13th October 2017. Online registration is now available.
  • Real-time wave prediction, an experimental campaign at LHEEA’s wave tank
    October 2, 2017 - October 6, 2017
    Following the awarding of an ANR-ASTRID grant in 2015 for their project PreDeMo-Nav (Deterministic prediction of ship response) , researchers from LHEEA lab at Centrale Nantes are conducting an experimental campaign in the Ocean Engineering tank. The experimental setup aims at simulating remote measurements of wave in order to provide an experimental database for the tests and validations of several numerical models designed to predict wave evolution in real time.
  • Industrial Study Projects: the 2017 finalists' presentations on 2nd October
    October 2, 2017
    Each year, the first-year engineering students work in teams on an industrial study project alongside a company. The six best teams have been selected to present their projects on Monday 2nd October. The best two presentations will receive a prize. Good luck to the finalists!
  • FWP Atlantic Forum: an immersive experience at the heart of the floating wind energy sector
    October 2, 2017 - October 4, 2017
    The FWP (Floating Wind Power) Atlantic Forum, an international event dedicated to the industrial development of floating wind energy, will take place from 2 to 4 October 2017 in Saint-Nazaire and Lorient. The FWP Atlantic Forum is a professional event by and for industry, organized by the Pays de la Loire and Brittany Regions, both hubs for marine renewable energies (MREs).
  • PhD defense - Yoann ROBERT - ED SPI
    September 29, 2017
    "Numerical simulations and modeling of unsteady three-dimensional surface free flows. Application to the boat-rowing-rower system".
  • PhD defense - Benjamin GENDRON - ED SPI
    September 29, 2017
    "Hydrodynamic modeling and optimization of an electro-active wave energy convertor".
  • Accreditation to supervise research: Grégory LEGRAIN Defense
    September 28, 2017
    Grégory LEGRAIN, Lecturer and researcher in the GeM (Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering) in the Modelling and Simulation research group, will present his defense for his 'habilitation à diriger des recherches' - HDR (accreditation to supervise research) on Thursday 28 September.
  • PhD defense - Houssein NASSER EL DINE - ED MathSTIC
    September 26, 2017
    "Mathematical and numerical study for the Darcy-Brinkman model for diphasic flows in porous media."
  • Introduction to BIM - Pôle Atlantique Executive Training Day
    September 26, 2017
    Centrale Nantes offers tailor-made training courses in partnership with Pôle Atlantique Executive Education. Sign up now for an introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) on 26 September. Open to engineers, architects, construction or local authority personnel.
  • PhD defense - Yacine BOUALLOUCHE - ED SPI
    September 25, 2017
    "Meta-model and methodological framework for the engineering of an extended organization. Application to extended administration".
  • PhD defense Bisam AL-HAFIZ - ED SPI
    September 25, 2017
    Contribution to the Study of the Impact of Building Materials on the Urban Heat Island and the Energy Demand of Buildings
  • PhD defense: Hanna SARA - ED SPIGA
    September 20, 2017
    "Study and valorisation of new thermal management systems of an automotive powertrain"
  • Centrale Nantes Supercomputer at the 'Salon de la Data'
    September 19, 2017
    The Centrale Nantes supercomputer team will tell you all about this powerful machine installed on the school’s campus on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at the Salon de la Data (Data Fair), the flagship event of Nantes Digital Week.
  • Guest Professor at Centrale Nantes: Prof. Suresh Gopaldas ADVANI
    September 13, 2017
    Suresh Gopaldas ADVANI, George W. Laird Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delware, is at Centrale Nantes from 13 September 2017 to 7 June 2018 (except 1st January to 1st March 2018). He was invited by Christophe Binetruy, member of faculty in the Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (GeM).
  • Degree apprenticeships at Centrale Nantes: get ready!
    September 12, 2017 - October 5, 2017
    Are you interested in a degree apprenticeship? The school's industrial partners (Renault, Michelin, Orange, Faurecia, and others) have numerous openings for apprenticeship contracts for the 2017/18 academic year. Four events have been organised for you to get all the information you need to apply. Don’t miss out!
  • Electric future: the startup Geps Techno finalist in the EDF Pulse Awards 2017, vote now!
    September 7, 2017
    GEPS TECHNO, a local start-up specializing in the development of MRE (marine renewable energy) technologies, is among the 12 start-up finalists of the EDF Pulse Awards. Centrale Nantes is working with this startup within the framework of the Foresea project and to support its bid we invite you to vote up until 8 September for its project as part of the Public Award.
  • The Floatgen floating platform was successfully launched
    September 7, 2017
    The construction phase of the concrete floating foundation designed by Ideol and built by Bouygues Travaux Publics has taken a major step forward with its floatation in the Louis Joubert Lock at Saint-Nazaire.
  • Welcome to our new students
    September 1, 2017
    The school is pleased to welcome the new intake of students on the engineering and master's programmes for this academic year. New to Centrale Nantes? Read on for the welcome programme.
  • Two PhD students receive an award at the 10th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers
    September 1, 2017
    Congratulations to Marie Dalémat and Thomas Balutch, who received first and second best poster awards at the 10th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers (ECCMR), which was held in Munich from 29 to 31 August 2017.
  • Directorship of Centrale Nantes
    August 30, 2017
    Professor Arnaud Poitou, who has served as Director of Centrale Nantes since 2012, will not be reappointed to the post on 1 September 2017. Mr Armel de la Bourdonnaye will be appointed as provisional administrator from that date.
  • Manufacturing: Florent Laroche named an "associate member" of CIRP
    August 28, 2017
    Florent Laroche, lecturer and researcher at Centrale Nantes, has joined a prestigious circle of around 600 international manufacturing academics by becoming an associate member of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering).
  • A look back at PHYSMOD - International Conference on Atmospheric Flows
    August 28, 2017
    Centrale Nantes hosted PHYSMOD for the first time this summer (Workshop on PHYSical MODdeling of flow and dispersion phenomena), a biennial international conference bringing together international experts and young researchers on wind tunnel modelling of atmospheric flows.
  • PHYSMOD at Centrale Nantes 23-25 August 2017
    August 23, 2017 - August 25, 2017
    Workshop on PHYSical MODeling of flow and dispersion phenomena.
  • Centrale Nantes completes the installation of Floatgen floating wind turbine anchoring system
    July 27, 2017
    The positioning of the Floatgen mooring system off Le Croisic marks an important step in the progress of this project and paves the way for the installation of the first offshore wind turbine in France.
  • The EMARO Master Program is launching EMARO Days
    July 17, 2017 - July 21, 2017
    In order to preserve this success of EMARO (European Master on Advanced RObotics) Master progam, the whole EMARO community will come together for the EMARO Days from the 17th to the 21st of July, in Genoa, Italy: current students, alumni, academic staff, local coordinators, EMARO project managers.
  • Hermine Tertrais - Student Oral Presentation Winner at the 51st Microwave Power Symposium
    July 17, 2017
    Hermine TERTRAIS, PhD student at Centrale Nantes in the GeM - Institute for Research in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 51st International Microwave Power Institute (IMPI) Symposium held in Miami, from 20 to 22 June 2017.
  • Upcoming thesis defense - Mathieu IMBERT - ED SPIGA
    July 13, 2017
    "High speed reactive RTM with on-line mixing in dual-scale fibrous reinforcements : experimental and numerical developments and investigations".
  • MaRINET2 awards €1.3m to develop the next-generation of offshore renewables
    July 7, 2017
    The MaRINET2 project has awarded €1.3m to 34 technology development teams through a competitive call for proposals. This support will accelerate the next generation of offshore renewable energy technologies towards the marketplace by providing technology testing at MaRINET2’s network of world-leading testing facilities.
  • AKRYVIA - Centrale Nantes start-up - winner of the I-lab 2017 competition
    July 7, 2017
    AKRYVIA, an innovative Nantes-based industrial start-up, incubated at Centrale Nantes, which is revolutionizing sheet metal work in the cutting machine industry, is the winner of the I-lab 2017 competition. The prizes were presented in Paris yesterday by Mrs Frédérique VIDAL, French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
  • Introduction to BIM - Pôle Atlantique Executive Training Day
    July 4, 2017
    Centrale Nantes offers tailor-made training courses in partnership with Pôle Atlantique Executive Education. Sign up now for an introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) on 4 July. Open to engineers, architects, construction or local authority personnel.
  • FORESEA opens third call for offshore renewable energy technologies
    June 30, 2017
    The FORESEA (Funding Ocean Renewable Energy through Strategic European Action) programme opened its third call for support package applications today. Support packages will help commercialise offshore renewable energy technologies by giving free access to FORESEA’s network of test sites. The call is open to technologies ready to deploy complete testing before 2019. The call is open until 29 September 2017. The sea test site of Centrale Nantes SEM-REV is one of the FORESEA test center.
  • Boris Horel, a Centrale Nantes PhD student, wins the Admiral Daveluy international thesis award
    June 20, 2017
    Boris Horel, Phd student at Centrale Nantes in the LHEEA Laboratory from 2013 to 2016, receives the Admiral Daveluy thesis award, which is awarded for work in the naval and maritime fields.
  • A seminar on decoupling presented by Professor Kucera at Centrale Nantes
    June 20, 2017
    Professor Vladimir Kucera, internationally-renowned automation specialist from the Czech Technical University in Prague, will be presenting the results of his research on decoupling at a seminar on 20 June at Centrale Nantes.
  • Guest Professor at Centrale Nantes: Yuri Shtessel from the University of Alabama, USA
    June 16, 2017 - June 30, 2017
    Professor Yuri SHTESSEL of the University of Alabama in the United States, will be at Centrale Nantes from 16 to 30 June. He was invited by Malek GHANES, of the LS2N Laboratory.
  • Centrale Nantes and the America's Cup: onboard software and an alumni in the French Team
    June 14, 2017
    The 35th edition of the America's Cup began at the end of May in Bermuda. The FINE ™ / Marine software from NUMECA Int. is being used by two of the challengers, Groupama Team France and Emirates Team New Zealand as well as by the holder of the title - Oracle Team USA. Centrale Nantes is also proud to count an alumni, Olivier Herledant, amongst the members of Team Groupama France.
  • A Centrale Nantes PhD student receives the "René Houpert" young researchers award
    May 29, 2017
    Anass Cherki El Idrissi received the 'René Houpert' young researchers award at the 'Rencontres Annuelles Universitaires de Génie Civil' organised this year by the Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering from 22 to 24 May in Nantes.
  • European Research Council: proof of concept grant awarded to two Centrale Nantes researchers
    May 24, 2017
    Having previously secured major ERC funding to undertake their research, Nicolas Moës (Dean of Research at Centrale Nantes) and researcher Gilles Marckmann have been awarded a grant of €150,000 to develop the industrial applications of their research.
  • RUGC17: Civil engineering tackling environmental challenges
    May 22, 2017 - May 24, 2017
    PhD students, post-docs, researchers, lecturers and engineers - join us in Nantes from 21 to 24 May 2017 for the 35th RUGC (Rencontres universitaires de Génie Civil de l’Association Universitaire de Génie Civil), organised by the GeM (Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Centrale Nantes & Nantes University).
  • Centrale Nantes is co-organising ICWAM 2017
    May 17, 2017 - May 19, 2017
    Centrale Nantes is co-organising with the Institut de Soudure Groupe the first edition of ICWAM, an international conference on welding, additive manufacturing and associated non-destructive testing from 17th to 19th May in Metz.
  • Floatgen - award-recipient at the "Trophées de la Transition énergétique 2017"
    May 16, 2017
    The Floatgen project for the first offshore wind turbine in France, which is soon to be completed in the Port of Saint-Nazaire, received the “prix Energies Renouvelables” (Renewable Energies Award) for the 2017 Trophées de la Transition Energétique (Energy Transition Trophy) organised by L'Usine Nouvelle during a ceremony on Tuesday 16 May in the presence of Jean Jouzel, climatologist and former vice-president of the IPCC.
  • Centrale Nantes to organise ECCOMAS Marine 2017
    May 15, 2017 - May 17, 2017
    As part of the 7th International Conference on Calculation Methods in Marine Engineering, Centrale Nantes is organizing ECCOMAS Marine 2017 in Nantes in May.
  • Sophie SAKKA appointed a Knight of the French National Order of Merit
    May 10, 2017
    Sophie Sakka, lecturer at Centrale Nantes, was appointed a Knight of the French National Order of Merit (Chevalier de l'Ordre national du mérite) at the beginning of May 2017. Congratulations to our outstanding researcher and president of the Robots! association.
  • Guest Professor at Centrale Nantes: Liang MA from Tsinghua University, China
    April 29, 2017 - June 25, 2017
    Liang MA, Professor, and former PhD student, at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, is at Centrale Nantes from 29 April to 25 June. He was invited by Damien CHABLAT, a member of faculty at the LS2N Laboratory.
  • Guest professor at Centrale Nantes: Otto LAPPI from Helsinki University, Finland
    April 3, 2017 - June 30, 2017
    Otto LAPPI, Professor at Helsinki University in Finland, is at Centrale Nantes from 3 April to 30 June. He was invited by Franck MARS, a member of faculty at the LS2N Laboratory.
  • Centrale Nantes hosts "Excellence Conversations" #3
    March 25, 2017
    For the third time, the "Excellence Conversations" will be held on the campus of Centrale Nantes on Saturday, March 25, in partnership with the Rectorate of Nantes. Najette Fellache will be the godmother of this third edition.
  • Careers workshop: "Start an entrepreneurial project"
    March 14, 2017
    The Careers Service is offering a workshop on entrepreneurship on 14th March, in the evening. Open to all Centrale Nantes graduates. Register now!
  • International Week 2017
    March 8, 2017 - March 16, 2017
    "The whole world is waiting for you in Nantes!" International Week returns to campus from 8 to 16 March. Films, refreshments, evening events, videoconferences, a photo competition... are all on the programme.
  • Centrale Nantes hosts Naval Group (formerly DCNS) and the National Defense University of Malaysia
    February 22, 2017
    Centrale Nantes hosted a Malaysian delegation from Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia and DCNS officials on its campus on 22 February. Objective: to develop a Naval Architecture Technology Master.
  • Edycem developing smart concrete with Centrale Nantes
    February 15, 2017
    Edycem has developed a smart concrete called Smartcem, in partnership with Centrale Nantes, as part of the "Innovative concrete for new applications" research chair.
  • 12 students from the University of Keio on a cultural stay in Centrale Nantes
    February 13, 2017 - March 25, 2017
    Centrale Nantes is hosting 12 students from the University of Keio - Tokyo (Japan) on campus for a cultural stay from 13 February to 25 March.
  • Folle journée de l'imagerie nantaise 2017
    February 7, 2017
    (Extraordinary day of imaging, 2017) Save the date! Centrale Nantes is one of the organisers and host of the second edition of the Folle journée de l'imagerie nantaise on 7th February 2017.
  • Centrale Nante’s myocontrolled bionic hand at the 2017 French National Day of Innovation in Health
    January 27, 2017 - January 29, 2017
    IRCCyN’s myocontrolled bionic hand will be one of the numerous innovations in health on display at the Cité des Sciences from the 27th to 29th January for the 2nd Day of Innovation in Health co-organised by the French Ministry for Social Affairs and Health and by Universciences.
  • Centrale Nantes, ENSTA ParisTech, Centrale Supelec & Ecole Polytechnique sign a partnership with Flinders University, Australia
    January 17, 2017
    A consortium of four French graduate engineering schools: Ecole Polytechnique, Centrale Supélec, Centrale Nantes and ENSTA ParisTech enter a defence partnership with Flinders University, Australia witnessed by Naval Group (formerly DCNS), the European leader in naval defence.
  • Presentation of the construction site for the first offshore wind turbine in France
    January 10, 2017
    Ideol, Centrale Nantes and Bouygues Travaux Publics present the construction site for the first offshore wind turbine in France.
  • Seminar of the professor Hubert Chanson, from Queensland University, Australia
    January 5, 2017
    During the visit of the professor Hubert Chanson, from Queensland University, Australia, he will give a conference about ‘Compression Waves and Positive Surges in Open Channels and Geophysical Applications: Tidal Bores and Tsunami Bores’.
  • Thesis Defence - January 2017 - Marie Cathelin
    January 4, 2017
    Marie CATHELIN: “Développement d’un modèle de simulation déterministe pour l’étude du couplage entre un écoulement atmosphérique et l’état de mer”.
  • A delegation from Zhejiang University, in China, on campus
    January 4, 2017
    A delegation from Zhejiang University (China) was present on the Centrale Nantes campus on 4th January.
  • The Nantes 1900 digital device receives an award
    January 4, 2017
    The Nantes-based digital initiative "Nantes 1900", to which Centrale Nantes contributed, has received a ‘Territoires innovants’ (Innovative areas) award from the Interconnectés Association.
Published on March 28, 2018 Updated on March 28, 2018