Centrale Nantes news - 2018

  • Centrale Nantes taking part in SAM: a new Erasmus + project on Additive Manufacturing skills
    December 31, 2018
    Centrale Nantes is a consortium member of SAM, an Erasmus + funded sector skills alliance programme which seeks to establish a platform for Additive Manufacturing skills at European, national and regional levels. The project commenced in January 2019 and involves the IS3P Research Group, LS2N Laboratory.
  • PhD Defense - Elaheh MALEKI - ED SPI
    December 21, 2018
    "Un modèle sémantique basé sur l'ingénierie des systèmes pour supporter le cycle de vie des systèmes "Produit-Service""
    (A semantic model based on systems engineering to support the life cycle of product-service systems)
  • I-MC - Centrale Nantes and CEA startup – recipient of two awards at the International Start up Seminar
    December 19, 2018
    The startup I-MC (Innovative Manufacturing & Controls), a CEA and Centrale Nantes spin-off, received an award in two categories at the International Start-up Seminar organized by SCS Cluster in Sophia-Antipolis on 19th December.
  • The 3rd Ecological Transition Morning on 18th December
    December 18, 2018
    The third edition of the 'Matinales de la Transition Écologique' (Ecological Transition Mornings) will take place on the Centrale Nantes campus (building S) and Nantes University Campus (lecture theatre A) on Tuesday 18th December. Read on to learn more about the conferences scheduled.
  • IHES Project Update: the WAVEGEM hybrid platform launched and inaugurated
    December 18, 2018
    The WAVEGEM hybrid platform, developed by Geps Techno and its partners within the framework of the IHES project, was launched in Saint Nazaire Port on 6th December 2018, and inaugurated and christened on 18 December 2018. It will be installed on the Centrale Nantes SEM-REV offshore test site in early 2019.
  • Good Practice Label for the Erasmus Mundus Master in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment (REM)
    December 13, 2018
    The Master in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment (REM), launched in September 2018, is recognised by the European Commission for its good practices.
  • Simulation & emergency ditching in the SARAH project
    December 12, 2018
    The SARAH research project, supported by several academic and industrial players in the aeronautics sector, focuses on emergency landing for helicopters and airplanes.
  • A Centrale Nantes student wins the Jury's special prize at the BTP#LAB hackathon
    December 12, 2018
    During the BTP # LAB hackathon held in Nancy on 6th and 7th December, a team featuring a Centrale Nantes student won the Jury's special prize with their Op'Them project.
  • First two PhDs completed - EDYCEM / Centrale Nantes Chair
    December 12, 2018
    The first two PhD theses stemming from the EDYCEM - Centrale Nantes Chair on 'Innovative Concrete for new Applications' were presented on 19th October.
  • PhD Defense - Fadoua TAIA-ALAOUI - ED MathSTIC
    December 10, 2018
    "Navigation des personnes au moyen des technologies des smartphones et des données d'environnement cartographié."
    (People Navigation Using Smartphone Technologies and Mapped Environment Data.)
  • Guest Professor at Centrale Nantes: Mohammed MATALLAH
    December 9, 2018 - December 21, 2018
    Professor Mohammed MATALLAH, of the University of Tlemcen, Algeria, will be present on the Centrale Nantes campus from 9 to 21 December.
  • PhD Defense - Vincent LEROY - ED SPI
    December 6, 2018
    Aérodynamique instationnaire pour l'analyse de la tenue à la mer des éoliennes flottantes.
    (Unsteady aerodynamics for the analysis of the seaworthiness of floating wind turbines).
  • FLOATGEN Project: Winner of the “Etoiles de l’Europe” 2018 trophy
    December 5, 2018
    The Floatgen project, the first offshore wind turbine in France installed on the Centrale Nantes SEM-REV test site, received the "Etoiles de l’Europe" trophy on 5th December from Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The aim of this trophy is to highlight the French teams that have chosen Europe to develop their research and open up to innovation.
  • Centrale Nantes ranked in the top 200 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019 by Subject: Engineering and Technology
    November 29, 2018
    Centrale Nantes makes its entrance today into the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) Engineering & Technology Ranking – ranked 4th amongst the best French universities and in the 176-200 worldwide grouping for this subject.
  • Thales PhD Prize 2018 awarded to Yann Briheche, Centrale Nantes PhD graduate
    November 29, 2018
    Yann Briheche, a PhD graduate from Centrale Nantes and LS2N, received the Thales PhD Prize 2018 on 29th November for his thesis on "Optimization of search patterns for fixed-panel tridimensional scanning radars".
  • Third edition of the “Citylab Alliance” Hackathon: “Health and well-being: are cities healthy places?”
    November 20, 2018 - November 23, 2018
    Following the highly successful first two editions, the "Citylab Hackathon" returns to Nantes, from 20 to 23 November. The third edition of Citylab will bring together nearly 100 students of the Alliance Centrale - Audencia - Ensa Nantes, who will try to imagine solutions to the problems proposed by nine partner companies.
  • The SARAH research project at CENTRALE NANTES on emergency ditching
    November 19, 2018
    The SARAH research project, funded by the European Union, focuses on emergency ditching for helicopters and airplanes.
  • THeoREM, MaRINET2 project partner
    October 31, 2018
    MaRINET2 (Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network) is an initiative funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020 program)
  • Marie Robert wins the Académie de Marine thesis prize for her PhD at Centrale Nantes
    October 30, 2018
    Marie Robert has been awarded the Académie de Marine thesis prize. She conducted her thesis on "Numerical modelling of the hydro-elastic behavior of vessels in nonlinear waves" from 2014 to 2017 at Centrale Nantes, in the LHEEA (Laboratory of Hydrodynamics, Energetics and Atmospheric Environment).
  • SCAN 2018: The 8th Seminar on Digital Architectural Design
    October 24, 2018 - October 26, 2018
    Organized by the Urban Architecture Nantes Research Centre (AAU) under the aegis of ARCAN*, the 8th edition of SCAN'18* will take place on our partner Ensa Nantes's premises on 25 and 26 October 2018. On the programme: immersion-emersion and its contributions to the design of architectural and urban projects. You can submit your articles or posters up until January 15th.

  • SCAN’18 Seminar held in Nantes
    October 24, 2018 - October 26, 2018
    SCAN'18 is an urban architectural design seminar, during which the Urban Architecture Nantes Research Centre (AAU) hosted Tomas DORTA, a researcher from Montreal. Tomas DORTA works with CRENAU the Nantes-based AAU team.
  • IHES Prototype: assembly underway prior to installation on the SEM-REV site
    October 19, 2018
    The second large prototype to be installed on the Centrale Nantes offshore test site, SEM-REV, is currently being assembled in the Port of Saint Nazaire.
  • Open day 2018: Saturday 13 October on campus!
    October 13, 2018
    Centrale Nantes is taking part again in the annual "Fête de la Science" (National Science Fair) and will be opening its doors to you. Calling all science amateurs and enthusiasts, prospective students or just the curious to come discover our laboratories and teaching platforms, student projects etc. Doors open from 2 pm to 6 pm on Saturday 13 October 2018.
    October 1, 2018
    The RESOURCECODE project, funded by Ocean Energy Era-Net Cofund, was launched to support investment and growth in the wave and tidal energy sector through the creation of an integrated marine data toolbox.
  • Centrale Nantes makes its entry into the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings
    September 26, 2018
    Centrale Nantes has joined the 401-500 grouping of the world’s top universities in the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019, which are published today.
  • Two LHEEA projects are award-winners in the 'Trophées de l’Innovation Océan'®
    September 25, 2018
    Two research projects underway in the LHEEA Laboratory - FRAWIND and ePenon – were selected in the first round of the ‘Trophées de l’Innovation Océan’®. The 2 projects are among the 7 winners in the final round.
  • Centrale Nantes hosts the third foresea test on its offshore test site
    September 25, 2018
    On 4 and 5 August, FMGC installed the cast iron shells (IBOCS) - developed to ballast subsea electrical cables - at a depth of 30 metres on the Centrale Nantes SEM-REV offshore test site.
  • France’s first offshore wind turbine produces electricity on the Centrale Nantes offshore test site
    September 19, 2018
    Floating wind turbine Floatgen, the first offshore wind turbine installed off the French coast, exported its first kWh to the electricity grid.
  • Hydrocontest: 3 podium finishes and 2 awards!
    September 17, 2018
    Congratulations to the Centrale Nantes - ENSA Hydroproject Team, composed of students from both schools, who took part in the 2018 Hydrocontest, which brought together 28 teams for three competitions. The team distinguished itself by finishing on the podium in each competition and winning two awards, including the Energy Observer award!
  • 'Trophées de la construction 2018' - award for EDYCEM's connected concrete, developed in collaboration with Centrale Nantes
    September 13, 2018
    The research collaboration between EDYCEM BPE and Centrale Nantes - within the framework of the "Innovative Concrete for New Applications" Industrial Chair - has led to an award for EDYCEM's SMARTCEM®, connected concrete in the 'Trophées de la Construction 2018' (Construction Awards).
  • FWP technical visit of the SEM-REV site
    September 13, 2018
    The third annual Floating Wind Power (FWP) Atlantic Forum, sponsored by its institutional partners - Brittany and the Pays de la Loire region– will be held from 19 to 21 September 2018.Centrale Nantes is co-organising the forum's technical visits, since the morning of the 21st September is set aside for a visit onboard ship of the Centrale Nantes SEM-REV offshore test site.
  • Centrale Nantes takes a stake in InVirtus
    September 10, 2018
    InVirtus Technologies is a specialist in geolocation and asset tracking solutions, particularly for the manufacturing, construction, logistics and health sectors. The start-up is at the cutting edge of Industry 4.0: it stands out for its ease of deployment, its platform and its web applications offering operational staff and managers functionalities and business alerts, guaranteeing the optimization of active equipment, and a return on investment (ROI) in less than 6 months.
  • 3D measurements of blood flow and biomarker calculation: hydrodynamic testing and health at Centrale Nantes
    September 6, 2018
    Trials are currently underway at Centrale Nantes as part of Marco Castagna's thesis at LHEEA (Centrale Nantes / CNRS) in collaboration with the 'Institut du Thorax' (CHU / INSERM / CNRS / University of Nantes). This thesis aims to set up a test bench for the validation of blood flow measured in patients using new MRI techniques, called "4D flow MRI ", and super-resolution algorithms used to improve these MRI measurements.
  • Centrale Nantes and Pôle Emploi launch the 4th edition of the "Web Developer" training programme
    September 4, 2018
    On 4 September, Centrale Nantes and Pôle Emploi (Employment Centre), in partnership with Fafiec, welcomed 12 jobseekers for a training programme in web development, with the participation of three key players in the region's digital sector: Capgemini, ASI and Bodet Software.
  • A new Horizon 2020 project for the LHEEA: GRRIP
    July 13, 2018
    The GRRIP project was accepted in early July. Centrale Nantes, via the LHEEA, is one of the project members.
  • National Science Fair 2018: Florent Laroche regional ambassador
    July 4, 2018
    The annual "Fête de la Science" (National Science Fair) will be held in October and November. New for this 2018 edition: a national committee of 17 ambassadors has been formed, one of whom is Centrale Nantes lecturer, Florent Laroche.
  • Summer School - C Week UP 2018 "Create differently" 3 & 4 July 2018
    July 3, 2018 - July 4, 2018
    For the first edition of its C Week UP summer school, Centrale Nantes offers executives and entrepreneurs the opportunity to take a step back from and rethink their business and practices to "create differently". The summer school will be held on 3 & 4 July, 2018 in Nantes.
  • PhD Defense - Adrien VERHULST - ED SPI
    July 2, 2018
    "Étude de faisabilité d'études consommateurs d'achat de fruits et légumes moches dans un supermarché virtuel."
    (Feasibility study of consumer research on the purchase of ugly fruit and vegetables in a virtual supermarket)
  • PhD Defense - Jiuchun GAO - ED SPI
    June 29, 2018
    "Optimal Motion Planning in Redundant Robotic Systems for Automated Composte Lay-up process."
  • Guest Professor at Centrale Nantes: Eric Savory
    June 28, 2018
    Eric Savory, Associate Professor of Fluid Mechanics at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, was invited by Laurent Perret of the LHEEA (Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment) at Centrale Nantes. He will be on campus from 23 June to 2 July.
  • SEM-REV - our offshore test site ready to supply its first kWhs to the French electrical grid
    June 28, 2018
    Our team has worked 24/7 with Mojo Maritime France for the last week on the SEM-REV offshore test site off the coast from Le Croisic. The goal was to replace a defective connection box which was preventing electrical connection to marine energy (wind and wave) converters.
  • PhD Defense - Matthieu QUANTIN - ED SPI
    June 27, 2018
    "Proposition de chaînage des connaissances historiques et patrimoniales - Approche multi-échelles et multi-critères de corpus textuels."
    Proposal for chaining historical and heritage knowledge - multiscale and multi-criteria approach to textual data.
  • PhD Defense - Thanh Nghi NGO - ED SPI
    June 27, 2018
    "Une approche PLM pour supporter les collaborations et le partage des connaissances dans le secteur médical : application aux processus de soins par implantation de prothèses."
    (A PLM approach to support collaboration and knowledge sharing in the medical sector: application to treatment by prosthesis implant.)
  • One of our students is taking part in the Hop! Young Pilots Tour
    June 27, 2018
    Constance PETER, second-year engineering programme student at Centrale Nantes and holder of a private pilots licence, is taking part in the French Aeronautics Federation's HOP! Young Pilots Tour 2018, which gets off the ground from Chartres on 15th July.
  • David Le Touzé receives the Joe Monaghan prize for the second time
    June 27, 2018
    On 27 June, David Le Touzé, Centrale Nantes Professor and LHEEA researcher, received the Joe Monaghan prize, for the second time running, alongside his Italian co-authors from INSEAN, a research institute of the CNR (National Research Council of Italy).
  • PhD Defense - Patrick PLOÉ - ED SPI
    June 26, 2018
    "Surrogate-based opimization of hydrofoil shapes using RANS simulations."
  • CRIEC 2018: Inter-Ecoles Centrale Research Symposium
    June 25, 2018 - June 28, 2018
    CRIEC - Inter-Ecoles Centrale Research Symposium, involves young researchers from the Ecoles Centrale group (Centrale Marseille, Centrale Lyon, Centrale Nantes, Centrale Lille and Centrale Supélec) and related laboratories. This year, Centrale Nantes will play host to the event - the 24th edition - from 25 to 28 June 2018. It is organised by PhD students with support from the Research Department at Centrale Nantes.
  • Students try out wheelchair handball
    June 25, 2018
    The BDS (Student Sports Association), with the support of the Centrale Nantes Sports Association, organized a wheelchair handball outing for about twenty students. Aliette told us all about the experience.
  • CRIEC - Inter-Ecoles Centrale Research Symposium: thesis prize awarded to Coralie THIEULIN
    June 25, 2018
    Centrale Nantes is playing host to the 24th edition of the Inter-Ecoles Centrale Research Symposium (CRIEC) for the week commencing Monday 25th June 2018. The four-day event gives 100 PhD students from the five Ecoles Centrale, (Centrale Supélec, Centrale Lyon, Centrale Nantes, Centrale Lille and Centrale Marseille), the opportunity to exchange views and present their research work during plenary sessions and oral presentations dealing with topics ranging from additive manufacturing, to marine renewable energies, or robotics etc.
  • PhD Defense Mas SANTOSO - ED SPI
    June 22, 2018
    "Simulation d'écoulement fluide à partir de données réelles."
    Fluid flow simulation using real data.
  • Naval Group and Centrale Nantes printing tomorrow’s propellers
    June 22, 2018
    Naval Group and Centrale Nantes have printed the first full-scale propeller blade demonstrator for military applications using additive manufacturing. Within the framework of the Joint Laboratory of Marine Technology* launched in 2016, Naval Group and Centrale Nantes teams have printed a large geometrically complex propeller blade weighing over 300 kg. Mastering the production process for large parts paves the way for the manufacture of more geometrically complex propellers.
  • LOC Group enhances its wind farm design offering through the acquisition of INNOSEA, a Centrale Nantes spin-off
    June 21, 2018
    LOC Renewables, a part of LOC Group, the leading international marine and engineering consultancy, has announced it has acquired a 70% stake in INNOSEA, a marine energy engineering company. The acquisition will see LOC Group build out its planning and design services to the offshore wind industry.
  • Our sailing team are French University Match-Racing Vice-champions
    June 19, 2018
    A mixed-year group Centrale Nantes crew travelled across France for the weekend of 16-17 June to compete in the France Match-Racing University championship in Antibes against 7 other crews. A close match and suspense right up to the finish line, for this final student regatta of the year.
  • Executive Education: learn more about the "Embedded Interface Developer" Programme
    June 18, 2018
    Centrale Nantes is extending its executive education offering with the "Embedded Interface Developer" programme in partnership with WIZTIVI, EXTERNATIC, the Employment Centre & FAFIEC. If you are a job seeker and interested in this career, there will be an information meeting on campus at 9 am on Monday 18 June.
  • Centrale Nantes at OMAE
    June 17, 2018 - June 21, 2018
    A large delegation from Centrale Nantes took part as usual in this year's International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering in Madrid.
  • Phd Defense - Bogdan KHOMUTENKO - ED MathSTIC
    June 15, 2018
    "Contribution à la perception visuelle basée caméras grand angle pour la robotique mobile et les véhicules autonomes".
    (Contribution to visual perception based on wide angle cameras for mobile robotics and autonomous vehicles)
  • Another successful outing for the rowing team
    June 13, 2018
    Another excellent performance from the Nantes rowers at the French Rowing Federation Championships in Libourne on 9/10 June 2018.
  • Food redistribution and waste recycling at CIRP Design 2018
    June 13, 2018
    The CIRP Design conference organized in May by Centrale Nantes and the LS2N brought together a hundred participants from around the world. Several contracts were signed with the event caterer to recycle waste and redistribute surplus food.
  • Seanergy/ICOE 2018
    June 12, 2018 - June 14, 2018
    ICOE and SEANERGY team up in 2018 to hold the world's biggest event in Marine Energies in Cherbourg, Normandy – France, from 12 to 14 June.
  • Centrale Nantes appoints it first Adjunct Professor: Professor Suresh G. Advani, University of Delaware, USA
    June 11, 2018
    A pioneer in the field of upstream and applied research on composite materials in the USA, Prof. Suresh G. Advani is a leading scientist of international stature in this field. A ceremony was held today at Centrale Nantes to mark his appointment as adjunct professor.
  • Guest professor at Centrale Nantes: Dr. Grégory Payne
    June 4, 2018 - July 27, 2018
    Dr Grégory Payne, Chancellor's Fellow at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, will be at Centrale Nantes from 4 June to 27 July. He was invited by Aurélien Babarit, member of faculty in the Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA).
  • Marine Energy Alliance
    June 1, 2018
    The Marine Energy Alliance aims to progress the combined technical and commercial maturity level of 40 SMEs by delivering a suite of bespoke integrated technical and commercial services.
  • Scientific study days: "Digital technology - a tool for studying heritage value"
    May 31, 2018 - June 1, 2018
    Florent LAROCHE, Associate Professor at Centrale Nantes and member of the Laboratory of Numerical Sciences of Nantes (LS2N), is organizing scientific study days dedicated to digital technology as a tool for studying heritage value. Over 20 papers will demonstrate digital practices for the study of heritage value: capitalise, analyze and enhance.
  • PhD Defense - Yrvann EMZIVAT - ED MathSTIC
    May 30, 2018
    "Architecture d'un organe de survie pour la conception de véhicules autonomes agiles et sûrs".
    (Safety System Architecture for the Design of Dependable and Adaptable Autonomous Vehicles)
  • Pedro Veras Guimarães, a Centrale Nantes PhD student, wins the Admiral Daveluy international thesis award
    May 28, 2018
    Pedro Veras Guimarães, Phd student at Centrale Nantes in the LHEEA Laboratory from 2014 to 2018, receives the Admiral Daveluy thesis award, which is awarded for work in the naval and maritime fields.
  • Alliance Teaching Workshop 2018
    May 25, 2018
    A teaching workshop and innovation forum will be organised by the 'Groupe de Réflexion sur l’Innovation Pédagogique' - GRIP (Innovation in Teaching Work Group) on Friday 25 May on the campuses of Centrale Nantes and Audencia Business School. Open to all Centrale, Audencia and Ensa teaching staff.
  • Open day for Marine Renewable Energies
    May 25, 2018
    The ocean test facilities of Centrale Nantes will be open to the public on Friday 25 May as part of the Renewable Energy Days.
  • PhD Defense - Penghuan LIU - ED MathSTIC
    May 25, 2018
    "Statistical and numerical optimization for speckle blind structured illumination microscopy".
  • The Colas Group and Centrale Nantes strengthen their partnership around public works careers
    May 25, 2018
    Bertrand Alessandrini, Director of Development and Corporate Partnerships at Centrale Nantes, and Alain Monnier, Employer Brand and Talent Development Director at Colas Group, signed a new two-year partnership agreement on 24th May.
  • Centrale Nantes at the French University Rowing Championships
    May 22, 2018
    16 rowers from Centrale Nantes Rowing Club represented the school this weekend at the French University Rowing Championships in Mâcon.
  • Stellantis and Centrale Nantes working together on digital simulation
    May 17, 2018
    Stellantis (formerly Groupe PSA) and Centrale Nantes launch a €4-million R&D programme on digital simulation techniques for powertrain design. The programme aims to bring low-emission vehicles to market faster.
  • Sign up for the workshop: "Which energies for tomorrow's events?'
    May 16, 2018
    You are invited to discover a Centrale Nantes student project at the Misery Quarry as part of the "Complètement Nantes" event. The students conducted a survey of best practices in France on energy transition for events (festivals, sports competitions, school social events, garage sales etc) as part of an industrial studies project. See you there on the afternoon of Wednesday 16 May!
  • Centrale Nantes, Ecole navale and ENSM launch a Mastère Spécialisé “Life Cycle Assessment of Ship”: MS LICAS
    May 14, 2018
    From October 2018 and as part of their collaboration in research and training, Centrale Nantes, Ecole navale and ENSM will offer an advanced master in an emerging field - ship life cycles - the Mastère Spécialisé "Life Cycle Assessment of Ship” (MS LICAS).
  • Nantes plays host to the best student rowing in Europe
    May 5, 2018 - May 6, 2018
    The best rowing teams from European universities and 'grandes écoles', including Centrale Nantes, will gather in Nantes on 5 and 6 May.
  • 4th edition of the Web Developer programme
    May 4, 2018 - June 30, 2018
    Centrale Nantes Executive Education, in partnership with Pôle Emploi (Employment Centre) and Fafiec, is launching the 4th edition of its "Web Developer" programme. The training course enables the dozen participants selected to acquire and develop technical and cross-functional skills to work in web development, systems architecture and development.
  • Floatgen, the first French offshore wind turbine, is being installed on Centrale Nantes' SEM-REV site
    April 30, 2018
    After two years of construction in Saint-Nazaire port, the floating wind turbine is now fully operational and will be towed and moored at the Centrale Nantes' offshore test site. SEM-REV, which is located 20 km off the coast from Le Croisic, is the first site French multi-technology offshore test site connected to the power grid.This project is supported by an original consortium bringing together a start-up - Ideol, a large group - Bouygues Construction and an engineering school and its research laboratories - Centrale Nantes.
  • AKRYVIA nominated for the World Materials Forum Start-up Challenge
    April 29, 2018
    AKRYVIA has been nominated, among competitors from several continents, for the start-up challenge of the World Materials Forum, which will take place at the end of June in Nancy.
  • Nicolas MOËS appointed senior member of the 'Institut Universitaire de France'
    April 26, 2018
    Centrale Nantes Professor Nicolas MOËS was appointed a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France on 1 October 2018, for a period of five years.
  • Additive manufacturing: PhD student Tugdual LE NEEL receives the Dick Aubin Distinguished Paper Award in the United States
    April 24, 2018
    Congratulations to the PhD student Tugdual LE NÉEL who, accompanied by Jean-Yves Hascoët, his thesis supervisor, and Pascal Mognol, co-thesis supervisor, received the Dick Aubin Distinguished Paper Award at the Rapid & TCT Conference on 23rd April 23rd in Texas. The jury considered his work on the combination of different materials to create a very promising binder injection mold to address some of the current challenges in traditional sand casting.
  • Andrea DI MASCIO invited to Centrale Nantes
    April 23, 2018 - April 27, 2018
    Andrea DI MASCIO, Senior Researcher at IAC-CNR (Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), Rome, has been invited by David LE TOUZÉ, LHEEA Professor, H2i Teamfrom 23 to 27 April 2018.
  • Centrale Nantes welcomes 'Acoustics of the SEA' - the first project selected by the FORESEA programme - to its offshore test site.
    April 19, 2018
    On Thursday 12 April, Centrale Nantes installed a demonstrator, which aims to characterize underwater ambient noise, on its offshore test site, SEM-REV. This is part of the Acoustics of the SEA (SEAc) project developed by Nereis Environnement.
  • Phd Student Erwan GRELIER receives a prize for his research
    April 19, 2018
    On 22 March, Erwan GRELIER, PhD student at Centrale Nantes, was awarded the doctoral student prize of the Mascot-Num research network for the presentation of his work on "Statistical learning in tree-based tensor format".
  • A world first in additive manufacturing
    April 19, 2018
    STELIA Aerospace & Centrale Nantes have embarked on large-scale 3D metal printing of self-reinforced metallic fuselage panels.
  • Aurélien Babarit, research engineer at Centrale Nantes, publishes a book on wave energy conversion
    April 17, 2018
    Aurélien Babarit, research engineer at Centrale Nantes in the LHEEA, has just had published his book entitled "Ocean Wave Energy Conversion: Resource, Technologies and Performance".
  • Conference: "The role science plays in preparing for the Olympics"
    April 16, 2018
    Olympic rowing champion, Jérémie Azou, and his coach, Alexis BESANÇON, will visit the campus to give a lecture on the role science plays in preparing for the Olympics. An unprecedented event - not to be missed - organized as part of the new "Scientific Challenge 2024" specialisation.
  • PhD defense - Charles SPRAUL - ED SPI
    April 12, 2018
    "Suivi de la durée de vie des ombilicaux dynamiques pour l'éolien flottant."
    Monitoring the lifespan of dynamic umbilicals for floating wind turbines.
  • PhD defense - Kubat NARYNBEK ULU - ED SPI
    April 6, 2018
    "Fatique of HNBR - effects of formulation and thermal aging."
  • A successful edition of the 'Entretiens de l’Excellence' on Saturday 24 March: over 600 people present on the Centrale Nantes campus
    March 26, 2018
    Last Saturday, Centrale Nantes hosted the 4th edition of the 'Entretiens de l'Excellence' whose goal is to restore equality of opportunity by giving all young people, whatever their origin, the desire to pursue their dreams and build their ambitions.
  • Centrale Nantes 9th in the student world ski cup
    March 26, 2018
    Congratulations to our 6 brave students who finished 9th out of 30 at the 2018 Altigliss student world ski cup.
  • 4th FORESEA call for projects: 2 two new projects selected for testing on SEM-REV
    March 23, 2018
    Three Marine Renewable Energy developers will be supported by FORESEA as part of the its 4th call, which is open until June 29, 2018.
  • PhD defense - Jiangxin LIU - ED SPI
    March 22, 2018
    "Étude numérique de la localisation des déformations en géotechnique dans le cadre de la théorie micropolaire."
    (Numerical study of the localization of geotechnical deformations within the framework of micropolar theory)
  • Closing ceremony for BRIO 2018
    March 22, 2018
    In order to mark the end of the BRIO 2018 programme, an evening event organized and run by the tutors will be held on Thursday 22 March on the Centrale Nantes campus.
  • Connected Home for Healthcare: end-of-year event
    March 21, 2018
    The 14 students of the project specialisation in "Connected Home for Healthcare" invite you to their end-of-year event on campus on 21 March 2018 to present their work with Nantes University Hospital. You will be able to discover their two demonstrators - physical and numerical - and attend a conference on artificial intelligence in health.
  • Company event: One day at Centrale Nantes
    March 20, 2018
    You are a company interested in recruiting Centrale Nantes interns or young graduates? Come along to campus on 20 March for the "One day at Centrale Nantes".
  • International Week 2018
    March 18, 2018 - March 23, 2018
    ACCENTS association invites students and staff to take part in the 2018 edition of International Week from Sunday 18 March to Friday 23 March.
  • Scientific co-operation agreements signed during Emmanuel Macron's visit to India
    March 16, 2018
    Centrale Nantes signed, alongside the CNRS, an agreement with the Indian Institute of Technology Madras during President Emmanuel Macron's visit to India and in the presence of Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The CNRS signed a total of three scientific cooperation agreements with its Indian partners.
  • Alliance Week 2018
    March 14, 2018 - March 16, 2018
    Students from the three schools of the Centrale - Audencia - Ensa Nantes Alliance will meet from 14 to 16 March, to consider new themes as part of the second edition of Alliance Week. 1000 students will come together for three days across 23 workshops to work on original projects in mixed teams of engineering business and architecture students.
  • Créa'danse returns for its 13th edition on 14 March!
    March 14, 2018
    Créa'Danse is back for its 13th edition. It is an inter-school dance choreography competition in Nantes, an opportunity for Centrale students to attend a unique cultural event and to bring different schools together around the same project. The student troops come from the following schools: Enta, ESIGELEC, Oniris Véto, IMT, INSA Lyon, EFREI and, of course, Centrale Nantes.
  • 5th edition of the 3X3 "BUZZER BEATER CENTRALE by GRDF" basketball tournament
    March 14, 2018
    The school gymnasium opens its doors from 7pm to midnight on Wednesday 14 March to host the 5th edition of the 3X3 student basketball tournament. Dubbed "BUZZER BEATER CENTRALE by GRDF" this year, it is a one-of-a-kind event in the Nantes area.
  • My Thesis in 180 seconds: Centrale Nantes PhD student in the inter-regional final
    March 13, 2018
    Antoine Soulier, PhD student in the LHEEA (Centrale Nantes/CNRS), has been selected to participate in the inter-regional final of the 'My Thesis in 180 seconds' competition.
  • The season gets off to a great start for Centrale Nantes Rowing
    March 12, 2018
    The Centrale Nantes rowing team took part in the Supaerowing regatta in Toulouse last weekend. They returned home with encouraging results for the rest of the season.
  • Mazars Partner Day: 7 March
    March 7, 2018
    Meet our partner Mazars, a leading player in auditing, consulting and accounting, tax and legal services, on 7 March, in the afternoon. A great opportunity to learn more about this sector.
  • Young scientist prize -Tire Technology Expo 2018 for Corentin Hermange
    February 27, 2018
    Corentin Hermange, PhD student at LHEEA from 2014 to 2017, won the "Young Scientist Prize" at the Tire Technology Expo 2018, presenting the results of his thesis about a pioneering method for simulating the highly complex aquaplaning phenomenon
  • One of the world's five most powerful cameras on campus
    February 27, 2018
    Centrale Nantes is now home to one of the world's five most powerful ultra-fast cameras. An exceptional model acquired as part of the ConnectTalents IDS project led by Julien RÉTHORÉ, Senior Researcher based in the GeM - Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering - at Centrale Nantes since 2016 and recipient of the CNRS Bronze Medal in 2011.
  • A new research project on dynamic cables for floating MRE devices: OMDYN2
    February 26, 2018
    The OMDYN2 project - selected during the France Energies EMR ITE 2017 call for projects and with ANR (French National Research Agency) funding - was launched on 10 January. Following on from OMDYN1, Centrale Nantes is participating in the scientific management of the project, notably through the SEM-REV offshore test site, LHEEA teams and involvement of the GeM laboratory.
  • Seawater desalination: tested in Centrale Nantes ocean test facilities
    February 23, 2018
    The Centrale Nantes ocean test facilities hosted Oneka for tests on a desalinator within the framework of MaRINET2.
  • Cities and climate: Closing day of the RI-ADAPTCLIM Project
    February 21, 2018
    The RI-ADAPTCLIM project - International Network on Risk Assessment and Climatic Adaptation of Civil Engineering and Building Works - comes to end at the end of November. A closing day bringing together the partners (Centrale Nantes, University of Nantes, IFSTTAR, CSTB), PhD students and master students will be held on campus on 21 February 2018.
  • Centrale Nantes working with STELIA Aerospace on a world first: 3D printing of self-reinforced metallic fuselage panels
    February 21, 2018
    An aircraft has several panels that form its fuselage, its empennages and wing sections. These panels are reinforced by stiffeners, which are usually riveted or even welded to the panels.A demonstrator for metallic fuselage panels with stiffeners directly built into their surface by additive manufacturing was produced on Centrale Nantes' rapid manufacturing research platform.
  • A conference with Yannick ROUDAUT - Ecological Transition Mornings
    February 20, 2018
    See you on Tuesday 20 February on the Centrale Nantes campus for the second edition of the "Matinales de la transition écologique" (Ecological Transition Mornings). On the programme - Yannick ROUDAUT talks about his experience as a speaker, author and former economic and financial journalist, working on the sustainability of our business model.
  • The Centrale Audencia ensa Alliance taking part in Le Monde's O21 in Nantes
    February 13, 2018
    Career guidance for the 21st century, imagining the jobs of tomorrow: the Centrale-Audencia-ensa Alliance is a partner of the event in Nantes on 16-17 February 2018.
  • PhD Defense - Ibrahim GUENOUNE - ED MathSTIC
    February 8, 2018
    "Commande non linéaires robustes de systèmes éoliens ."
    (Robust nonlinear control of wind turbine systems)
  • PhD Defense - Chris HARTMANN - ED SPI
    January 30, 2018
    "Automatisation de la synthèse d'architectures appliquée aux aéronefs à voilure tournante."
    (Architectural automated synthesis applied to rotary-wing aircraft)
  • A new Erasmus Mundus Master at Centrale Nantes: Master in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment
    January 30, 2018
    Centrale Nantes is now a partner in a fourth Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree, entitled 'Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment', accredited at the end of 2017. Centrale Nantes is one of the few schools to offer Erasmus Mundus international masters.
  • New partnership between Centrale Nantes and Sia Partners
    January 30, 2018
    Sia Partners inaugurates its partnership with Centrale Nantes this year, thus making management consulting professions more accessible for engineering students.
  • Mann & Hummel and Centrale Nantes renew their research chair
    January 23, 2018
    The Mann + Hummel Group and Centrale Nantes renew their international teaching and research chair on clean automobile engines focusing on filtration systems: fluid dynamics and reduced energy consumption.
  • Arnaud Poitou appointed Director of Centrale Nantes
    January 18, 2018
    Arnaud Poitou re-appointed Director of Centrale Nantes for a second five-year term commencing 15 January 2018.
  • PhD Defense - Pedro VERAS GUIMARAES - ED SPI
    January 17, 2018
    "Surfaces de mer et dissipation d'énergie."
    (Sea Surfaces and Energy Dissipation)
  • Study Day: "Towards a digital policy and sustainable applications of heritage institutions"
    January 15, 2018
    In a context of heritage digitization and increasing development of digital applications in the heritage sector, professional and public practices are evolving. This study day raises the question of training in this sector and the impact on heritage institutions.
  • MaRINET2, second call involving LHEEA and SEM-REV
    January 15, 2018
    MaRINET2 to fund offshore renewables testing through 2nd call for applications.The EU-funded MaRINET2 project launched its second call for applications today. Successful applicants will receive free access to a world-leading network of testing and research infrastructure. The call is open to offshore energy technology developers, including wind, wave and tidal energy at system and component level. Applications are open until 28 February 2018.
  • 2018 WEAMEC Executive Education on Marine Renewable Energies
    January 11, 2018
    New for 2018: Core track training leading to the "MRE technical advisor" certificate.
  • Innovation - the start-up Velco receives an award in Las Vegas for its connected handlebars
    January 9, 2018
    Congratulations to Velco, Centrale-Audencia-ensa incubator start-up, award winner in the "Smart Cities" category at the CES 2018 Innovation Awards for its Wink Bar - a connected handlebar. Velco was also the winning finalist of the Showstoppers LaunchIt international pitch competition.
  • Call for 2018 RFI Ouest Industries Créatives Research Projects now open
    December 12, 2017 - February 15, 2018
    Ouest Industries Créatives - Research, Training & Innovation program on creative industries in Pays de la Loire, of which Centrale Nantes is a partner - has opened a call for projects from teachers-researchers to support research projects on the creation of experiments and their scientific evaluation. The call for projects is all about opening and consolidating new areas of expertise around original topics with high potential for development and visibility.
Published on March 28, 2018 Updated on March 28, 2018