Centrale Nantes news - 2020

  • Centrale Nantes ranked fourth in the Etudiant 2021
    December 18, 2020
    Centrale Nantes confirms its record of excellence in the L'Etudiant 2021 rankings
  • PhD Defense - Ibishola SANTOS - ED SPI
    December 17, 2020
    Modélisation intrinsèque de la fissuration par fatigue des enrobés bitumineux à partir de mesures de champs. Application à la correspondance entre différents types d'essais de fatigue.
    (Intrinsic modeling of fatigue cracking in asphalt mixes from field measurements. Application to the correspondence between different types of fatigue tests.)
  • PhD Defense - Anshul Kumar SHARMA - ED SPI
    December 17, 2020
    Contribution à la synthèse d'observateur à gain variable pour les systèmes non linéaires : application à l'estimation de la résistance au roulement
    (Contribution to variable-gain observer synthesis for nonlinear systems: application to rolling resistance estimation)
  • PhD Defense - Rémy MATEU PASTOR - ED SPI
    December 16, 2020
    Analyse numérique et expérimentale de plaques carbone époxy incluant une couche viscoélastique.
    (Numerical and experimental analysis of epoxy carbon plates including a viscoelastic layer)
  • PhD defense - Yassir DAHMANE - ED MathSTIC
    December 16, 2020
    Gestion d'énergie optimisée étendue véhicules infrastructures
    (Optimised energy management for electric vehicles and infrastructure)
  • Phd Defense - Auriane PLATZER - ED SPI
    December 15, 2020
    Finite strain data-driven computational mechanics: from tailored data to adaptive solvers for multiscale simulations.
  • PhD Defense - Félix GONTIER - ED SPI
    December 15, 2020
    Analyse et synthèse de scènes sonores urbaines par approches d'apprentissage profond
    (Analysis and interpretation of urban sound scenes using deep learning approaches).
  • PhD Defense - Abdou DIA - ED SPI
    December 15, 2020
    Monitoring des câbles de structures du génie civil par combinaison de techniques vibratoires et émission acoustique.
    Monitoring of cables used in civil engineering structures by a combination of vibration techniques and acoustic emission.
  • PhD Defense - Minglei ZHU - ED MathSTIC
    December 15, 2020
    Control-based design of Robots
  • PhD Defense - Aliénor POUYANNE née GAUTHIER - ED SPI
    December 15, 2020
    Approche expérimentale et modélisation de la lixiviation des ouvrages de traitement d'eau potable en béton exposés à des eaux agressives
    (Experimental approach and modeling of the leaching of concrete drinking water treatment structures exposed to aggressive water)
  • PhD Defense - Cécile HABERSTICH - ED MathSTIC
    December 15, 2020
    Adaptive approximation of high-dimensional functions with tree tensor networks for Uncertainty Quantification
  • PhD Defense - Fabien MENARD - ED SPI
    December 14, 2020
    Modélisation des câbles électriques utilisés dans les éoliennes flottantes
    (Modelling of power cables used in floating wind turbines)
  • PhD Defense - Filippo MASI - ED SPI
    December 14, 2020
    Fast-dynamic response and failure of masonry structures of non-standard geometry subjected to blast loads
  • PhD Defense - Mustapha NOURI - ED SPI
    December 14, 2020
    Développement d'éléments en biocomposite à base de fibre végétale pour la réhabilitation énergétique des bâtiments
    (Development of biocomposite elements based on plant fibre for building energy renovation)
  • PhD Defense - Zhenrong JING - LHEEA/ED SPI
    December 11, 2020
    Zhenrong JING will defend his PhD on Friday, December 11, 2020. The PhD is entitled: "Numerical Simulations of boundary layer transitions on rotating blades: Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine and Marine Propeller"
  • PhD defense - Nicolas DESMARS - LHEEA/ED SPI
    December 11, 2020
    Nicolas DESMARS will defend his PhD on Friday, December 11, 2020 at 2pm. The PhD is entitled: "Real-time reconstruction and prediction of ocean wave fields from remote optical measurements".
  • PhD Defense - Vincent ARNAL - LHEEA/ED SPI
    December 11, 2020
    Vincent ARNAL will defend his PhD thesis on Friday 11 December, 2020. The PhD is entitled: "Experimental modelling of a floating wind turbine using a 'software-in-the-loop' approach".
  • EOLINK's latest-generation floating wind turbine to be tested on Centrale Nantes’ SEM-REV offshore test site
    December 11, 2020
    On 3 December, the company EOLINK and Centrale Nantes formally agreed to install a 5MW floating wind turbine on the SEM-REV test site, off the coast from Le Croisic. Since hosting FLOATGEN, the first floating wind turbine in France on site from 2018, Centrale Nantes is pushing ahead and is set to welcome EOLINK shortly with its innovative and promising wind turbine prototype.
  • AFIS thesis prize for Elaheh MALEKI
    December 11, 2020
    Congratulations to Elaheh MALEKI who was awarded the thesis prize at the AFIS (French Systems Engineering Association) Forum for her outstanding thesis on work on Systems Engineering.
  • Join us LIVE on Campus France: Erasmus Mundus Master's Degrees at Centrale Nantes
    December 10, 2020
    Looking for a world-class engineering programme? Then take a closer look at our four Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees and join us live to learn more on Thursday 10 December at 11am (GMT+1).
  • iTWIST 2020: replays now available online
    December 10, 2020
    iTWIST 2020 (International Traveling Workshop on Interactions between low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques) was held online from Centrale Nantes. Replays of all the lectures and conferences are now available online.
  • PhD Defense - Alban VERGNAUD - ED SPI
    December 9, 2020
    Améliorations de la précision et de la modélisation de la tension de surface au sein de la méthode SPH, et simulations de cas d'amerrissage d'urgence d'helicoptères.
    (Improvements in the accuracy and modeling of surface tension within the SPH method, and simulations of emergency helicopter landings)
  • A look back at the SOFTWIND project
    December 9, 2020
    The SOFTWIND project, run by Centrale Nantes, and more specifically its LHEEA and LS2N laboratories, and the company D-ICE, allows for small-scale wave-tank testing of wind turbines by overcoming the incompatibility between hydrodynamic and aerodynamic scaling.We take a look back at this project with some footage of the testing in the Centrale Nantes hydrodynamic and ocean engineering tank and interviews:
  • Students machining parts in an online lab class
    December 7, 2020
    With a second lockdown in place, our first year engineering students, experimenting with Computer-aided Manufacturing, got to machine a part remotely as part of their lab classes in Product Design and Development.
  • Measuring instruments back in service at the Cardinaux lighthouse
    December 2, 2020
    One year on from the restoration work on the dome of the Cardinaux lighthouse, the wind measurement instruments at the Cardinaux lighthouse are back in service.
  • A conference with Dominique Bourg - Ecological Transition Mornings
    December 1, 2020
    See you online at 9 am on Tuesday 1 December 2020 for the fourth Ecological Transition Morning of 2020/21. We are delighted to welcome Dominique Bourg for his conference entitled “Climat, Vivant et Ressources : quelles perspectives pour la planète ?”. "Climate, Life and Resources: what is the outlook for the planet?"
  • PhD Defense - Nicolas HOUEL - ED SPI
    December 1, 2020
    Pédagogie d'une sobriété lumineuse : étude des enjeux et méthodes de la requalification du parc d'éclairage public de la métropole nantaise au travers de la récolte d'indicateurs qualitatifs et quantitatifs des ambiances nocturnes en ville
    (Pedagogy of light sobriety: study of the stakes and methods to requalify the public lighting park of Nantes through the collection of qualitative and quantitative indicators on the nocturnal ambiances in the city.)
  • Centrale Nantes at the 2020 General Assembly of the RMEI Network
    December 1, 2020
    Professor Fouad Bennis, Anne-Laure Fremondière and Linda Sérandour, of the International Relations Department at Centrale Nantes, took part in the General Assembly of the RMEI Network on 27 November.
  • iTWIST 2020 - online from Centrale Nantes
    November 30, 2020 - December 4, 2020
    iTWIST 2020 (International Traveling Workshop on Interactions between low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques) will be held online with a two-day doctoral school followed by three days of workshop.
  • Centrale Nantes at the Master's Online Fair - Morocco
    November 28, 2020 - November 29, 2020
    Learn more about studying at Centrale Nantes during the Campus France Master's Online Fair Morocco.
  • PhD Defense - Franco FUSCO - ED MathSTIC
    November 27, 2020
    Dynamic Visual Servoing for Fast Robotics Arms
  • Alexis Bazin, of the TSM research group, helps out Vendée Globe skipper Sébastien Destremau
    November 26, 2020
    Alexis Bazin is an assistant engineer in the TSM research group (LHEEA) at Centrale Nantes. As a specialist in a particular model of lithium battery, he was contacted on a matter of urgency by a Vendée Globe Skipper, Sébastien Destremau, to help him pass the endurance test following an unsuccessful initial attempt. Sébastien Destremau's boat is equipped with an electric motor. The Vendée Globe class measurement rules require that competing boats must be able to sail at an average of 5 knots for 5 hours. The endurance test is used to verify this capacity and must be passed successfully in order to compete. To this end, a Vendée Globe official carries out the test with the skipper on the open sea. Alexis was contacted to see if he ascertain what was wrong with two batteries and help ensure that the second attempt was successful. We interviewed Alexis to find out what happened next!
  • BHealthcare raises €1.5M to finalise its robotic blood sampling platform "Heiva™"
    November 26, 2020
    BHealthCare - a former startup of the Centrale-Audencia-ensa business incubator - is a medtech company specializing in the development of next-generation robotic solutions for more reliable peripheral vascular access. It has just announced seed funding of €1.5 million secured in June 2020, together with other public funds. This supplements several funding mechanisms and grants to the tune of €2.8 million obtained since the creation of the company in 2016. The operation was carried out exclusively with leading biologists and renowned specialists in the medical field.
  • JEMARO: Join us online during European Robotics Week
    November 24, 2020
    Join us online on 24 November 2020 at 10 am during European Robotics Week for all you need to know about JEMARO - Japan-Europe Master on Advanced Robotics - an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree.
  • PhD Defense - Etienne PEILLARD - ED SPI
    November 24, 2020
    Toward a Characterization of Perceptual Biases in Mixed Reality: A Study of Factors Inducing Distance Misperception
  • PhD Defense - Catherine Ramirez Villalba - LHEEA/ED SPI
    November 20, 2020
    Catherine Ramirez Villalba will defend her PhD on Friday, November 20, 2020. The PhD is entitled "Towards an efficient modeling of fluid-structure interaction". This PhD defense is confidential.
  • The core track of the MRE WEAMEC Executive Education opens for 2021
    November 19, 2020
    The new session of the MRE WEAMEC Executive Education Programme, run by Centrale Nantes and the University of Nantes is open! In 2021 most of the modules can be followed either in person (in Nantes/Bouguenais) or remotely via Zoom.
  • SWEL tests its wave system in the Ocean tank of Centrale Nantes, as part of the MEA project
    November 18, 2020
    SWEL, Sea Wave Energy Ltd, is a UK based company with its testing facilities located in Larnaca, Cyprus. The company came to Centrale Nantes in October under the MEA programme, an Interreg North West Europe project which aims to increase the technical and commercial maturity of upcoming technologies by providing access to industry leading testing facilities and experts from over the EU.
  • Meet us online at the Choose France! Education and Career Fair - Singapore 2020
    November 17, 2020 - November 21, 2020
    Learn more about studying at Centrale Nantes during the Choose France! Education and Career Fair Singapore 2020
  • A conference with Simon Ducasse - Ecological Transition Mornings
    November 17, 2020
    See you online at 9 am on Tuesday 17 November 2020 for the third Ecological Transition Morning of 2020/21. We are delighted to welcome Simon Ducasse for his conference entitled "L’énergie distribuée : clé de voûte de la transition énergétique" (Distributed Energy: the cornerstone of Energy Transition)
  • PhD Defense - Abdullah WASEEM - ED SPI
    November 17, 2020
    Numerical Homagenization and Model Reduction for Transient Heat, Diffusion and Coupled Mechanics Problems
  • TEDx replay: Centrale Nantes professor Ioannis Stefanou
    November 13, 2020
    Ioannis Stefanou, Professor and researcher at Centrale Nantes, took to the stage at TEDxRennes presenting his answer to the question: "Is it possible to control and prevent an earthquake, and if so, how?"
  • EMS project specialisation students are working on developing Mint, an air quality application
    November 12, 2020
    The students of the Environment Mobility Health (EMS) project specialisation are developing an application - Mint - which is designed to suggest itineraries that minimise exposure to atmospheric pollution in Nantes, whatever the means of transport.
  • PhD Defense - Hashim Elzaabalawy - LHEEA/ED SPI
    November 6, 2020
    You are cordially invited to attend the Ph.D. defense by Hashim Elzaabalawy on the subject "Towards High-Order Compact Discretization of Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations for Incompressible Flows on Unstructured Grids". Due to the specific sanitary conditions, the defense will take place by videoconference on Friday, November 6th at 14:00.
  • PhD Defense - YE PYAE SONE OO - ED SPI
    November 6, 2020
    Developement of analytical formulae to determine the dynamic response of composite plates subjected to underwater explosions
  • Meet us online at the Choose France Tour - India
    November 6, 2020 - November 7, 2020
    Learn more about studying at Centrale Nantes during the Choose France Tour India on 6-7 November
  • PhD Defense - Swaminath VENKATESWARAN - ED SPI
    November 4, 2020
    Conception d'un robot bio-inspiré pour l'inspection des canalisations
    (Design of a bio-inspired robot for pipeline inspection)
  • Ocean DEMO awards support to 12 developers for 3rd call
    November 4, 2020
    The EU-funded Ocean DEMO project has awarded recommendations for support to 12 offshore renewable energy developers under its 3rd call. The awards will support developers on their path to commercialisation and ease the transition of ocean energy towards multi-device farms by providing free access to open sea test sites.
  • A conference with Valérie Cabanes - Ecological Transition Mornings
    November 3, 2020
    See you at 10 am on Tuesday 3 November 2020 for the second Ecological Transition Morning of 2020/21. We are delighted to welcome Valérie Cabanes for her conference entitled "Droits de la Nature : de la nécessité de reconnaître le crime d'écocide" (Rights of Nature: we need to recognise ecocide as a crime")
  • Jie Yang receives the Centrale Innovation 2020 Thesis Prize
    November 1, 2020
    Jie YANG completed his PhD at the GeM Institute and defended his thesis at Centrale Nantes on 8 July 2019. He was awarded the Centrale Innovation 2020 thesis prize in November 2020.
  • Centrale Nantes confirms its standing in the 2021 Times Higher Education World University Rankings for Engineering and Technology
    October 28, 2020
    Centrale Nantes confirms its standing in the 2021 Times Higher Education World University Rankings in Engineering and Technology which was published on 28 October.
  • Meet Centrale Nantes online during the 'Study in France - Gulf Tour'
    October 23, 2020 - October 24, 2020
    Interested in studying engineering in France?
    Meet us online during the 'Study in France - Gulf Tour' on 23-24 October 2020 for all you need to know about our programmes.
  • Hera-Mi receives the "Centrale Nantes Innovation Prize" at the Startups & Innovation Day event
    October 23, 2020
    Centrale Nantes is a partner of the event and as such, Frédéric Meslin, Director of Development, presented the Centrale Nantes Innovation Prize to the startup Hera-Mi, which has been supported by the Centrale-Audencia-Ensa incubator since July 2017.
  • PhD Defense - Domenico VIZZARI - ED SPI
    October 22, 2020
    Mix-design of a novel semi-transparent layer for solar roads
  • PhD Defense - Alexia CHABOT - ED SPI
    October 22, 2020
    Méthodologie de monitoring multiphysique des procédés DED : développement par une démarche expérimentale.
    (Methodology for multi-physical monitoring of DED processes: development via an experimental approach.)
  • Meet Centrale Nantes online during the 'Asian Autumn Education Fair'
    October 22, 2020
    Make your dream come true by studying in France!
    Meet us online during the Asian Autumn Education Fair on 22 October 2020 for all you need to know about our programmes taught in English.
  • The Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation visits campus
    October 22, 2020
    Frédérique Vidal, the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation visited the Centrale Nantes campus on 22 October as part of a national tour.
  • PhD Defense - Johan PERUL - ED MathSTIC
    October 21, 2020
    Localisation autonome par apprentissage des dynamiques de déplacement en transport multimodal
    (Autonomous localization by learning the dynamics of travel in multimodal transport)
  • A conference with Yannick Roudaut - Ecological Transition Mornings
    October 20, 2020
    See you at 9 am on Tuesday 20 October on the Centrale Nantes campus for the first Ecological Transition Morning of 2020/21. We are delighted to welcome back Yannick ROUDAUT whose latest book "Quand l'improbable surgit" has just been published. His conference will be entitled "Face à l'effondrement, le pari de l'improbable" (An impossible gamble in the face of collapse).
  • Centrale Nantes is taking part in B-International, a new Erasmus + project
    October 19, 2020
    Centrale Nantes is taking part in a new Erasmus + project: B-International - Building internationalisation in Pakistan.
  • NExT gets back on track
    October 16, 2020
    The University of Nantes, Nantes University Hospital, Inserm and Centrale Nantes have adopted an action plan reaffirming their shared determination to build a new university model alongside Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts, the National School of Architecture of Nantes and the Jules Verne Institute of Technological Research.

    This decision signals the re-launch of the project. Next steps: approval of the statutes for the future establishment in March-April 2021, evaluation of the I-SITE by an international panel in Autumn 2021 and the creation of Nantes Université in January 2022.
  • Save the Date: #ErasmusDays
    October 15, 2020
    Centrale Nantes showcases the Erasmus+ programme!
  • Webinar: Centrale Nantes and the Health sector
    October 14, 2020
    Centrale Nantes Etudes (the school's Junior-Enterprise Association) and Centrale Nantes Alumni are joining forces to organise theme-based round tables. This first round table, which will take place on Wednesday 14 October 2020 at 7pm, will focus on the health sector! Whether you are a student, graduate or staff member interested in the health sector or just curious about the career path of alumni in the sector, do not hesitate to join in.
  • Meet Centrale Nantes online at the 'France to Hong Kong Education Tour'
    October 13, 2020 - October 14, 2020
    Interested in studying engineering in France?
    Meet us online during the 'France to Hong Kong Education Tour' on 13-14 October 2020 for all you need to know about our programmes.
  • PhD Defense - Aurélie MOYON - ED SPI
    October 8, 2020
    Apport des facteurs humains pour une meilleure intégration des exosquelettes dans l'industrie
    (Contribution of human factors towards better integration of exoskeletons in industry)
  • Nextflow Software raises 3 million euros to finance its international growth
    October 7, 2020
    Nextflow Software, a Centrale Nantes spin-off, just completed a first round of funding to the tune of three million euros. This round will allow Nextflow to ramp up the sales of its innovative numerical simulation software and pursue its international development.
  • National Science Fair 2020: Centrale Nantes invites visitors to a 100% virtual tour
    October 2, 2020 - October 12, 2020
    This year, Centrale Nantes is taking part in the National Science Fair (Fête de la Science) with a 100% virtual tour of the campus. Immerse yourself in a fun and informative way to discover Centrale Nantes!
  • Sustainable Development - Manifesto for an eco-responsible industry
    October 1, 2020
    Second focus on Centrale Nantes' commitments in favour of sustainable development, as part of the week of the same name: tools and governance at Centrale Nantes: signature of the EMC2 cluster's manifesto "for an eco-responsible industry".
  • PhD Defense - Marianne BOU LEBA BASSIL - ED SPI
    September 29, 2020
    "Étude des mécanismes aérodynamiques à l'origine du bruit de contact pneumatique/chaussée."
    (Study of the aerodynamic mechanisms behind tyre/road contact noise).
  • Sustainable Development: Tools and governance at Centrale Nantes
    September 28, 2020
    Second focus on Centrale Nantes' commitments in favour of sustainable development, as part of the week of the same name: tools and governance at Centrale Nantes
  • Accreditation to supervise research: Guillaume Ducrozet
    September 28, 2020
    Guillaume Ducrozet, Lecturer at Centrale Nantes in the LHEEA, will present his defense for his accreditation to supervise research (HDR) on Monday 28 September 2020.
  • PhD Defense - George JACITE - ED SPI
    September 28, 2020
    "Analysis of Slamming Induced Whipping Effects over the Ultimate Strength of Ships".
  • PhD Defense - Marie-Antoinette ALHAJJ - ED SPI
    September 25, 2020
    "Inversion conjointe de mesures non destructives pour l'évaluation des gradients de degré de saturation dans le béton d'enrobage des structures"
    "Joint reversal of non-destructive measurements for the evaluation of saturation degree gradients in structural embedding concrete".
  • Sustainable Development: "Grand Baromètre" survey results
    September 23, 2020
    First focus on Centrale Nantes' commitment to Sustainable Development, as part of the week of the same name: the school's responses to the 'Manifesto for an Ecological Awakening' survey.
  • FARWIND receives an award at Start West 2020
    September 23, 2020
    Farwind – a startup in the Centrale-Audencia-Ensa incubator - is developing a solution for converting offshore hydroelectric energy into renewable fuel, a project that won the In Extenso prize at the 20th edition of Start West.
  • PhD Defense - Renald GABORIAU
    September 23, 2020
    Les ateliers Rob'Autisme : le robot extension comme médiation thérapeutique auprès des personnes présentant un trouble du spectre autistique
    (The Rob'Autisme workshops: the robot extension as therapeutic mediation for people with an autistic spectrum disorder)
  • Sea-GRID Call for Expression of Interest - Five innovative projects selected to advance offshore energy production on the SEM-REV site
    September 22, 2020
    The partners of the Sea-GRID Call for Expression of Interest unveiled today the five winning projects! Enthusiastic responses were received across the board to this call, which aims to develop concrete and innovative solutions for the smart management of electricity produced offshore on the Centrale Nantes test site, SEM-REV. The selected projects focus on new energy storage solutions, multi-use offshore platforms, onshore uses and the development of an underwater hub...
  • Centrale Nantes Executive Education taking part in a 'job safari' at Nantes DIGITAL WEEK
    September 22, 2020
    Centrale Nantes' Executive Education is taking part in two conferences at the "Safari des Métiers" (Job Safari), to be held during Nantes Digital Week. The conferences will focus on invisible handicaps and the importance of soft skills in the digital sector.
  • Centrale Nantes online at the 19th European Education Fair Taiwan
    September 22, 2020
    Interested in studying engineering in France?
    Meet us online during the European Education Fair Taiwan on 22 September 2020 for all you need to know about our programmes.
  • A Centrale Nantes professor takes to the stage at TEDxRennes!
    September 19, 2020
    Eight speakers will take to the floor to deliver a message at TEDxRennes on 19 September. Among them will be Ioannis Stefanou, professor at Centrale Nantes.
  • Centrale Nantes at DIGITAL WEEK
    September 17, 2020
    Second edition of the event celebrating art, culture and digital heritage in Nantes."Culture and Digital Heritage in Nantes #2" conferences and debates as part of Nantes Digital Week will be held partly online, partly in person.
  • Rogue waves form from random waves - tests in the towing tank
    September 15, 2020
    Rogue waves are very powerful ocean waves, which can form on both calm and rough seas. This sudden and unpredictable phenomenon may be rare, but it needs to be studied. It has recently been the subject of joint collaboration between researchers from Centrale Nantes - via the LHEEA - the CNRS and the universities of Paris and Lille. Tests in wave tanks have shown that a set of random waves can also provoke the formation of rogue waves, thus providing better understanding.
  • An award for Joseph Al Khoury, Centrale Nantes student
    September 14, 2020
    Congratulations to Joseph Al Khoury who received the best presenter award in the Energy Efficiency category at the 16th International Forum-Contest of Students and Young Researchers held in June 2020.
  • Offshore operations over the summer
    September 9, 2020
    Numerous offshore operations are undertaken at SEM-REV during the spring and summer months. It is during this period that the weather conditions are more favourable, allowing work to be carried out efficiently and safely.
  • Naval Group, Sirehna and Centrale Nantes renew their Joint Laboratory of Marine Technology
    September 9, 2020
    On 4 September, Naval Group, Sirehna and Centrale Nantes signed an agreement to continue their co-operation within their joint research laboratory, the Joint Laboratory of Marine Technology.
  • Two SEM-REV speakers at FOWT 2020
    September 7, 2020 - September 9, 2020
    The FOWT (Floating Offshore Wind Turbines) 2020 Conference is held Marseille (7 & 8 September, and broadcast live) and by video-conference (9 September).
  • First intake for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master E-PiCo
    September 4, 2020
    A warm welcome to the first students on the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme E-PiCo which starts in September 2020.
  • First intake for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master JEMARO
    September 4, 2020
    A warm welcome to the first students on the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme JEMARO which starts in September 2020.
  • Centrale Nantes maintains its standing in the 2021 Times Higher Education World University Rankings
    September 2, 2020
    Centrale Nantes maintains its standing in the 401-500 grouping of the world’s top universities in the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021, which are published today. On industry income Centrale Nantes is ranked 122nd globally.
  • Aliénor Gauthier-Pouyanne, PhD student within the EDYCEM chair at Centrale Nantes, receives a prize at the Fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering
    September 2, 2020
    At the 13th edition of the Fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, held online from 26 to 28 August, Aliénor Gauthier-Pouyanne - PhD student at Centrale Nantes within the EDYCEM chair - received the prize for the best presentation in the Durability and Life Assessment category. Congratulations to Aliénor!
  • Fifth & final MaRINET2 call opens
    September 1, 2020 - October 16, 2020
    The final call for the EU-funded MaRINET2 project opens today, targeted at offshore energy technology developers who are looking to test their device or components. The project offers fully-funded access to a world-leading network of testing and research infrastructures in Europe.
  • Renewal of the REM Erasmus Mundus Master at Centrale Nantes
    August 25, 2020
    Centrale Nantes is delighted to announce that the REM programme, an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, has been renewed until 2026.
  • ImageInCentrale - A new virtual tour of the Centrale Nantes campus
    August 1, 2020
    Take this virtual tour to discover the Centrale Nantes campus in a fun and informative way.
  • Coronavirus Update
    July 22, 2020
    The campus is due to reopen to students in September in time for the new academic year. Teaching activities will naturally take full account of the health and safety guidelines indicated by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation to protect the health and safety of all users. Existing guidelines, which are subject to change in line with the evolving public health crisis are provided below. On the basis of these guidelines a blend of in-person and remote courses (or combination of the two) will be offered for the first semester of the 2020/21 academic year. Second semester classes are due to be held in-person.
  • Master E-PiCo: Coronavirus Outbreak
    July 20, 2020
    The academic year 2020/2021 will start without postponement in September at Centrale Nantes, using online teaching, learning and collaborative infrastructure until the student mobility is operational again. Centrale Nantes campus will be open to students, a welcome / orientation will be organised on 2 September, courses will start on 7 September.
  • Jean-Baptiste Avrillier appointed Director of Centrale Nantes
    July 16, 2020
    The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation formally appoints Jean-Baptiste Avrillier, Director of Centrale Nantes with effect from 15 July 2020.
  • Support Ediz Önen for the Mini Transat 2021
    July 9, 2020 - November 1, 2020
    Ediz Önen, Master's student at Centrale Nantes is a keen skipper and Turkish sailing champion in 2017. In August, he is taking part in the single-handed ocean race Les Sables - Les Açores en Baie de Morlaix (SAS). Through this race he will accumulate more than 1,500 miles, the minimum required to qualify for the Mini Transat 2021.
  • PhD Defense - Marco CASTAGNA - ED SPI
    July 9, 2020
    PhD Defense, Marco CASTAGNA : at 2 pm on Thursday 9 July by videoconference.
  • PhD Defense - Yang DENG - ED MathSTIC
    July 8, 2020
    Delay estimation and predictor-based control of time-delay systems with a class of various delays
  • Congratulations to XSun for its flight record
    July 7, 2020
    For its first long solar-powered flight, XSun recorded an impressive 12-hour carbon-free and 100% autonomous flight covering 600km!
  • PhD defense - Julien MICHEL - ED SPI
    July 6, 2020
    Développements numériques de la méthode SPH couplée aux Eléments Finis appliqués au phénomène de l'hydroplanage
    (Numerical developments of the SPH method coupled with Finite Elements applied to the hydroplaning phenomenon)
  • GDR EMR Workshop on 2 July 2020: MRE & POWER-TO-X Challenges and Opportunities
    July 2, 2020
    The GDR EMR is organising an online workshop on 2 July on "Renewable Marine Energies & Power-to-X: Challenges and Opportunities"
  • EDYCEM and Centrale Nantes renew their research chair - on sustainable concrete
    July 1, 2020
    The work of the Research Chair II renewed by EDYCEM and Centrale Nantes focuses on materials capable of meeting the challenges of the city of tomorrow, in particular by reducing the impact of new buildings on the environment and by taking into account all of the emissions over their life cycle, from the time of their construction.
  • OceanDEMO call 3 user workshop
    June 30, 2020
    This webinar will take place on June 30, 2020 from 15:00 to 16:30.
  • Centrale-Supélec Entrance Examinations 2020
    June 27, 2020 - July 1, 2020
    New arrangements announced for the 2020 edition of the Centrale-Supélec entrance examinations, subject to health considerations.
  • Centrale Nantes - amongst the world's best young universities
    June 24, 2020
    Centrale Nantes is one of the world's best universities aged 50 or younger, according to the criteria of the Times Higher Education Young Universities Rankings.
  • The GeM is organising the ECCM19 2020 Conference in Nantes
    June 22, 2020 - June 26, 2020
    The Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (GeM) is taking the lead in organising the ECCM19 conference (19th European Conference on Composite Materials) which will be held from 22 to 26 June 2020 at the Cité des Congrès in Nantes.
  • Ginevra Rubino receives the "Fall 2020 NATO AVT Young Contributor Award"
    June 19, 2020
    The LHEEA is pleased to announce that the "NATO Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT) Panel Awards Committee" has awarded Ms. Ginevra Rubino with the "Fall 2020 NATO AVT Young Contributor Award" for her overall research work on NATO AVT collaborative research projects.
  • MARINE ENERGY ALLIANCE call #2 awarded
    June 18, 2020
    Marine Energy Alliance has reached a new milestone in june by awarding services to 23 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through its Second Call for Applications.
  • The engine test benches are back in gear
    June 12, 2020
    Like the other test facilities at Centrale Nantes, the engine test benches had to put their testing on hold in March 2020.
  • The first session of the "Prepa Tremplin Numérique" course run by the Fondation Agissons Pour l'Emploi is coming to an end, in person
    June 11, 2020
    "Prepa Tremplin Numérique" is a 40-day career development programme targeted towards sectors of activity and professions that are recruiting. The programme is supervised by a team of specialists with expertise in their respective fields.
  • Testing back on track in the LHEEA wind tunnels!
    June 9, 2020
    An update on wind tunnel testing in the LHEEA.
  • Interdisciplinary School In Nuclear Medicine - ISI NucMed
    June 8, 2020 - June 10, 2020
    A three-day Interdisciplinary School In Nuclear Medicine will be held in Nantes from 8 to 10 June 2020.
  • Are renewable energies the solution? A web conference by Centrale Nantes
    June 2, 2020
    Given Centrale Nantes' dual vocation of training and research, the school strives to disseminate knowledge as widely as possible. Aurélien Babarit, research engineer at LHEEA* and specialist in Marine Renewable Energy, talks online about one of Centrale Nantes' 3 strategic themes: energy transition.
  • Ocean Demo third call to focus on progression towards multi device installations
    June 2, 2020
    The EU-funded Ocean DEMO project opened its 3rd call today. Successful applicants will receive free access to test their ocean energy products and services in real sea environments at the project’s network of test centres.
  • Online jobdating with ITII Pays de la Loire
    May 18, 2020 - May 20, 2020
    Over the course of 3 days, from 18 to 20 May, nearly 250 candidates already selected by the partner engineering schools will come together on the Seekube platform and will be able to present their career plans and their motivation to join different companies.
  • A photo of the SEM-REV in the Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris
    May 18, 2020 - July 14, 2020
    A photo of FLOATGEN, on SEM-REV, Centrale Nantes's offshore test site, is on display until 14 July at the gates of the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris.
  • ECO INNOVATION FACTORY Eighth Call for projects is open until 18 June
    May 15, 2020 - June 18, 2020
    Project leaders and entrepreneurs in energy, the environment or the maritime sectors can apply for 6 months of support.
  • Phd Defense - Saman LESSANIBAHRI - ED SPI
    May 12, 2020
    Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Large Translation and Orientation Workspaces
  • Phd Defense - Sébastien LEVILLY - ED MathSTIC
    May 12, 2020
    Quantification de biomarqueurs hémodynamiques en imagerie cardiovasculaire par résonance magnétique de flux 4D
    (Quantification of hemodynamic biomarkers in cardiovascular imaging using 4D flux magnetic resonance)
  • Centrale Nantes gets a mention in the prestigious Wohlers Report
    May 12, 2020
    Centrale Nantes cited in the 2020 Wohlers Report - widely considered the "bible" of 3D printing.
  • Research collaboration between the LHEEA (Centrale Nantes/CNRS), CRITTM2A and Gamma Technologies
    May 6, 2020
    The CRITT M2A Electrical Test Centre started work on the PEGAS²E (Energy Performance, Management and Autonomy of Electrical Storage Systems) four-year research programme on October 1st 2019.
  • COVID-19: Centrale Nantes proud to play a role in the MakAir project
    April 24, 2020
    Centrale Nantes, via Professor Jean-Yves Hascoët and his research group, is contributing to the MakAir project. Initiated and backed by "Makers for Life", the project aims to create a mass-producible open-source Covid-19 artificial ventilator that is 10 times cheaper than a traditional ventilator.
  • FLOAWER 2nd Call for Applicants
    April 22, 2020 - August 31, 2020
    FLOAWER opens a 2nd call for Applicants and is looking for 1 PhD student. The ESR position (ESR2) is located at University of Stuttgart.
  • Centrale Nantes in the world's top 300 in the Times Higher Education 2020 "University Impact Rankings"
    April 22, 2020
    Centrale Nantes recognised for its commitment to sustainable development in the Times Higher Education 2020 "University Impact Rankings".
  • Double degree agreement signed for Emaro+
    April 16, 2020
    At the beginning of April 2020, Centrale Nantes, the University of Genova and Warsaw University of Technology signed a double-degree agreement for Emaro+, to maintain this leading programme in intelligent robotics.
  • Protective visors made from home
    April 8, 2020
    Initiatives abound in the fight to contain the coronavirus. At Centrale Nantes, Hervé Thomas of the IPSI department has set about 3D printing of protective visors from home.
  • Results of the first round of admissions for JEMARO
    April 8, 2020
    The first selection round for JEMARO applicants - applications submitted before 31 January - has concluded with 24 places offered. The second round of applications for self-funded candidates is still open.
  • Ocean DEMO call 2 awards support to ten technology developers
    April 2, 2020
    The EU-funded Ocean DEMO project has awarded recommendations for support to ten offshore renewable energy developers under its 2nd call. The awards will support developers on their path to commercialisation and ease the transition of ocean energy towards multi-device farms by providing free access to open sea test sites.
  • Dr Luciano Vidal joins Centrale Nantes to work on 3D printing and bioprinting
    March 23, 2020
    Doctor Luciano Vidal to work alongside Professor Jean-Yves Hascoët at Centrale Nantes on 3D printing and bio printing.
  • Nicolas MOËS is elected Member of the Académie des sciences
    March 19, 2020
    Nicolas MOËS, Professor at Centrale Nantes and the Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CNRS/Centrale Nantes/University of Nantes) is elected member of the Académie des sciences.
  • EVENT CANCELLED: the "Entretiens de l’Excellence" #6
    March 14, 2020
    In light of current coronavirus outbreak, Centrale Nantes has decided to cancel the "Entretiens de l'Excellence" planned for Saturday 14 March 2020.
  • Record monthly production for Floatgen in February
    March 12, 2020
    Confirming the outstanding production and availability numbers recorded throughout 2019, the 2 MW Floatgen floating offshore wind turbine, equipped with Ideol’s patented floating foundation and installed on the Sem-Rev test site (Atlantic Coast of France), achieved a new record monthly production in February.
  • INVIRTUS TECHNOLOGIES, startup in the Centrale-Audencia-Ensa incubator, secures €750K in funding
    March 10, 2020
    InVirtus Technologies, which specialises in geolocation in industrial environments, has just successfully completed a new round of financing. Investors include BACS-Innov, an investment company bringing together alumni from Centrale Supélec and Ecole Centrale Group - alongside private investors from the startup's own professional network.
  • Jobdating and presentation of recruitment schemes for people from priority neighbourhoods and urban policies
    March 6, 2020
    With the Fondation Agissons pour l'Emploi, Centrale Nantes, Nos Quartiers ont du Talent, and Mozaïk RH. At the end of the presentation, a jobdating session will be held to meet potential job seekers.
  • Centrale Nantes in Tokyo for the first Selection meeting for the new JEMARO Master's Programme
    March 5, 2020 - March 6, 2020
    Representatives from Centrale Nantes, Keio University, University of Genoa and Warsaw University of Technology will meet in Tokyo for the very first selection meeting for the new Erasmus Mundus Joint Master JEMARO on 5-6 March.
  • TechforGood workshop tour at Centrale Nantes
    March 3, 2020
    The TechforGood tour is calling in at Centrale Nantes on 3 March to meet students to share and raise awareness about how technological innovation can serve the public interest.
  • PhD Defense - Jesus PEREZ HERREROS - ED SPI
    February 27, 2020
    Interaction dynamique sol-structure des fondations sur pieux : étude expérimentale et numérique
    (Dynamic soil-structure interaction of pile foundations: experimental and numerical study)
  • RI-ADAPTCIM Research Project: book published
    February 24, 2020
    "Risk Evaluation And Climate Change Adaptation of Civil Engineering Infrastructures and Buildings" edited by Panagiotis KOTRONIS, Professor in the Research Institute of Civil and Mechnical Engineering (GeM) at Centrale Nantes, has just been published.
  • First training session in the "Invest in digital people" programme
    February 20, 2020 - May 29, 2020
    As part of a new regional programme, called "Invest in digital people", recruitment needs in the digital sector have been identified. A first session to train JAVA developers starts on 20 February at Centrale Nantes.
  • Launch of VAMOS/FLOTEOLE, a Franco-German research project for deep-water offshore wind energy
    February 17, 2020
    Offshore wind is taking the next step: floating foundations for deeper waters are becoming a tested and proven technology. How can we further reduce their cost to accelerate their deployment?
  • Centrale Nantes invited to a scientific round table with members of parliament
    February 14, 2020
    Mr. Philippe Bolo, Member of Parliament for Maine et Loire, and Mrs. Angèle Préville, Senator for Lot, invited Jean-Marc Benguigui, Head of the Engineering for Ecological Transition option, and Bertrand Huneau, of the GeM Laboratory and faculty member at Centrale Nantes, to take part in a scientific round table.
  • 27th STP Days for GdR MACS at Centrale Nantes
    February 12, 2020 - February 13, 2020
    The LS2N (Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes) is organising the 27th STP (Production Sciences and Techniques) Days for the GdR MACS (CNRS Research Group in modelling, analysis and management of dynamic systems) which will be held at Centrale Nantes on 12-13 February 2020.
  • Ecological Transition Mornings - 7th edition with Jean-Marc Jancovici
    February 11, 2020
    Jean-Marc Jancovici, co-founder of Carbone 4, will give a conference for the 7th edition of the Ecological Transition Mornings.
  • Sea-GRID Call for Expression of Interest opens
    February 7, 2020 - May 4, 2020
    The Sea-GRID Call for Expression of Interest aims to develop concrete and innovative solutions, based on energy produced by marine renewable energy technologies (MRE) at the SEM-REV test site, run by Centrale Nantes. Sea-GRID is extended for a month, applications are expected until the 04th of May.
  • Centrale Nantes opens a new degree apprenticeship programme in communicating embedded systems
    February 3, 2020
    Centrale Nantes, in partnership with ITII Pays de la Loire, is opening a programme for engineers specialising in communicating embedded systems in order to respond to new demand in the job market.
  • AKRYVIA raises €900k in funding
    January 30, 2020
    AKRYVIA, start-up in the Centrale-Audencia-ensa Nantes incubator, raises funding to the tune of €900k.
  • Floatgen achieves a total of 6 GWh of power production in 2019
    January 17, 2020
    Following very encouraging initial results communicated last July, the 2 MW Floatgen floating wind turbine, equipped with Ideol’s patented floating foundation and installed on the Centrale Nantes Offshore test site Sem-Rev (Atlantic Coast of France), exceeded production and availability expectations in the second half of 2019.
  • i-Nov innovation competition - another win for AKRYVIA, start-up in the Centrale Nantes Audencia ensa incubator
    January 16, 2020
    AKRYVIA, a Deep Tech start-up in the Pays de la Loire Region is delighted to announce its award in the French Fab category in the third round of the i-Nov innovation competition.
  • Ocean DEMO Access: 2nd Call for Applications
    January 2, 2020
    The main objective of Ocean DEMO (Demonstration Programme for Ocean Energy Pilot Farms and Supporting Technologies) is to help North West Europe enterprises working in low carbon technology to accelerate their transition from single prototype to multi-device farms by providing free access to world-leading test centres.
  • Centrale Nantes taking part in the SuMoth Challenge
    December 17, 2019 - June 28, 2020
    Centrale Nantes is one of eight university teams from around the globe taking part in the SuMoth Challenge.
Published on May 14, 2020 Updated on May 14, 2020