• Energy transition,

Conference - The ecological commitment of scientists: knowing and not taking action means not taking action

The next Ecological Transition Morning at Centrale Nantes will take place on Thursday 19 December 2024. This year's conferences will focus on the theme: ‘Knowing and Doing’.

On December 19, 2024 from 10:15 To 12:15

On December 19, 2024 from 10:15 To 12:15

Jean-Michel Hupé will open the 2024/2025 cycle of the Ecological Transition Mornings.

With a 25-year career in neuroscience, Jean-Michel Hupé became a researcher in political ecology and co-founded Atecopol (l'Atelier d'écologie politique) in Toulouse. His aim? To question the role of the scientist in relation to environmental change, by crossing disciplines. A firm believer that science is not neutral, and convinced of its social responsibility, he wants to use it to contribute to social, economic and political debates.
With this in mind, he directed the Atécopol collective work 'Débrancher la 5G ? Enquête sur une technologie imposée' (Écosociété, 2022) and co-wrote a chapter in 'Greenwashing: manuel pour dépolluer le débat public' (Seuil, 2022).

The conference is open to all. It will be held in French.

It will take place at Centrale Nantes on Thursday 19 December 2024, in Lecture Theatre A, from 10.15am to 12.15pm.

If you would like to take part, please register using this form.

What are the Ecological Transition Mornings?

Every year, a group of students following the Engineering for Ecological Transition professional option organises conferences on ecological issues. It is an opportunity to learn a little more and to debate with the key players in ecological transition.
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Upcoming conference:

  • 9 January 2025: 'How can engineers rethink their relationship with nature?' with Catherine Larrère, author of 'Penser et agir avec la nature: une enquête philosophique' (2015) and 'L'écoféminisme' (2023) and a philosopher specialising in environmental ethics, invites us to question our position in relation to nature.

Replay of past conferences

Meanwhile, you can watch replays of previous editions on the school's Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/Youtube-Les-Matinales-de-la-transition

Published on December 10, 2024 Updated on March 12, 2025