• Prizes and Awards,

Five students at the "Prix de l'ingénierie du futur" awards ceremony

A look back at the “Prix de l'ingénierie du futur” (Engineering of the future prize) on 19th October 2016. The “Ma Paille” (My Straw) Centrale Nantes student project team didn’t make it onto the podium, but the experience was very rewarding.

on October 21, 2016

The awards ceremony was held at the French Environment Ministry. Apolline Core represented the team in the short presentation. Even though they weren't amongst the three winning teams, the experience was very rewarding for the five students.

Congratulations to the team of five students who included four double diploma students - two from the double diploma in architecture and engineering and two international students.

Their "Ma Paille" project proposes establishing an interactive platform to bring together all those involved on a local level with straw as a construction material.

Published on October 21, 2016 Updated on March 30, 2017