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A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
Centrale Nantes
From June 8, 2020 to June 10, 2020 All day
This three-day thematic school is open to Master/PhD students, post-docs, junior doctors (interns) and researchers. Over the three-day programme, 35 participants will have the opportunity to further their knowledge in three main fields of nuclear medicine research. They will meet some of the best international experts in radionuclide production, artificial intelligence for medical image analysis, and theranostic approaches. Lectures, pratical works and visits take place in three major research centres in nuclear medicine in Nantes: Arronax, Centrale Nantes and University of Nantes.
Day two of the programme will focus on artificial intelligence applied to nuclear imaging in health, in the presence of Diana Mateus, of the LS2N Laboratory and faculty member at Centrale Nantes. It will take place on campus.