• student,

EMS project specialisation students are working on developing Mint, an air quality application

The students of the Environment Mobility Health (EMS) project specialisation are developing an application - Mint - which is designed to suggest itineraries that minimise exposure to atmospheric pollution in Nantes, whatever the means of transport.

on November 12, 2020

Le logo de la future application Mint
Le logo de la future application Mint
The EMS (Environment Mobility Health) project specialisation has just kicked-off with the development of an application called Mint. The students presented the project scope to the various project stakeholders on 5 October: the pneumothorax department at Nantes University Hospital (client), Centrale Nantes, Gustave Eiffel University and Air Pays de la Loire (AirPL). LUNG O2, an interdisciplinary medical network for respiratory pathologies, was also present.

The project started on the initiative of Nantes University Hospital. As we can imagine, air pollution has an impact on public health, especially for people who suffer from respiratory problems. Mint aims to safeguard the health of Nantes-based commuters, whatever their mode of transport. The principle of the application is simple: it suggests itineraries that minimise exposure to atmospheric pollutants. These pollutants are the fine particles present in the air and the toxic gases emitted by vehicles. Mint targets first and foremost people with respiratory problems, but more generally, any health-conscious city dweller who can use and benefit from it. The application will focus on the following means of transport:
  •     walking
  •     cycling
  •     public transport
  •     cars
Once the points of departure and arrival have been defined, Mint will suggest the most health-friendly mode of transport and itinerary. It will also be possible to obtain the most suitable itinerary using a preferred means of transport.

The students will need to:
  • select a pollution model and collecting atmospheric data in Nantes in order to enhance and check their model
  • develop the application that will link this pollution model to itinerary calculation
AirPL, the regional body in charge of air quality, is providing some of the data. Nantes University Hosptial, Centrale Nantes and Gustave Eiffel University are providing theoretical and material support.
  • Learn more about the Environment Mobility Health Specialisation
Published on November 12, 2020 Updated on November 12, 2020