• PhD,

PhD Defense - Etienne PEILLARD - ED SPI

Toward a Characterization of Perceptual Biases in Mixed Reality: A Study of Factors Inducing Distance Misperception

on November 24, 2020

Etienne Peillard will defend his PhD thesis on Tuesday 24 November at 3.00 pm by videoconference from Centrale Nantes.

Live broadcast on Youtube, via the following link: https://youtu.be/6aw0BG1PLZ4

PhD Supervisor: Guillaume Moreau

Laboratory: AAU

Panel of Examiners:

  • Victoria INTERRANTE Professeure, Université du Minnesota (Rapportrice)
  • Jean-Louis VERCHER Directeur de Recherche, CNRS (Rapporteur)
  • Sarah CREEM-REGEHR Professeure, Université de l’Utah (Examinatrice)
  • Valérie GYSELINCK Directrice de recherche, Université Gustave Eiffel (Examinatrice)
  • Anatole LÉCUYER Directeur de recherche, Inria Rennes (Examinateur)
  • Guillaume MOREAU Professeur, École Centrale de Nantes (Dir. de thèse)
  • Ferran ARGELAGUET Chargé de recherche, Inria Rennes (Co-enc. de thèse)
  • Jean-Marie NORMAND Maître de conférences, École Centrale de Nantes (Co-enc. de thèse)


Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, these words as well as their applications are gradually becoming common usage. However, the reality proposed by these technologies is not identical to our regular reality. This work aims to highlight some perceptual biases in Mixed Reality. First we study a perceptual bias linked to the observer: the anisotropy of the egocentric distances perception in virtual reality. In a second part, we study the exocentric perception of distances in Augmented Reality (AR). Indeed the underestimation of egocentric distances is a phenomenon frequently observed and it is therefore interesting to consider its potential transfer to the exocentric perception. Then we further study other potential biases in AR by focusing in particular on evaluating the impact of depth cues on the perception of distances. In particular, we investigate in this chapter the effect of two depth cues in AR: the impact of the position and shape of shadows on distance perception, and then the influence of accommodation on distance perception using a specific display technology: retinal projection devices. Finally, we discuss the potential impact of interaction techniques on distance perception and propose a protocol to evaluate the effect of certain interactions on distance perception in AR, in order to perhaps bring it closer to real perception.

Published on November 20, 2020 Updated on December 1, 2020