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Le site des clubs et assos des étudiants de Centrale Nantes
Site d'essais en mer de Centrale Nantes
Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray
IRSTV, Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
Porte d’entrée du réseau des acteurs en Recherche, Formation et Innovation des Pays de la Loire
A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
Of the 1488 institutions ranked in the world by the Times Higher Education in the field of engineering, Centrale Nantes is ranked in the top 400 for 2025. This places the school in third place for engineering schools in France.
In computer science and physical sciences, Centrale Nantes is ranked in the top 500 and top 600 respectively worldwide for 2025.
Out of more than 2,000 institutions ranked worldwide by Times Higher Education, Centrale Nantes is positioned in the top 600 globally, 15th in France (out of 50 institutions) and 4th among French engineering schools.
To join this elite circle, five major performance indicators are used evaluate institutions: teaching, research, citations, industry income and international outlook.
Centrale Nantes performed particularly well in 3 areas:
► Learn more about the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025
Centrale Nantes ranks in 7th place in the 2025 Etudiant rankings. Centrale Nantes performed particularly well on the international criteria, with a score of 25/30, and in terms of research and academic excellence, with a score of 33/40.
The Figaro étudiant ranks Centrale Nantes in 12th place amongst the 87 French Engineering schools in the 2025 ranking.
Centrale Nantes is ranked in the top 600 worldwide and in 13th place among the French institutions in the ranking. Centrale Nantes performed well on four goals in particular:
► Learn more about the THE Impact Rankings
For the fourth edition of this ranking, Centrale Nantes' joint fifth place in France confirms the school's commitment and leadership in terms of sustainable development, with regard to its own impact, its research and training activities, and its relationships with its partners.
Centrale Nantes is ranked 63rd in the world and 10th among French institutions in the 2024 Times Higher Education Young University Rankings which lists the world’s best universities that are 50 years old or younger.
The Shanghai 2023 "Marine/Ocean Engineering" GRAS ranks Nantes Université, which includes Centrale Nantes, France's leader player in ocean engineering, in 41st place worldwide. This makes it the first and only French institution in this ranking, which lists the world's 50 best universities per academic subject.
Of the 131 national institutions ranked by Usine Nouvelle, Centrale Nantes is in 15th place.
To establish this ranking, L'Usine Nouvelle takes into account 4 main criteria:
Out of 123 French institutions included in this ranking, Centrale Nantes, Telecom ParisSud and INP Toulouse received the highest number (18) of ‘A’ (very good) scores in 2022.
The school stands out in three categories:
► Learn more about U-Multirank
Centrale Nantes is ranked 5th among engineering schools offering the best student experience. Speak & Act's Best School Experience Happiness Barometer is designed to highlight the schools and universities where students are happiest and to guide applicants in their search for the best student experience. Centrale Nantes climbs 11 places from 2020.