Computer Science for Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of today's major scientific challenges. Recent advances in statistical learning have led to significant breakthroughs in many economic and societal fields. But these advances only reveal their full potential when integrated into a larger ecosystem, which lies within the historical scientific field of "artificial intelligence".

The specialisation in Computer Science for Artificial Intelligence takes a broad approach to this disciplinary field, covering statistical learning but also game theory, logic programming, reinforcement learning, ethics, etc.

The specialisation is a computer science course, focusing on AI, algorithms, and their implementation in practice.

Contribution to sustainable development goals



Learn more about Centrale Nantes' commitment to the 17 sustainable development goals

International students can follow this specialisation, taught in French, via:

  • A double degree programme - Open to international students selected by our partner institutions. Selected students spend two years studying courses from the engineering programme at Centrale Nantes. This usually includes one year of the common-core engineering curriculum followed by one year of specialisation. Double degree students are typically accepted after successfully completing two or three years of higher education in their home institution.
  • The fast-track engineering programme: Open to students with a Bachelor's or equivalent degree in science. Our fast-track programme gives international students who are qualified to bachelor level the opportunity to gain the 'diplôme d'ingénieur' in just two years.
Course Content

2023/24 Academic Year

Autumn Semester (S7 or S9) Spring Semester (S8 or S10)
Advanced algorithmics Graphs and algorithms
Sustainability, ethics and computing Probabilistic Modeling and Reinforcement Learning
Advanced programming in Python Parallelism and Model Checking
Introduction to statistics and data science with Python Logic programming
Algorithmic Game Theory Project 2
Programming on Graphical Processor Units Internship
Quality, Design and Modelling
Deep Learning
Project 1

Download syllabus


Examples of past projects and internships

Examples of projects

  • Programming a Poker game with AI
  • SVD Decomposition of very large matrices
  • Identification of gene sets using logic programming
  • Predicting the risk of kidney dysfunction in living donors
  • Infrastructure for bird song recognition
  • Predicting tidal range with machine learning
  • Datascience and machine learning with online games data

Examples of internships

  • IA-based computer vision to enhance image quality for laparoscopic surgery (CNRS)
  • Neural network architecture enhancement for unsupervised learning with Deep Image Prior (INSERM)
  • Design and development of mobile applications (BAM)
  • Identification of vegetation surrounding electrical grids with machine learning (ENEDIS)
  • Deep Learning Diffusion Models (Thalès)
  • Data Engineer Natural Language Processing (Amadeus)
  • Continuous learning of intelligent infrastructures to control road traffic (ALTEN)
  • Big data AI database development (TOYOTA)
After the specialisation

Industry sectors

  • Digital services companies
  • Consulting firms
  • Large industrial groups
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Banking, insurance
  • Startups
  • Research and development

Career prospects

  • Analysis, Design Software integration
  • IT development
  • Big Data/AI development
  • Project Management, Project Management Assistance
  • Data Science
  • Teaching and research in computer science

Student feedback

(in French with English subtitles)

Published on May 2, 2022 Updated on January 2, 2024