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Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a key challenge for our planet. We need to install decentralised renewable energy sources for stationary and/or embedded applications. The decentralisation of sources and storage leads to a complex energy system. The Energy Control and Management (e-Control) specialisation offers a training programme that addresses the technological, economic and societal challenges related to the energy sector.
Learn more about Centrale Nantes' commitment to the 17 sustainable development goals
International students can follow this specialisation, taught in French, via:
My name is Igor, I'm 22 years old and I came from a small town in Brazil. I started my studies at the University of Sao Paulo, where I did two and a half years of aeronautical engineering. Now it's my second year of a double degree at Centrale Nantes, where I'm following the Energy Control and Management specialisation.
This specialisation deals broadly with control, especially of electrical systems. For example, how to control a wind turbine generator, renewable energies, how they work, how to control them too, and how to bring them together in the network, to supply energy in the best way.
The first reason is because it's quite a broad specialisation to carry on from where I started. We have a lot of fields and subjects to cover. For example, embedded computing, electrical machines, renewable energy, control theory, and power electronics. So, after the course you can work in renewable energies, or in any other field: aeronautics, automotive, etc. The second reason is that we are studying very timely and emerging issues that are crucial in terms of energy transition, with control and the integration of renewable energies. The third reason is that we have a lot of projects and practical work, so that we can apply and better understand what we study in class.
I chose Centrale Nantes for three main reasons. Firstly, because it is a general engineering school so I could broaden my horizons. Secondly, for the opportunity to specialise in a field that was not necessarily my own. And finally, because it's a school where a lot of international students and nationalities mix. This multicultural environment really appealed to me.
My next step is to go back to the University of Sao Paulo, where I plan to study computer science a little more. This subject is covered in the specialisation, but it is not the main one. I also plan to spend more time studying electrical machines and control, topics which are related to the specialisation. That's why I'm really interested in exploring further.
Mohamed HAMIDA
The engineering programme has been awarded the EUR-ACE® label