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A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
Discover how Human Sciences and Engineering Sciences come together: through methods, tools and languages... Discover the worlds of art and entertainment, history, heritage and archaeology all from an engineering perspective. A real change of focus in the engineering curriculum ...
Learn more about Centrale Nantes' commitment to the 17 sustainable development goals
International students can follow this option, taught in French, via:
The INPACT option confirmed my career plans and allowed me to continue my studies in the cultural field. After further training in cultural management, I now work at the Philharmonie de Paris in the production of a permanent exhibition around music for primary school children. I now combine engineering, culture and music for young people, fields which I love and which motivate me on a daily basis. Antoine C., class of 2019 I was one of the first group of students given the opportunity to join the INPACT option when it opened at Centrale Nantes in 2017-2018. Thanks to this course, I chose a career in digital mediation. After 18 months creating educational digital resources in a company, I decided to resume my studies in order to prepare a thesis on scientific theatre. Zoé B., class of 2018
The INPACT option confirmed my career plans and allowed me to continue my studies in the cultural field. After further training in cultural management, I now work at the Philharmonie de Paris in the production of a permanent exhibition around music for primary school children. I now combine engineering, culture and music for young people, fields which I love and which motivate me on a daily basis.
I was one of the first group of students given the opportunity to join the INPACT option when it opened at Centrale Nantes in 2017-2018. Thanks to this course, I chose a career in digital mediation. After 18 months creating educational digital resources in a company, I decided to resume my studies in order to prepare a thesis on scientific theatre.
Video of Nouhayla, a student in the Engineering for art, culture and heritage specialisation (video in French with English subtitles).
My name is Nouhayla and I'm 24 years old. I'm doing a double degree in architecture and engineering at the Nantes School of Architecture and Centrale Nantes. Right now, I'm in my third year, specializing in Engineering Science for Housing and Urban Environment and following the INPACT option.
The INPACT option focuses on the digital world in the fields of art, heritage and culture, and involves meeting a number of different speakers. Alongside this, we also work on a project in collaboration with art, heritage and culture-related organizations, and are assessed on this at the end of the semester.
This option is very rewarding because the speakers are very diverse - they work in a wide variety of fields - so it gives us, as students, the chance to explore all the possibilities, i.e., where we go from here. It also puts us in touch with these players, particularly when it comes to looking for internships and career opportunities. It's an option that blends technical and artistic skills. This really inspires me, given my background in architecture and engineering.
I chose Centrale Nantes above all for its double degree in architecture and engineering, but also because I see myself working in the construction and urban planning sectors, and for ecological transition. And i know that Centrale Nantes is geared towards this field.
I'm going back to architecture school to complete my final year project, and then I'm going to conclude with my final year internship at Centrale Nantes. Through the INPACT option, I hope to find work experience that will allow me to flourish and find a field that brings together technology, art, culture and heritage.
Florent Laroche
The engineering programme has been awarded the EUR-ACE® label