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The 'Proficiency in project management' option offers an in-depth course in project management, with a view to working on large-scale projects or programs, or as a junior project manager, or even as a supervisor and then project director.
Learn more about Centrale Nantes' commitment to the 17 sustainable development goals
International students can follow this option, taught in French, via:
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Video of Camille, a student in the Proficiency in project management specialisation (video in French with English subtitles)
Hello, my name is Camille Lucas, I'm 23 and I'm doing a double degree in architecture and engineering. I've already spent 4 years at the Nantes School of Architecture. Now I'm at Centrale Nantes, currently in the third year and following the Proficiency in project management option.
The Proficiency in project management option involves piloting and monitoring a project for a client. This year, we're working on a project for Nantes University Hospital. The idea is to find a governance structure, a scope and to manage a team throughout the year, as a team.
It's an opportunity to get a solid grounding in project management, so as to be able to work later as a project manager, or project director. Also, to carry out a real project for a client, a project that really comes to fruition, and so, to have added value in one's career. And at the same time, to be able to work as part of a team, to form sub-teams and to learn within the sub-team how to manage a team.
Centrale Nantes is the partner school for my double degree with Nantes School of Architecture, so I joined Centrale Nantes directly. For me, the double degree was particularly interesting in terms of my career path, as it gives me the opportunity to learn more about building structures, thermal engineering and acoustics.
At the end of the year, I'll be doing a final year internship via the architecture school. And next year I'll be finishing my course at the architecture school, after which I'd like to be a project manager in a firm of architects.
The engineering programme has been awarded the EUR-ACE® label