CVEC Contribution

In order to enrol in higher education you must produce proof of CVEC payment, unless you are exempt (see below). CVEC is your annual contribution (€103 in 2024/25) to student and campus life. The CVEC contribution applies to double degree students, but not to executive education students or students on a semester or year exchange programme.

Who has to pay the CVEC?

  • Students enrolled in the general engineering programme and in the degree apprentice programme in partnership with ITII
    • as a student
    • as an apprentice
    • on a double degree course (outgoing mobility at another French or international institution)
    • on an exchange (to another French or international institution)
  • Students enrolled in a Bachelor programme
  • Students enrolled in the Foundation Master programme
  • Students enrolled in the Fast-track programme
  • Students enrolled in a Master's programme (*NB there are some specific provisions for international students on incoming mobility programmes)
    • On academic and work placement mobility (in another French or international organisation)
  • Students enrolled in a PhD programme (*NB there are some specific provisions for international students on incoming mobility programmes)
  • Students enrolled in an Advanced Master's (Mastère spécialisé ®) programme

NB: students in receipt of French government scholarship (CROUS or Campus France) must request a CVEC exemption certificate as they are exempt from paying it.

Who is exempt?

  • Executive education students
    • Recognition of prior learning and experience (VAE) courses,
    • Contrat de professionnalisation (professional training contract),
    • Executive Education interns
  • Incoming mobility students meeting the following condition:
    • accepted as part of an international academic partnership (including Erasmus Mundus) who do not pay tuition fees to the school (in accordance with the partnership agreement)
  • Trainee civil servants
  • Students with military status
  • Drop-in students
Published on February 14, 2024 Updated on March 3, 2025