MEA & AFLOWT Innovation Tour

Satisfaction survey

First Name (*)
Last Name (*)
E-mail (*)
Country (*)
Organisation name (*)

MEA & AFLOWT Innovation Tour – 29 and 30/06/22
Please indicate your overall satisfaction with the following aspects of the event:

  Content / overall agenda (*)

Duration (two days) was adapted to the content (*)

Day 1 - Presentations from speakers – Introductive trainings (10:30am-12:30pm) (*)

Day 1 - Presentations from speakers – AFLOWT session and keynote speeches from investors/accelerators (2pm-4pm) (*)

Day 1 - Presentations from speakers – Pitch sessions from offshore renewable startups & SMEs: (4pm-5pm) (*)

Day 2 - Offshore technical visit (*)

Networking/contacts made during the event (*)

Ease of registration (*)

Practical information provided (*)

Venue (*)

Food and beverages (*)

Comments & suggestions

What did you like in particular?
What could be improved?
Would you like to be informed by email about future Innovation Tours organised within the framework of the Marine Energy Alliance (MEA) project and beyond? (*)

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Publié le 8 juillet 2022 Mis à jour le 8 juillet 2022