Support us through your Apprenticeship Tax

Apprenticeship Tax (taxe d'apprentissage)

Join us in giving this generation of students the skills and capacity to contribute effectively to the energy transition and to societal and technological issues! By donating your apprenticeship tax to Centrale Nantes, you will help us to develop our educational activities.

The payment arrangements remain the same for 2024

In 2024, the Apprentice Tax will still be collected directly by Urssaf and MSA via the DSN (Déclaration Sociale Nominative). It now represents 0.09% of the total payroll. Each company pays the apprenticeship tax by direct debit via the DSN. The funds are then transferred to the Caisse des Dépôts.

From 27 May 2024, each company is invited to connect to the SOLTéA platform set up by Caisse des Dépôts using the identifiers obtained from Net-Entreprises. Each company can thus choose the beneficiary institutions and allocate its payments:

*No later than the 5th of the month for companies with at least 50 employees and whose salaries are paid during the same month as the working period.
 By the 15th of the month at the latest in all other cases (companies with more than 50 employees, whose salaries are paid later, and less than 50 employees).

How to pay your Apprenticeship tax to Centrale Nantes?
  • Connect to the SoltéA platform:
  • Select RECHERCHE ÉTABLISSEMENT to find the institution
  • Find Centrale Nantes with one of the following:
    Centrale Nantes
    Code UAI: 0440100V
    SIRET: 194 401 006 00011
    Postal address: 1 RUE DE LA NOË - 44321 NANTES CEDEX 3
  • Select VOIR LA FICHE to see the relevant information
  • Select the preferred allocation method
  • Select ENREGISTRER MES CHOIX to confirm your choice
  • Select ACCEDER À LA SYNTHESE to see a summary
  • For Centrale Nantes, in the ACTION column, select MODIFIER to allocate your payment
  • Specify the amount that you wish to allocate to Centrale Nantes
  • VALIDER to confirm
  • Don't forget to register your allocations

Support Centrale Nantes for the future of our students

  • Engineering for ecological transition is incorporated into our training programmes at Centrale Nantes, so that future engineers can design new ways of producing, working, consuming and living together, through the circular economy and eco-design.
  • Centrale Nantes is committed to equality and diversity. Our "Gender Equality" action plan is based on 4 main priorities:
    •  Guaranteeing equal access to jobs and responsibilities
    •  Preventing and addressing pay and career gaps
    •  Fostering work-life balance
    •  Combating sexist and sexual violence, harassment and gender-based discrimination
  • Centrale Nantes is committed to Ecology and the Environment. For example, PIAFF&CO: a project that aims to improve knowledge of the flying fauna, birds and bats, around offshore wind farms.

Centrale Nantes pursues its commitment to ecological transition in 2024

Watch the video (in French) highlighting the actions supported by the apprenticeship tax 

Video transcript

Video in French:

En 2024, Centrale Nantes poursuite son engagement dans la transition écologique.
En versant la taxe d'apprentissage vous vous engagez à nos côtés pour l'avenir de nos étudiants. Par votre soutien vous permettez à cette génération d'ingénieurs de contribuer activement à la transition énergétique, à la croisée des enjeux sociétaux et technologiques.

Les évolutions pour 2024/2025 :

  • ouverture de 2 parcours de spécialité dans le domaine du génie maritime sur la décarbonation des transports maritimes et sur les énergies marine renouvelables
  • réforme du tronc commun avec l'intégration des objectifs développement durable de l'ONU
  • de nouveaux parcours : l'option Projet Compétition internationale de construction de petite éolienne et l'option ingénierie des low-techs sur les techniques de l'habitat soutenable

Les actions de sensibilisation

En plus de la cellule de signalement et d'accompagnement pour les violences sexistes et sexuelles, de la formation systématique des responsables d'associations étudiantes, des actions de sensibilisation aux VSS et à la laïcité, nous structurons nos actions autour du bien-être étudiant.

Pour renforcer nos actions dans cette voie écoresponsable, Centrale Nantes compte sur votre engagement à ses côtés.



  • 06 01 05 91 73

Questions about the SOLTéA platform

Published on January 16, 2018 Updated on December 9, 2024