Contact Phone : +33 (0)2 40 37 25 86 Email : Office : F 204
Research institute Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (GeM) Research group Multiscale Mechanics and Physics of Materials (MULTIX) Computational Mechanics of Complex Structures (MECNUM)
Research Thermo-mechanics of Solids (plasticity, viscoelasticity, damage, ...) ; Nonlinear dynamics of structures ; Compuitational methods for coupled systems ; Data-Driven methods.
Keywords Civil engineering Computational Structural Mechanics Mechanics of Materials Nonlinear Dynamics Plasticity Finite Element Analysis, Method and Modeling Multiscale Analysis Multiscale Materials Modeling Materials science and composites Computational Mechanics Mechanical Engineering Mechanics of Materials Plasticity Solid Mechanics Mathematics Modeling and Simulation Numerical simulation and high performance computing Mechanics of Materials Numerical Simulation Finite Element Method
BAckground BAckground Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, University of Liège (1996) Electro-Mechanical Engineer (aerospace), University of Liège (1992) Teaching activities Teaching activities Continuum Mechanics ; Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Mechanics ; Numerical Simulation of Coupled Systems ; Structural Mechanics ; Data-Driven Approaches in Mechanics Publications Publications