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Research Damage, Fracture and Contact Extended finite element method (X-FEM) Thick level set (TLS) and Lip-field models for damage and localization Inequality level set for contact (ILS)
BAckground BAckground Education Engineering degree, Liège University, Belgium (1987-1992); Master in Comp. Mechanics, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France (1993); Ph.D. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France (1996) Habilitation, Université P. et M. Curie, France (2001) Research interests Computational Mechanics, Extended Finite element (X-FEM), level set, damage and fracture, contact mechanics, visco-plastic fluids. Career Professor at Ecole Centrale of Nantes since 2001 and promoted to the first class in 2007 and outstanding class in 2013. Research Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, USA (1999 – 2001) Research Associate, Northwestern University, USA (1998 – 1999) Post-doctoral fellow, University of Texas at Austin, USA (1996-1998) Honors and awards Dr Honoris Causa, Liège University, Belgium (2022) Member of the French Academy of Science (2020-) Elected at the Institut Universitaire de France Senior (2018-) Silver CNRS medal (2014) Fellow member, International Association for Computational Mechanics (2008) Elected at Institut Universitaire de France Junior (2007) Young investigator Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (2006) Jean Mandel Prize from the French association of mechanics (2003) Young Researcher French award (ACI Jeunes chercheurs) (2002) Professional activities Associate Editor European Journal of Mechanics / Solids Meccanica Editorial boards Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences Teaching activities • Regular teaching activities since 2001 in computational mechanics. University and (inter)national services • Vice-president for research (2017 - ) • Member of the CNRS hiring National committee in engineering (section 9) (2008 – 2012) • Head of the Regional Doctoral school (350 Ph.D. students) (2008 – 2011) • Chairman of the Ecole Centrale selection committee for hiring (2004 – 2007) • Erasmus Mundus master in computational mechanics, in charge for Nantes (2007-2011) Other relevant information Involved as co-chairman in the cycle of CFRAC conferences (Nantes 2007, Barcelona 2011, Prague 2013, Cachan 2015, Nantes 2017). External expert for the IFPEN scientific council (2016-) co-Chairman of the workshop “challenges in computational mechanics” (Cachan, 2006) Guest editor of 4 special issues (Computer Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., European Journal of Computational Mechanics ) Member of the scientific committees of over 20 international conferences Member of the scientific committee of the Lamsid/EDF R&D research institute (2014-) Lecturer in 9 short courses (summer schools) Two one-month stay at Berkeley (hosted by T. Zohdi) 2013 and 2015. Funding ERC Advanced grant (2012-2017) Ten grants from industry in the period 2001-2019 : Snecma Moteurs, Peugeot, EDF R&D, CEA, Airbus, French Petroleum Institute, Vallourec Public grants over 2001-2010 : French Aeronautical and Space Foundation (FNRAE) and Regional Grant from Pays de Loire. Publications 60 refereed papers in international journals, 20 invited or keynote lectures at international conferences. A dozen invitation in (semi)-plenaries. One book and 5 chapters in book. Scopus : H- index 33, around 11000 citations, listed in 18 papers cited more than a hundred times. Teaching activities Teaching activities Computational mechanics Extended Finite Element Method Configurational mechanics Publications Publications