
  • Professor
  • In charge of "Energetic and propulsion" modules of Mechanical Engineering Master
  • Head of Industrial chair MAN-Energy Solutions on industrial engines for marine and stationnary application
  • Fluid Mechanics and Energetics Department


Phone :
33 2 55 58 90 12
Email :
Office :
N111 (N Building ground floor)

Research institute

Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA)


- Themodynamical modeling and experimental study of internal combustion engines - combustion - pollutant emission - pollution reduction - improvement of efficiency / pollution trade off - engine transient behaviour - turbocharging - engine running with faulty components - diagnosis - energy recovery - injection - marine propulsion - stationary engines
BAckground - Engineer from Ecole Centrale de Nantes (1994)
- PhD from Ecole Centrale de Nantes and Nantes University in Fluid  Dynamics and Transferts (1998)
- Assistant Professor at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (2000)
- In charge of Energetic and Propulsion option of M-Eng Master (2004)
- HDR (2008)
- Head of MAN-ES Industrial Chair (2018)
- Full Professor (2019)
Teaching activities
Teaching activities - thermodynamics, energy conversion - internal combustion engines - automotive propulsion
Published on July 2, 2004 Updated on September 20, 2023