• Vacancy - open,

ITRF Entrance Examination: Administrative Assistant


Applications on WebITRF: by 30 April 2024 at noon (Paris time)

Start date: 1 December 2024

HR Contact: concours-recrutement9f2971ae-e9f8-4804-9fa5-ae9204f2f26a@ec-nantes.fr


Application forms:

All I.T.R.F. applicants should print out their application themselves once their application has been submitted on the website.

Only by sending the application form by post to the address of the organising centre - specified on the first page of each application form - , as evidenced by the postmark, will a candidate be able to confirm his or her application, in accordance with the terms publications in the Journal Officiel.
Whilst the applications are open, you can reprint your form at any time, using the application number you were allocated and your chosen password, from the "suivi détaillé des candidatures" section of the WebITRF website.
You can also, at any time, in the same section, (re)download the "word processing" template to fill in your application on your computer.
If you have submitted a valid e-mail address, you will also receive, as an attachment to your registration confirmation e-mail, your form to be printed and the "word processing" template. You will not receive prior notification of this email on the website.

  • Dates
    Created on April 15, 2024
Published on April 16, 2024 Updated on April 16, 2024