Retrouvez toutes les infos sur la rentrée.
Le site des clubs et assos des étudiants de Centrale Nantes
Site d'essais en mer de Centrale Nantes
Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray
IRSTV, Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
Porte d’entrée du réseau des acteurs en Recherche, Formation et Innovation des Pays de la Loire
A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
Centrale Nantes works hand-in-hand with industry to ensure the vocational approach to its programmes. These close links come in various forms: company visits, internships, projects, participation in examination boards, sponsorship of options, participation of external speakers in courses, conferences, partner days, interview simulations, job or internship offers.
The training partnerships with companies favour frequent interaction between students and companies, which greatly contributes to the professional integration of graduates. The school also forges close links with companies and networks in West of France (start-ups, SMEs, professional branches, Chambers of Commerce and Industry etc).
Centrale Nantes and its laboratories also collaborate with numerous companies to boost their research and accelerate their innovation.
Students, through associations such as the Atlantic Forum, the Student Association (BDE) and the Junior Enterprise, are actively involved in the perpetuation of ties with companies.
Centrale Nantes offers you maximum exposure to industry with formulas that allow you to spend more time in industry if you wish.