Retrouvez toutes les infos sur la rentrée.
Le site des clubs et assos des étudiants de Centrale Nantes
Site d'essais en mer de Centrale Nantes
Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray
IRSTV, Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
Porte d’entrée du réseau des acteurs en Recherche, Formation et Innovation des Pays de la Loire
A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
Send your request to indicating your year of graduation, your course of study and your full name and follow the procedure (1 or 2) below: NB: We do not send certificates out by recorded delivery if you live in Nantes or the Nantes region. You need make an appointment to collect your certificate in person from the school.
Complete applications will be processed in order of arrival and within a timeframe ranging from 15 days to 3 weeks (depending on the number of applications and other activities within the Student Affairs team).
For students who graduated in the class of 2023, your certificates are available. Please follow the guidelines on this page to collect your certificate.
Degree certificates will NOT be distributed at the graduation ceremony in December. They will be available for dispatch in the first half of 2025. Please follow the guidelines on this page to collect your certificate.