Integrated Master-PhD Track | Control and Robotics

The Integrated Master-PhD Track is available within the Signal and Image Processing (CORO SIP) and Advanced Robotics (CORO IMARO) Master specialisms.

Course content in the M1 and M2 years is closely based on the chosen Master's specialism, whereby Integrated Master-PhD Track students have a (limited) choice of modules, plus a research module and supervised research project.
Students on the track will be assigned to the Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N) with supervision from a member of faculty. It is within LS2N Laboratory that the students on this track would naturally progress towards funded PhD studies, subject to successful completion of the Master's degree, final acceptance by the ad hoc committee and the award of a PhD grant.

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What is the Integrated Master-PhD Track?

Centrale Nantes offers high-potential students the opportunity to join our 'two plus three'-year Integrated Master-PhD Track. This track draws on the areas of excellence of our research institutes and our existing MSc programmes to bring together two years of Master's studies and three years at PhD level. Years one and two are designed to equip students with the skills and facilities they need to tackle a challenging research project alongside their MSc courses. After successful completion of the Master's degree, students on this track would naturally progress towards PhD studies within the school, subject to final acceptance by the ad hoc committee.
Published on September 22, 2023 Updated on June 4, 2024