Equality, diversity and inclusion at Centrale Nantes

Centrale Nantes is committed to diversity, equality and inclusion for its staff and students.

To this end, the school set up an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee in 2020. The goal of the Committee is to ensure that everyone is free to embrace their differences and identity without fear of scrutiny from others and to maintain equality and respect for all.

The committee is addressing five main themes: International, Gender Equality, Disability, Secularism, LGBTQI+.


Centrale Nantes has set up actions to promote the well-being of international students and staff in three main areas:

  • Arrival/integration of international students and staff
  • Raising student awareness of cultural differences
  • Providing staff the opportunity to learn a foreign language

Centrale Nantes upholds the principles of "French secularism" as applied in public institutions in order to facilitate the life of everyone on campus, students and staff alike.

In this respect, the school:

  • advises and assists staff and students in matters of secularism via a dedicated working group within the equality and diversity committee,
  • maintains a FAQ answering the most frequently asked practical questions in higher education and research.
  • informs users and staff about secular issues (during welcome days, in welcome booklets, for "Secularity Day" on 9 December, etc.)
  • and more generally, acts to prevent any act of proselytism, discrimination, incitement to hatred or any other act contrary to the principles of neutrality and secularism

Centrale Nantes's procedures allow for student welcome, integration and harmonious co-existence, regardless of sexual orientation and sexual or gender identity. To this end, the school has implemented different actions:

Creating an inclusive environment

Preventing LGBT-phobic behaviour

  • support for student associations, organisation of the iD: rethinking gender festival in October 2021
  • organisation of awareness-raising courses for staff and students.

Dealing with LGBT-phobic incidents

  • Appointment of an Equality and Diversity co-ordinator and communication on reporting procedures at Centrale Nantes for all LGBT-phobic acts.
  • updated rules and regulations
Gender Equality

As part of its commitment to gender equality, the school has put in place an action plan with four main tenets:

Prevent and address pay and career gaps

  • Ensure equality from the recruitment process onwards
  • Ensure equal access to employment
  • Ensure equality in career development
  • Ensure equal pay

Ensure equal access to jobs and responsibilities

  • Identify and remove obstacles to gender diversity in the workplace
  • Raise awareness and train staff in professional equality

Foster work-life balance

  • Promote work/life balance
  • Take into account the diversity of working patterns
  • Take better account of parenthood

Combat gender-based violence, harassment and discrimination

  • Prevent: the school has implemented a major prevention campaign (course modules offered, a play to raise awareness of sexist and sexual violence, distribution of violence meters and respect meters, etc.). The student associations also play an essential role in prevention among students.
  • Detect / Respond: setting up a support and reporting system for situations of harassment and gender-based and sexual violence
  • Develop and promote research on gender

Download the action plan


Most disability situations are linked to temporary and non-visible differences. As an inclusive school, Centrale Nantes deploys a broad-scope and coordinated action to host learners and staff with disabilities in the best possible conditions. The actions deployed involve:

  • Information and awareness of disability issues,
  • Support for teachers, trainers and managers in charge integrating people with disabilities,
  • Pedagogical considerations,
  • Improving campus conditions and accessibility.

The Board of Governors approved the Disability Policy Framework (2023-2025) on 14 March 2023.

Support and reporting for incidents of harassment and gender-based and sexual violence

Centrale Nantes has set up a support and reporting system, accessible to all students who are victims of or witnesses to harassment, gender-based and/or sexual violence.

The support system ensures that a victim or witness receives appropriate support.

All reports sent to the reporting unit are treated individually in order to hear the victim's or witness's views and to offer them appropriate support.

It comprises 3 elements:

  1. Support: The school provides students with a comprehensive support system, mobilizing resources both inside and outside the school.
  2. Reporting: Students can contact the school's reporting unit at any time. This triggers an internal procedure.
  3. Legal proceedings: Legal proceedings can be initiated in a number of ways: by the victim directly and/or by the director via a report to the public prosecutor (in accordance with article 40 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure). It is independent of the school's internal procedure.

All reports sent to the reporting unit are treated on an individual basis in order to hear the views of the victim or witness, and to offer appropriate support.

Detailed information is available on the student intranet.

Published on October 11, 2021 Updated on March 3, 2025