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Le site des clubs et assos des étudiants de Centrale Nantes
Site d'essais en mer de Centrale Nantes
Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray
IRSTV, Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
Porte d’entrée du réseau des acteurs en Recherche, Formation et Innovation des Pays de la Loire
A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
The BRIO Equal Opportunities programme was launched in 2006 on the initiative of Centrale Nantes and Audencia Business School in order to provide a local response to the issues of diversity and access to knowledge for all. The scheme was then awarded the "Cordée de la réussite" label in 2008. In 2009, IMT Atlantique and ONIRIS, the veterinary and agri-food school, joined the programme. Each year, the BRIO scheme mobilises more than 60 student tutors from the 4 schools, 27 teacher coordinators in the 14 partner high schools, as well as around a hundred volunteers and staff from the contributing Grandes Écoles.
Through an 18-month tutoring programme, BRIO helps willing high school students, identified by the educational teams of the partner high schools, to envisage more ambitious higher education studies. Every year, more than 150 students benefit from group workshops in small groups of 6 students on two Wednesday afternoons per month, as well as cultural outings, a short discovery trip to a European city, meetings related to career guidance, etc. In total, the students benefit from a minimum of 76 hours of individual guidance.
Centrale Nantes is committed to degree apprenticeships for engineering programme students recruited via competitive examinations or university courses, through partnerships with large companies and SMEs. Centrale Nantes also runs three specialised engineering courses in conjunction with ITII des Pays de la Loire, for holders of a BTS or a DUT qualification.
Centrale Nantes' Executive Education works with companies and local and national players to set up programmes adapted to the needs of people with poor employment prospects and of companies in need of skills.
Through Webimpulse, Prépa Tremplin numérique and the initiatives of the Fondation Agissons pour l'Emploi, Centrale Nantes is contributing to the objectives of sustainable development and reducing inequality.
Centrale Nantes welcomes students of 87 different nationalities on campus (over 40% of the student body). Access to housing, state aid and orientation is facilitated by the staff of the International Relations Department. Student associations such as the BDE (which has 2 to 3 international 'staff') and ACCENTS help integrate students into their classes and create events to highlight the cultures represented on campus, such as International Week, Chinese New Year and the Holi Festival. Numerous clubs and associations emphasise the international dimension, such as the Master's Student Association, Brazucas or Chinamour.
International students benefit from specific careers guidance and workshops to help them find internships. They are integrated into the Centralien network as soon as they arrive at the school and are invited to network events, both online and in person, such as afterwork gatherings. They are mentored by an English or French speaking alumni.
In 2021, Centrale Nantes was awarded the Bienvenue en France label, which highlights the quality and accessibility of information, welcome facilities, courses, accommodation, the quality of campus life and post-graduation follow-up for international students.
As part of the promotion of work life quality, a working group has been examining the issue since 2015 to develop a tool to identify situations that generate ill-being at work and to direct sufferers (and witnesses) to the appropriate contacts. A staff survey was conducted in 2017. The psychosocial risk prevention reporting protocol was updated in 2020 and is available on the intranet.
A remote working arrangement means that staff can work up to 2 days per week from home (fixed plus a further 4 floating days per month). The objectives are to reduce travel-related fatigue and to make it easier for everyone to balance their working and personal lives. Learn more
The Equality and Diversity Committee is addressing five main themes: International, Gender Equality, Disability, Secularism, LGBTQI+.
In 2021, the Gender Equality Action Plan was approved by the Board of Governors.
The work of this committee contributes to the SDG5, SDG10, SDG16.
These actions contribute to SDGs 3, 5 and 10 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
A 24/7 listening, support and counselling service and a reporting unit have been set up, as well as the mobilisation of various services for students: the infirmary and student life team, and for staff: the HR department.