• Sustainable development,
  • Study Programme,
  • SDG4,

Sustainable development awareness workshops

Published on October 24, 2022 Updated on February 26, 2025
Centrale Nantes is committed to providing sustainable development training for its students and staff. On 1 July 2021, Centrale Nantes signed the Grenoble Accord and pledged to offer all of its staff (including teachers) and all of its students an awareness-raising workshop on the challenges of the ecological and societal transition. By 1 July 2023, more than 300 staff and all students had taken part in an awareness-raising workshop.

Workshops are organised for staff, PhD students and students. Since 2019, all engineering programme students attend a Climate Fresk workshop and have 32 hours of core curriculum courses on climate issues.

By 1 July 2023, a total of 1,800 people at Centrale Nantes will have attended awareness workshops, including two thirds of the staff.

Each department and each employee can contact the Sustainable Development Department to organise a workshop. 

Collage-type workshops, based on the work of scientific groups, provide a fun and educational way of understanding the physical and social mechanisms at play in ecological and societal transition.

While climate change is the main issue, there are many other subjects to consider: biodiversity loss, the depletion of resources, pollution caused by human activities, etc. Centrale Nantes is therefore offering its staff, students and partners the opportunity to discover several tools.

Fresk and other awareness workshops on offer at Centrale Nantes

Climate Fresk

This collaborative workshop, based solely on the work of the IPCC, is designed to explain the process of climate change by linking causes and effects. You don't need to become a climatologist to understand climate change, the Climate Fresk is all you need! Invented by Cédric Ringenbach, an alumnus of the school, this workshop continues to spread widely in France and abroad, with more than 300,000 people already "fresked" (i.e. having taken part in the workshop) and an expected 1 million by the end of 2022.

Digital Collage

This workshop provides a better understanding of the socio-environmental challenges of digital technology (depletion of resources, climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss and impact on human societies, etc.). Based on data from ADEME, the Green IT collective, EcoInfo CNRS and the Shift Project, it presents the issues and examines solutions for a more sustainable digital world.

Learn more

2 tonnes Workshop

This workshop invites participants to explore the future as a team and try to limit climate change, by reflecting on the levers for action to reduce our carbon footprint, through individual and collective action. This serious game puts participants in the shoes of decision-makers and allows them to visualise the impact of their decisions. It takes into account the individual and collective dimensions of the topic, without forgetting the role of influence, a key issue in the transformation of society. Learn more

Fresque Océane (Ocean Fresk)

This workshop comes in two different formats: a "Masterclass", which is an introduction to the Collage and takes the form of an interactive conference, and a "Collage", which delves more deeply into the subject to provide a better understanding of the impact of human activity on the ocean. This Collage explores six themes in greater depth: ocean resources, marine biodiversity, climate change, fishing, maritime transport and human pollution. For each of these themes, it proposes courses of action, innovation and solutions. The data is drawn from the work of the IPCC, IFREMER, FAO and IPBES.

Learn more (in French)

Fresque de la Biodiversité (Biodiversity Fresk)

This workshop is an opportunity to discover biodiversity, the pressures it faces and the biodiversity loss.
The data is drawn from the work of the IPBES, the counterpart of the IPCC for biodiversity.

Learn more (in French)

Fresque du Sexisme (Sexism Fresk)

Fresque du sexisme The aim of this workshop is to contribute to an egalitarian society by teaching and taking action, through the collective experience of the Sexism Fresco, in order to unravel the sexist mechanism and identify the dynamics that feed the vicious circle of gender inequality, and to offer a forward-looking moment to imagine a more egalitarian society of the future.

On offer in 2023-2024:

  • The Climate Fresk in English/French across all study programmes
  • for staff: Climate Fresk, biodiversity, sexism, InventonsNosViesBasCarbone (Invent Our Low Carbon Lives), 2tonnes, digital, human factor in partnership with Nantes Université.

If you know of a tool to share with colleagues, let's test it together!

Centrale Nantes is committed to sustainable development in its staff and student training.

Published on October 24, 2022 Updated on February 26, 2025