• SDG12,

Waste Management at Centrale Nantes

Published on September 29, 2022 Updated on February 26, 2025
The Centrale Nantes campus hosts a variety of activities that generate office waste, food waste, as well as hazardous waste generated by research and teaching activities in particular.

Waste collection

The waste flows collected are: paper, cardboard, cartridges, batteries, lamps, glass, plastic film, metals, plastic bottles, cans and plastic containers. Sorting bins are placed near each building to encourage users to recycle.

Other waste such as rubble, electrical appliances and hazardous waste are subject to specific procedures on a case-by-case basis.

The carbon impact of processing mixed waste, scrap metal, rubble and household appliances is estimated at 11 tCO2eq, half of which is offset by the recovery of other waste (paper, cartridges, cups, etc.) - source Carbon footprint - data for 2018.


A composter has been installed near the student residence in order to reduce the proportion of food waste in the household waste produced by students living near the campus.

The campus working group of sustainable development representatives are considering whether to install other composters on campus.

Student Projects

The students of the Mechanical Engineering for Materials and Manufacturing Processes specialisation organised a conference, as part of a flipped class, in 2021 on the Future of waste in Europe examining four questions:

  • What kind of cup should be used to limit the ecological and economic impact of its use?
  • What is the future for our waste in Europe? Study of recycling in two specific cases: the PET bottle and the can.
  • LCA of buildings: Depending on the choice of materials, what social and environmental impacts does the design of collective housing generate?
  • How to quantify the environmental impact of offshore and onshore wind turbines according to their characteristics? Some answers as to energy payback time and material intensity through a material approach and a simplified life cycle analysis.

Waste collection race

As part of the Alliance Days, the students raced to collect waste under the impetus of the Together For Earth association and in partnership with the NGO Surfrider. Thus, 27 bags of waste were collected by students from Centrale Nantes, Ensa and Audencia.

Humanitarian project for plastic waste recycling

The students of the association Récup'Eau Vietnam (REV) won the 2019 Véolia Prize: the panel singled out the REV Action project on plastic recycling- designed to enable the villagers of Liên Son 2, in southern Vietnam, to use a shredder, an extruder, an injection press and a compressor to process plastic waste.

Published on September 29, 2022 Updated on February 26, 2025