MathICs - Strengthening Mathematics Education by the use of ICTs in Morocco

The MathICs project is co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education.

MathICs aims to strengthen the use of ICTs in the teaching of mathematics in Morocco by completing the ICT media equipment of Moroccan Partner HEIs and by strengthening the capacities of Moroccan mathematics teachers in the use of ICT for teaching.

The project will therefore contribute to increase students' understanding, skills, pass rate and interest in maths; it will help, through e-learning, potential students in marginalized situations and Moroccan HEIs in their issue of massification. This ambitious four-year project will run until 14 January 2024.

The project will carry out the following activities:

  • Assessment of ICT resources in Morocco
  • Set up infrastructure
  • Training of trainers and technicians: Hardware and software use
  • Training of trainers and technicians: Creation of MOOCs and e-learning contents
  • Training of trainers and technicians: Pedagogical methods using ICTs in classrooms (Centrale Nantes)
  • Application and adaptation of training to Mathematics existing lessons

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Project Partners

Published on July 2, 2021 Updated on February 28, 2025