Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Key Action 1 (KA1) aims to support mobility in education, training and youth by offering participants (people and organisations) of the programme lasting benefits. Centrale Nantes is currently involved in the following projects:

  • Mobility of students and staff in Higher Education
  • Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)
  • International Mobility for Credits with third countries not associated with the programme (IMC)

Mobility of students and staff in Higher Education

Centrale Nantes gives staff and students the opportunity to participate in international mobility thanks to the KA131 programme (Erasmus+ Mobility for Higher Education) in institutions with whom an Erasmus+ partnership has been signed (2021-2027).

Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)

The Blended Intensive Programme allows Higher Education Institutions to jointly develop learning, teaching and training programmes combining mobility and online collaborative activities for groups of students or teaching and administrative staff.

International Mobility for Credits with third countries not associated with the programme (IMC)

Under the International Mobility for Credits programme (KA171), Centrale Nantes offers mobility grants for teaching and administrative staff with the following institution:

  • Nigeria: Covenant University (2024-2027)

Former Projects

Published on February 11, 2019 Updated on February 28, 2025