

The T.I.M.E. (Top International Managers in Engineering) Association, launched in 1989, is a network composed of leading technical universities and engineering schools. Centrale Nantes has been a member since 1996. T.I.M.E enables student exchanges among the leading engineering institutions in Europe.

These first rate institutions have a strong international dimension in their research, teaching and industrial relations and they are all committed to international cooperation, student exchanges and recognition of studies abroad.  T.I.M.E. currently consists of 57 members across 25 countries.


The main purpose of T.I.M.E. is to facilitate the exchange of students for Double Master Degrees in Engineering. Since its creation, over 3,000 carefully selected students have graduated with two Master Degrees and they have enjoyed rapid career progression in industry and in other fields of activity.
T.I.M.E. double degree graduates are mobile, adaptable and culturally aware.

In addition to double degrees, T.I.M.E. enables its members to:

  • network for EU-funded projects in education
  • identify opportunities for academic collaboration
  • exchange good practices and experience
  • participate in specialized task forces
  • promote their expertise
  • increase their visibility


The T.I.M.E Association is composed of 57 leading international engineering schools and faculties and technical universities from around the world.

Published on February 7, 2019 Updated on March 20, 2025