Retrouvez toutes les infos sur la rentrée.
Le site des clubs et assos des étudiants de Centrale Nantes
Site d'essais en mer de Centrale Nantes
Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray
IRSTV, Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
Porte d’entrée du réseau des acteurs en Recherche, Formation et Innovation des Pays de la Loire
A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
Start here by accepting our invitation to join the Centrale Nantes community on the Goin' app (an invitation is sent by email following your offer of admission). Just download the app and create your account to connect with other students who are joining or currently studying on the same Centrale Nantes programme as yourself! You can start making friends even before you set foot on campus, and share tips about study, travel and accommodation etc.
Available infrastructure adjusted for people with reduced mobility, hearing impairments and visual impairments.
We're here to welcome you to Centrale Nantes and help with all the administrative aspects of your arrival.
Need to be picked up from the airport or other assistance? Want to make new friends?