Teaching Department
Social Sciences, Modern Languages and Sports Department
Being a versatile engineer is not only about acquiring a general scientific and technological culture, but also about being able to cope with the diversity and complexity of the world and humanity. For many of our students, scientific approaches different from those of the subject sciences have yet to be discovered. Within the framework of the orientations defined by Centrale Nantes, the empowerment of engineering students and their preparation for the world of business, the development of their critical sense, the internationalization of training and relations with companies, the CLES department is in line with the standard for the development of the Human and Social Sciences in Engineering Schools.Organization
- Affiliated institution(s)
- Academic Affairs
- Silvia ERTL LE ROY, Director of the Department
- Anne-Isabelle Parc, Department Assistant
- Sport / Leadership: Gildas Guiheneuf, Grégory Garnier, Loreta Ivanauskas, Sébastien Foucher
- Soft Skills and Business Sciences: Julie Berger.
- Social Sciences: Anna Polonyi
- English: Julien Beck, Matthew Beall, Anna Polonyi, James Ratcliff, David Troya, Emma Williams
- Spanish: Josep Pinyol-Vidal, Marta Herrera
- German: Katja Borck
- French as a foreign language: Silvia Ertl, Astrid de Bruyn, Elise Gaboriau, Stéphanie Massot, Julie Pourquier
- Chinese: Janping Gunst
- Japanese: Yuriko Uno, Yukie Nakao
- Italian: Nunzia Caleca
- Russian: Larissa Georget
Professional Options:
- International Business Development: Julien Beck
- Business Finance: Pascal Gilquin
- Entrepreneurship: Pascal Gilquin
Contact details
Anne-Isabelle Parc, Department Assistant