Type(s) of organization : Student Association

CNE - Junior Entreprise

Student Life, Employability, Student clubs - personal development

CNE - 'Centrale Nantes Etude' is the Junior Entreprise student association of Centrale Nantes. Operating on the principle of an engineering consulting firm, CNE allows students to discover the world of business by working directly with companies. It is also an opportunity to participate in exciting events throughout France!
Contact details :
Ecole Centrale de Nantes 1, rue de la Noe BP 92101 44321 Nantes cedex 3 Tel: 02 40 37 16 21 Fax: 02 40 37 16 16
Website :
Email. :


Centrale Nantes Etudes is a non-profit association with dual educational and professional vocation. It allows students to build on the theoretical classes provided at the school by applying their new knowledge to a project that meets the needs of a company. Each project is managed by a project manager. From customer contact to compiling administrative documents to project delivery, you will be in charge of managing the project team.
Meet new people and access professional training through numerous events such as afterwork events, integration weekends, and even national congresses.
CNE is a unique associative experience! Want to be part of it? Don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be waiting for you at the beginning of the school year!


Baptiste JACQUIN

Executive members

President: (alexis.martincfee2e89-2724-4c91-9a2c-04de6b3e2fcf@centralenantesetudes.fr) Baptiste JACQUIN (baptiste.jacquinc2702c99-37e5-4d96-b446-89edcdf68d42@centralenantesetudes.fr)
Vice president: Théo GRANADOS (theo.granados9516b45f-4d58-4796-a52d-a299a98504eb@centralenantesetudes.fr)
Treasurer: Thibault LEBLANC (thibault.leblancb5279082-7c35-4706-a0dc-2c017ee82ea6@centralenantesetudes.fr)
Secretary: Félix BONNET (felix.bonnet1e52943d-2db0-455b-a645-151d9705e521@centralenantesetudes.fr)

HR manager: Ulysse GRIMAULT (ulysse.grimault3cb546b4-da76-4e90-81f7-bc2fcfe13d24@centralenantesetudes.fr)
Business development: Clément ABISSI (clement.abissib7839be3-7e52-4c87-baf4-bf01fdd2e794@centralenantesetudes.fr)
Project Management: Marc RUFFIE (marc.ruffie170c9b31-6e3f-496e-b10b-d247a9f37cd3@centralenantesetudes.fr)
Quality Control: Benoît COLOTTE (benoit.colotteaaed8ecf-ea6a-48c5-b8df-055e04677e6d@centralenantesetudes.fr)
Communication: Léa BECKER (lea.beckerb7f0f192-e1d5-414e-bf1f-cffdbc2999d0@centralenantesetudes.fr)
IT: Julien CHANAL (julien.chanalee35957c-97f4-4309-b58b-1a1a9cd4fc66@centralenantesetudes.fr)

Learn more: centralenantesetudes.fr/notre-equipe

Office hours

Telephone hotline:
  • from Monday to Friday from 12.15 to 1.45pm
Published on August 28, 2003 Updated on September 21, 2023