• Graduate profiles,
  • Feedback M-TECH AMASONE,

Christian | MSc Marine Technology (AMASONE), Class of 2023

Published on July 5, 2024 Updated on January 9, 2025
"I decided to join the Masters program as I was greatly interested in the relation between engineering and marine operations, plus it opened a wide range of job opportunities after graduation... I am currently a Shipmanager at CMA CGM Head Office, Marseille."

What is your background?

"I am Maltese and previously graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Malta."

Why did you decide to join the Master Programme in Civil Engineering at Centrale Nantes?

"I decided to join the Masters program, AMASONE, as I was greatly interested in the relation between engineering and marine operations, plus it opened a wide range of job opportunities after graduation."

What did you enjoy or find challenging about the programme?

"The Master's program allowed me to delve into several aspects of marine operations and engineering thus broadening my knowledge in several different areas. Having had lessons at Ecole Centrale, Ecole Navale and Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime allowed me to balance both theoretical and more practical aspects in the field of study whilst providing a unique student experience. At times balancing the requirements of the three Ecoles has been difficult however satisfying."

What is your current position?

"I am currently a Shipmanager at CMA CGM Head Office, Marseille."

How did this Master's programme help prepare you for your current position?

"The Master's degree provided the fundamental aspects to understand the relationship between vessel operation and engineering thus allowing me to strike a balance between the human factors in vessel operation and vessel performance."

Any advice for future applicants?

"In my opinion, the Master's program compliments a Bachelor degree very well by enhancing the knowledge previously gained and of course providing new knowledge in unfamiliar areas, especially for students who have previously been in courses that are very theoretical in nature or wish to diversify their current knowledge. The degree is at times challenging but not overwhelming and provides a good study-life balance."

Centrale Nantes in three words?

  • "Challenging
  • Satisfying
  • Opportunity."

Published on July 5, 2024 Updated on January 9, 2025