• feedback bachelor BSc,
  • Graduate profiles,

Inès | Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Class of 2027

Published on October 7, 2024 Updated on October 7, 2024
"I chose this course for the academic reputation of the Ecoles Centrale, which is one of the most comprehensive and formative ... opening up numerous job prospects. What's more, the bachelor's degree is taught in English, which was a major factor in my choice, as it opens doors for me internationally. Student life was also a major factor..."
Why did you choose a Bachelor's degree at Centrale Nantes?
"I chose this course for the academic reputation of the Ecoles Centrale, which is one of the most comprehensive and formative (as a general engineering curriculum and the fact that most of the professors are also researchers), opening up numerous job prospects. What's more, the bachelor's degree is taught in English, which was a major factor in my choice, as it opens doors for me internationally.
Student life was also a major factor, as I was very interested in two clubs: rowing and Centrale Nantes Études (the junior consultancy). Few universities put so much emphasis on extra-curricular activities, which only confirmed my choice. The final aspect was Centrale Nantes' social commitment, since environmental issues and gender equality are issues that are close to my heart.  Seeing that Centrale Nantes is taking real steps to help bring about change convinced me."

What are your first impressions of the programme and the teaching?
"The teaching is demanding, as you have to get used to the English language of science. What's more, the pace is different from that in hich school, and we're asked to be more independent.  That doesn't stop the teachers being really good listeners and very friendly, so I think it's just a matter of getting used to it."

What about student life on campus in Nantes?
"I was pleasantly surprised by the student life on campus and in Nantes, because from day one I felt part of a family. The student associations are very welcoming and caring and make it easy to integrate. Get ready for the first few weeks of the new academic year, which are packed with activities!
I also liked the fact that there was no minimum level required to join the clubs, which allowed me to try out new activities such as cooking, rock climbing and rock music.
The advantage of Centrale Nantes is that the campus is close to the city centre, which means we can take advantage of all the amenities and cultural activities. In other words, there's never a dull moment at Centrale Nantes!"

Any advice for future applicants?
"Just go for it! Don't be shy to talk to people, Don't be shy to try new activities, Don't be shy to ask for help if you need it. Remember that everyone, whether they are students, members of the administration or teachers, will be more than willing to listen."

What are your career plans?
"After the bachelor's degree, I plan to do a master's in an English-speaking country to specialise in a particular field. After that, I'd like to do an MBA in finance or management to complete my training."

Centrale Nantes in 3 words?
"Fulfilment - Family - Opportunity."
Published on October 7, 2024 Updated on October 7, 2024