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Jiangmin | MSc Industrial Engineering (AFM), Class of 2025

Published on May 31, 2024 Updated on May 31, 2024
"Centrale Nantes boasts high-quality alumni and state-of-the-art experimental facilities... The program offers a global perspective and comprehensive industry insights, which are invaluable for your future career"
What is your background?
"Hello, my name is Jiangmin from China and now I am an Industrial Engineering Master student"

Why did you decide to join Centrale Nantes for this Master's programme?
"I liked the course setting and I also wanted to master French, so I chose to come to France to study the engineering program. French engineers are very famous. At the same time, my undergraduate degree is in mechanical engineering. I have already had an internship in related fields and have an in-depth understanding of it, so I wanted to try another field, and then industrial engineering appeared in front of me."

What do you think of the programme so far?
"So far, the program has been enriching, especially the modules on finance and management tailored for engineers, alongside the data science components. These areas are promising, though I admit some aspects of the course have been challenging."

What about student life on campus / in Nantes?
"I've immersed myself in numerous campus activities and found the community is very welcoming. Participating in clubs like 'Soiree' and 'Fanfrale' at the semester’s start has been enjoyable. It's a community where everyone is actively seeking to enrich their lives, which creates a very supportive environment."

Any advice for new applicants?
"Be bold and apply! Centrale Nantes boasts high-quality alumni and state-of-the-art experimental facilities. Even if industrial engineering isn’t your primary interest, the program offers a global perspective and comprehensive industry insights, which are invaluable for your future career."

What are your plans for the future?
"I might work in the IT industry, or the industrial engineering + big data industry."

Centrale Nantes in 3 words?
"Prestigious, ambitious, and tranquil”
Published on May 31, 2024 Updated on May 31, 2024