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Site d'essais en mer de Centrale Nantes
Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray
IRSTV, Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
Porte d’entrée du réseau des acteurs en Recherche, Formation et Innovation des Pays de la Loire
A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
Class of 2014 - Ocean Specialisation et Sustainable City Option
" I am from Nancy in the east of France, that’s where I started my engineering studies. I decided to cross France to the west to join Centrale Nantes because I was already strongly attracted to Marine Renewable Energies, for which Centrale enjoys a strong reputation. After a second-year internship in Stuttgart working for Bosh on a wave machine, I naturally opted for the "Ocean" specialisation and "Sustainable City” option which were the perfect choice given my desire to work on the problems of renewables."
" I am currently working on French offshore wind farms at EDF Energies Nouvelles, in La Défense. I am part of the "installation" team and my main tasks are to review the installation documents for the various components (foundations, cables and turbines). I have also worked extensively on the meteorological risks associated with farm installation. This role gives me a global view of farm installation from a technical standpoint, but also the opportunity to broach different activities: I manage both the technical documents and schedules, as well as their commercial impacts. The projects I’m working on are immense and new for France. There should still be work ongoing on these projects in the medium term, and I would like to be there to monitor the operations and progress of farm construction, which would allow me to develop another aspect of the engineering profession."
" What I have retained the most from the programme at Centrale is its multi-disciplinarity. In the two years prior to Centrale, we learned to learn. At Centrale Nantes, one learns to manage and to overcome various problems. It is this versatility (both technical and relational) that serves me daily and allows me to follow the project as a whole."
" The latitude and autonomy that we are given, whether with regard to courses or in the associative life." Nantes is a beautiful, young and dynamic city."
" Why Centrale Nantes? For the environment, and the campus close to the city centre, for the numerous options possible, double degrees, the choice of associations…"