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Sobhan, PhD student | MSc Energetics and Propulsion, Class of 2022

Published on March 25, 2024 Updated on January 10, 2025
"In today's rapidly changing landscape, students often face challenges in selecting their academic paths among evolving trends. My advice to prospective master's students is to prioritize their interests while also considering the future trajectory of their chosen field. It's crucial to ensure that the path they embark upon aligns with their passions and has potential for growth and expansion in the coming years. When it comes to pursuing a PhD, passion is essential. Throughout the journey, one encounters moments of both disappointment and happiness."

Why did you decide to come to Centrale Nantes for your MSc Programme?

"The Energetics and Propulsion Master's programme at Centrale Nantes caught my eye due to its perfect alignment with my academic background and interests. Additionally, the institute's prestigious reputation in France and strong industry connections further motivated me to pursue this programme."

What did you enjoy or find challenging about the programme?

"The hands-on experiments of the second and third semesters made the programme highly enjoyable, with several opportunities for experimental work in the labs and on test benches. However, meeting tight deadlines for report writing and project completion presented a significant challenge."

When and why did you decide to pursue your PhD here?

"Following the completion of my master's degree, I came across a PhD opportunity aligned with the subject matter of my studies and located within the same laboratory, LHEEA, where I conducted experiments during my master's programme. The topic immediately intrigued me as it pertained to current trends in the energy sector. Moreover, my familiarity with the laboratory's team, D2SE, and environment further motivated my decision to apply. Subsequently, after a successful interview process, I was delighted to receive an offer for the position."

What are you working on for your PhD?

"As part of the D2SE team, focusing on Decarbonization & Depollution of Energy Systems, my PhD research revolves around the development of a hydrogen internal combustion engine for light commercial vehicles. Divided into two main components, my thesis entails conducting experimental studies on the hydrogen internal combustion engine on the test bench and creating a twin model using GT-Suite, a 1D/0D simulation software."

How would you rate the research facilities and support?

"The research facilities at Centrale Nantes are excellently equipped and provide the needs of both researchers and PhD students. Specifically, in my laboratory, there is a continuous effort to keep up with new trends, such as hydrogen combustion and hydrogen fuel cell technology, by regularly updating and expanding the existing test benches."

What do you plan to do after graduation?

"Upon completing my doctoral studies, I aim to pursue a postdoctoral position to further delve into research. Subsequently, I intend to transition into industry where I can apply my expertise and expand my experimental skills to contribute to advancements in the field."

Any advice for future applicants?

"In today's rapidly changing landscape, students often face challenges in selecting their academic paths among evolving trends. My advice to prospective master's students is to prioritize their interests while also considering the future trajectory of their chosen field. It's crucial to ensure that the path they embark upon aligns with their passions and has potential for growth and expansion in the coming years. When it comes to pursuing a PhD, passion is essential. Throughout the journey, one encounters moments of both disappointment and happiness. It is only through a genuine passion for exploring new realms of knowledge that one can find the motivation to push forward."

Centrale Nantes in three words?

  • "Dynamic
  • Innovation
  • Industry-Connected"

Published on March 25, 2024 Updated on January 10, 2025