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Suraj George, MSc Civil Engineering, Class of 2023

Materials and Structures in their Environment (C-ENG MSE)

Published on June 10, 2024 Updated on January 9, 2025
"I currently work as a Solid Mechanics Engineer at IFP Energies Nouvelles and my focus is on the simulation of floating wind turbines... I was able to branch out quite easily even though my current job is not very classically 'civil engineering' ".

What's your background?

"I'm from Bangalore in India where I did my Bachelor's in Civil Engineering at BMS College of Engineering."

Why did you decide to join the Master's Programme in Civil Engineering at Centrale Nantes?

"I knew I wanted to do my masters in France. After that it was simply a question of finding a well-ranked course of civil engineering taught in English. I was happy to see that the courses offered aligned with what I wanted to do in my future."

What did you enjoy or find challenging about the programme?

"I liked the small class size and the amount of attention I was able to receive. I also really appreciated the variety of courses offered.
The way we are taught math back home in India is quite different so it required some adaptation, and I found this quite challenging."

What is your current position?

"I currently work as a Solid Mechanics Engineer at IFP Energies Nouvelles and my focus is on the simulation of floating wind turbines."

How did this Master's programme help prepare you for your current position?

"By providing a wide range of subjects, I was able to branch out quite easily even though my current job is not very classically 'civil engineering'. My end-of-studies internship served as the bridge between my current job and what I studied in my masters."

Any advice for future applicants?

"I think the civil engineering program at Centrale Nantes is a great choice for those looking to do research. In particular, there is a good network for specific areas of civil engineering like micromechanics, marine structures, and earthquake engineering. Additionally, a good level of French will go a long way after the degree."

Centrale Nantes in three words?

"The three words I would use to describe ECN are

  • Innovative
  • Exciting
  • Nurturing."

Published on June 10, 2024 Updated on January 9, 2025