Advanced Master - Key Player in Energy Transition

Mastère spécialisé® Acteur Pour la Transition Énergétique (MS APTE)


The Mastère spécialisé® APTE is designed for individuals who want to develop the skills needed to design and implement solutions that strike a balance between the challenges of ecological transition, social justice and economic performance.

Teaching is structured around innovative, cross-disciplinary projects carried out with companies, public authorities and civil society organisations. You will acquire technical expertise and learn how to put it into action, and how to bring together different stakeholders to promote responsible economic development.

The MS APTE is co-accredited by Centrale Nantes and Audencia Business School, and in partnership with ENSA Nantes. The Master's program draws on the recognized expertise of its international teaching and research staff in the fields of engineering, urban planning, design and management.

Course Content

5 skills blocks

The key to a successful energy transition project or strategy lies in mastering the leadership skills needed in a fast-changing sector, the ability to anticipate technological developments and act quickly to seize opportunities.

New Energies and technologies

  • Enjeux Environnementaux des transitions (Environmental challenges of transition)
  • Technologies de production d’énergie décarbonées  (Low-carbon energy production technologies)
  • Conversion, transport et distribution de l'énergie  (Energy conversion, transport and distribution)

New applications

  • Architecture et construction au prisme de la transition écologique (Architecture and construction in the context of ecological transition)
  • Urbanisme et transition écologique (Urban planning and ecological transition)
  • Ecologie industrielle et territoriale (Industrial and regional ecology)

New economic and social models

  • Business models et stratégies responsables (Responsible business models and strategies)
  • Finance et comptabilité pour la transition écologique (Finance and accounting for ecological transition)
  • Eco-design et Analyse du cycle de Vie (Eco-design and Life Cycle Assessment)

New players and managers

  • Influence, lobbying & participation citoyenne (Influence, lobbying & civic participation)
  • Analyse géopolitique et réglementaire (Geopolitical and regulatory analysis)
  • Strategic agility, intelligence gathering and blindspots

Managing projects for ecological transition

  • Projet appel d'offres en équipe (Team bidding project)
  • Conduites de projets pour la transition écologique et social (Project management for ecological and social transition)
  • Marketing pour la transition écologique et sociale  (Marketing for ecological and social transition)
Example of projects and internships


For students enrolled in an initial training programme, a 4 to 6-month internship in a company is undertaken at the end of the course, which runs from October to May. The internship is designed to consolidate the student's knowledge of a specific business sector and provide hands-on experience.

Here are just a few examples of the types of companies that host student interns and their assignments:

  • Biomass energy sales engineer at NAODEN
  • Renewable Energy Project Manager at BPI FRANCE
  • Ecodesign & recycling department at ADEME
  • CSR Project Manager at SCE Groupe KERAN
  • Low-carbon shipping development engineer at ZEPHYR & BOREE
  • Assistant project manager for solar power plants at VALECO
  • Sustainable development project manager at LACROIX GROUP 
  • HVAC Project Manager at VINCI ENERGIES


Students are given the opportunity to take on the role of consultants and propose innovative solutions to a range of issues linked to energy and ecological transition. The aim is to understand, design and implement a transition project geared to the company, so that students can develop in-depth knowledge.

2023 Project

On Friday 16 December 2022, the programme's students presented a major project, thanks to the involvement of Audencia's long-standing corporate partner: GRDF.

2022 Project

As part of the "Inventing responsible business models and strategies" course, the programme's students  worked with APALA, an environmental association based in Nantes. APALA provides technical and open source solutions to the problems of sustainability in our lifestyles, using a scientific approach and a low-tech approach.

2021 Project

Students from programme worked for 1 week in hackathon format to find solutions to address issues experienced by VINCI AUTOROUTES. The idea was to propose solutions that could be applied to two interchange projects currently under construction (before being extended to all Group projects): Porte de Gesvres (A11 motorway) and Saran Gidy (A10 motorway).

Targeted Skills
  • Detect and seize opportunities arising from ecological transition
  • Anticipate and track sector developments
  • Understand the challenges of technical developments
  • Master the financing of renewable energy projects
  • Define and implement responsible business models
  • Engage public and private stakeholders
Employment prospects

The energy and ecological transition economy represents a growing challenge and is experiencing dynamic growth. The number of companies involved in energy transition rapidly expanding, which represents a major opportunity for our graduates.

  • Manager of energy and ecological transition projects
  • Ecological transition & CSR consultant
  • Business development in the energy sector
  • Renewable energy development manager
  • Environment and energy manager
  • Entrepreneur


  • Partnerships with companies at the forefront of innovation
  • Expert testimonials, site and company visits, and networking with key players in ecological transition
  • Centrale Nantes' excellence in the field of renewable energies, particularly marine and wind energy: Full member of EERA JP Wind (European Energy Research Alliance, Joint Program Wind energy) and the only French member, Member of the European Academy of Wind Energy, Head of the CNRS Research Group on Renewable Marine Energies.
  • Audencia's leading position in the field of CSR: member of the United Nations' 30 Champions PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) and CSR Chair financed by companies and a local authority.
  • Dedicated support for entrepreneurs: Examples of Renewable Energy start-ups from Centrale Nantes and Audencia include Innosea, D-ICE, Energie Perspective, SMARTENON, Hydrocéan and Nextflow.
Experts and specialist speakers
  • Sandrine AUBRUN – Professor at Centrale Nantes and Centrale Nantes scientific representative at the European Energy Research Alliance and the European Academy of Wind Energy.
  • Aurélien BABARIT, PhD – PhD - research engineer at the LHEEA Laboratory, former director of the Groupe de Recherche CNRS Energies Marines Renouvelables (CNRS Renewable Marine Energies Research Group)
  • Bernard BLEZ – President Passion For Energy, ex-director of CRIGEN at Engie
  • Pierre CANNET - WWF Advocacy Director
  • Thomas CORRE – Lecturer at the GeM Institute
  • Hervé DENIS, CEO of Atlaz, President of B2E - Bretagne Eco Entreprises - Brittany's ecological and energy transition cluster
  • Nora GUEMAR – Projects Director Decentralized Energy Resources Management - ENGIE
  • Lionel LE NOAY, Corporate Lawyer, Engie SA
  • Erik MOUILLE, Projects Engineer, Engie Solutions
  • Emmanuel PION,  independent consultant in LCA and eco-design, MS APTE Class of 2022
  • Antoine PONTHIEUX, Market and Electrical Networks Engineer, RTE France
  • Ignacio REQUENA, PhD - Lecturer at ENSA Nantes on the theory and practice of architectural and urban design, architect and doctor of architecture.
  • Emmanuel ROZIERE, Senior Lecturer and Director of Sustainable Development at Centrale Nantes.
  • Jessica STUDNIA, Head of Financing, Groupe VOL-V

What our graduates say

Corentin Kersuzan, Class of 2021

The courses were of the highest quality, led by speakers who were just as high quality! CEOs, NGOs, sociologists, engineers, researchers, lawyers... so many people from different horizons who were able to give us their vision of climate change and the challenges of this energy transition. We were able to study and understand the economic and technical levers available to us to limit our impact on the environment.

Video of Justine, Class of 2022 (in French)

Watch the Campus Channel video

Published on January 25, 2019 Updated on March 18, 2025