Engineering programme - degree apprenticeships

Also on offer at Centrale Nantes is the option to complete the engineering programme via a degree apprenticeship. Students combine studies with first-hand industrial experience - either over the two or three years of study (apprentissage) or for only the final year (contrat de professionnalisation).

The combination of engineering studies and practical training is a valuable asset. The student alternates between periods of work in the company and of study on campus, thus benefitting from supervision and support on two levels: academic, with a teacher tutor, and professional with a company tutor.

During the one or three years of the degree apprenticeship, students thus acquire practical experience and expertise as well as being exposed to company culture. The degree obtained is the same (Master level) and the courses are the same or similar.


2- or 3-Year Degree apprenticeship


Years 1 to 3 of the engineering programme

The decision to follow this path is taken at the beginning of the first year, with a December start date.

Years 2 & 3 of the engineering programme

The decision to follow this path is towards the end of the first year, with a September start date.


Degree apprenticeship in final year

(contrat de professionnalisation)

Final Year of the engineering programme - the decision to follow this path is taken during the second year, with a September start date.


Degree apprenticeships are only open to students who have already been accepted into the engineering programme.

Learn more here on how to apply

NB it is not possible to combine a degree apprenticeship with a double degree or gap year.

Published on March 9, 2017 Updated on February 13, 2025