Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Control (E-PiCo)

Programme Overview

The Master's programme in Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Control (E-PiCo) welcomed its first intake of students in September 2020, under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master label. This two year programme (awarding 120 ECTS) offers multidisciplinary teaching in the e-mobility field. E-PiCo will provide technical and scientific solutions to the issues of fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, directly applicable in industry, by training future electric propulsion system expert graduates. The programme is fully taught in English and implies mobility within a minimum of two EU countries.

E-PiCo Consortium Partners

E-PiCo is an integrated Master’s course designed and conducted by 4 partner institutions sharing a common vision of e-mobility:
  • Centrale Nantes, France
  • Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany,
  • Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
  • National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Romania

Watch the Campus France Replay

Course Content

The programme of study lasts two academic years (120 ECTS) with the first semester at Centrale Nantes in France and the second semester at either UNSTPB - Romania, UAQ - Italy or CAU - Germany. The aim of the first year is to provide the students with a solid interdisciplinary background across the main areas of e-mobility (Automatic control, Electrical systems, Embedded systems, Electric vehicle modeling).

During the third semester, and according to the choice of host institution (one of the four consortium partners), the student will deal with one or more of the following sectors: Energy storage systems, Control of electric propulsion system, Control in e-mobility, and Embedded systems and communications in e-mobility systems.

The fourth semester is set aside for the Master's Thesis. The student carries out his/her research work under the joint supervision of two advisors from two different consortium institutions.

Download syllabus | E-PiCo at Centrale Nantes

M1 Year
M2 Year
The E-PiCo programme is open to holders of a university degree with the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits in the European system, comprising at least three years of studies, at Bachelor of Science level, in a field related to electrical engineering such as:

  • Control Systems
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechatronics (related to Control Systems and Electrical Engineering)

Applicants must have graduated before 31 July for non European students and before 30 September for European students. They must speak and write English fluently. An applicant whose native language is not English is required to pass a recognized international English test:
  • TOEFL (CBT 220, PBT 550, IBT 80),
  • Cambridge Advanced English Test (B or higher),
  • IELTS (6.5 or higher),
  • TOEIC (800)

How to apply

Apply online: https://master-epico.ec-nantes.fr/admission/how-to-apply
Learn more about the programme: https://master-epico.ec-nantes.fr/about
Scholarship opportunities
  • Applicants can apply for a consortium scholarship covering part of the tuition fees.
  • Please note that there will be no Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for E-PiCO 2024-2026 intake onwards as the EU funding received by the consortium covered 4 intakes only, the last one covered being 2023-2025.

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After E-PiCo

Although the E-PiCo programme relates primarily to the context of e-mobility, the concepts covered can be applied to a much wider range of other engineering and economic systems. The career prospects for E-PiCo graduates are therefore excellent. They can be employed in diverse industrial and economic sectors, as the courses are relevant to today’s high tech society.

On graduation from E-PiCo Master's course, the student will have acquired the following skills:

  • In-depth scientific and technical knowledge of Control engineering and the skills to use this knowledge effectively.
  • Capacity to work both independently and in multidisciplinary teams, interacting effectively with specialists and taking initiatives where necessary.
  • Capacity to communicate effectively (through both written and oral presentations) in an international context,
  • Capacity to adopt the most suitable methods for the problem at hand and select the technological components needed to implement the proposed solution.
  • Capacity to transfer high tech methodology from university to industry.

Examples of positions held by E-PiCo graduates:

  • Power Electronics Engineer for  EV powertrains design (France)
  • Firmware Engineer (Spain)
  • Motor control engineer for new brake systems (Germany)
  • Programmer in a wind turbine manufacturing company (Germany)
  • Researcher on optimal charging strategy for Electric Vehicles and Battery Storage systems

What our students/graduates say

Published on September 4, 2020 Updated on June 13, 2024