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The main objective of this specialism in Control and Robotics is to master the modelling and control of complex robots evolving in dynamic environments by using proprioceptive and exteroceptive perception. The focus is on advanced robotics, but more generally the specialism deals with modern techniques in systems engineering for the modelling, simulation, optimisation, analysis, and control of a variety of robotics systems. It also takes into account the modelling and perception of the environment. The quality of this Control and Robotics programme has been recognized by the European Union: it is currently involved in the Japan-Europe Master on Advanced Robotics (JEMARO, Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters) and previously involved in the European Master on Advanced Robotics (EMARO+ Erasmus Mundus programme). The programme of study lasts two academic years - denoted by M1 and M2 and is taught in English. It comprises three study semesters followed by a paid Master's thesis / internship in the final semester. Our Master's programmes in Control and Robotics are fully accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Students enrolled in the M1 year are eligible to apply for the EMARO Joint MSc Programme and spend their M2 year either the University of Genoa, Italy or Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
Students applying for this Control and Robotics programme can also apply to join the Integrated Master-PhD track, which brings together the two years of the Master's degree and three years of PhD studies. The Integrated Master-PhD track is designed to give high-potential students exposure to research activities from the M1 year.
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30 ECTS Credits per semester. Language of instruction: English
* 'French as Foreign Language' except for French native speakers who will study 'Cultural and Communicational English' or Spanish (depending on sufficient demand). NB Course content may be subject to minor changes
* 'French as Foreign Language' except for French native speakers who will study 'Cultural and Communicational English' or Spanish (depending on sufficient demand). ± Elective courses (choose 3 out of 4) NB Course content may be subject to minor changes
NB Internships undertaken in France are strictly regulated and are only open to current full-time students of an accredited educational institution. Interns are entitled to all the rights guaranteed to regular employees (such as social protection and redress mechanisms). For internships that exceed two months in duration a minimum level of remuneration is set by the government, at approximately €600 per month. In some professional branches, this amount may be higher.
In addition to the above specialism-specific skills, students will also develop more general skills:
This Control and Robotics programme relies on Centrale Nantes faculty and the research facilities of the Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N).
The students have access to LS2N research facilities - autonomous vehicles, drones (airborne / underwater), robotic arms, parallel robots, cable robots etc. - typically during their first year project work or second year thesis.
The "Autonomous Vehicles" research facility allows the LS2N to integrate and evaluate the approaches under development in autonomous mobile robotics around the themes of environment perception, understanding of scenarios and multi-sensor referenced control. The platform includes 3 instrumented vehicles (sensors, computers and man-machine interfaces), 2 of which are fully robotized by the "Drive-by-wire" robotization kit developed by the ARMEN research group in the LS2N.
This platform consists of five cable robot demonstrators and a set of end-effectors and sensors. The platform is designed to experimentally validate work on the design, modelling, identification and control of cable robots.
Early Bird Applications:
*no other test is recognised.
Language of instruction
Fully taught in English.
Students who have successfully completed a first year MSc programme covering the same subjects as the M1 programme can apply for the second year MSc programme i.e.:
Applicants must be fluent in English - written and spoken:
When applying for a Centrale Nantes MSc Programme you will be asked to provide the following documents:
Your documents must be uploaded in English or French. If the original version of your documents is not in one of these two languages, a certified translation by a sworn translator is required.
Apply online on the eCandidat platform
Master Admission Office Tel: + /
€243 per year
Learn more about Elite tuition fee waivers and scholarships
Why did you decide to join the MSc Programme in Advanced Robotics at Centrale Nantes? I didn’t do robotics in my bachelor’s, but I did my graduation project in robotics. I chose Nantes because I wanted collaboration between control and robotics, and that’s what I found in the programme in Nantes. On top of that, the university has different partnerships with different European countries as well as with other universities here, in France or Europe. The last thing is the international vibes; there are different students, different cultures. I like this and that’s why I applied for the programme. How was the programme for you? In general, I would say I enjoyed it. Of course, there were challenges at the beginning because I studied new things that I didn’t study during my bachelor’s. But the professors were helping, in the labs they were helpful to make us understand more. In general, it was very good, my experience in the programme. There were some challenges, but everything has good and bad sides. Finally, as I said, it paid off, all that hard work. What about student life in Nantes? Very good, actually. Nantes feels like it’s a student city. Many schools, many universities, the culture, international students … It’s easy, the transport, it’s not very expensive compared to other cities in France. There are also many special offers for students. The living costs are not expensive. In general, the student life is very good. What are your plans for the future? Currently I’m searching for opportunities as a researcher or for PhD positions, but I didn’t find anything yet. Any advice for future applicants? I would advise you to not just focus on the academics. It’s important, but try to experience Nantes, discover France, especially if you are coming from a different country and this is your first opportunity to come to Europe. Try to enjoy, make new friends, not just all the focus on academics. Centrale Nantes in three words? Diversity – experience - challenge
Why did you decide to join the MSc Programme in Advanced Robotics at Centrale Nantes? I chose this programme because I always wanted to study robotics. It was always my dream so when I started researching into schools where I could pursue this Master’s programme, I found Centrale Nantes and I thought it was the perfect opportunity for me. How was the programme for you? The programme itself was really challenging. But I like a challenge, I really enjoyed it. The classes were entertaining for me, because that’s what I like. That’s what I enjoy. But working in robotics is not so easy. You really have to like it, as I do. What about student life in Nantes? There are many international students on the Master’s programme so it was really interesting to get to know people from different countries in the world. So far, I hadn’t really met people from Europe. I’m from Mexico, so it was my first chance to actually meet people from Europe and get to know them and their cultures. Hanging out in the city, there are a lot of students in this city, so it’s quite beautiful. What are your plans for the future? Well right now, I started a PhD last October, so that’s what I’m doing now. After that, I don’t know what I’ll do. I’m doing it at Centrale Nantes as well, in the LS2N lab. Any advice for future applicants? Enjoy your classes, have fun, but also study a lot because you never know when you’re gonna need all that you studied. Centrale Nantes in three words? High quality education.
Survey conducted in 2024 of our 2022 MSc Control & Robotics graduates, 47% of whom are currently in employment and 44% pursuing a PhD.
Job/PhD search duration: 73% find their first job in 3 months or less 87% secured their PhD in less than 6 months Country of origin France - 26% Asia Pacific - 35% Europe other - 16% Africa - 13% Middle East - 10% Current country of residence France - 65% Europe other - 26% Asia Pacific - 6% Americas - 3% 60% earn a starting salary in excess of €40K 67% joined the company where they interned for their Master's thesis 80% have a permanent work contract 93% recommend the programme
Recent graduates have pursued their studies after the MSc programme with a PhD in various French research institutes including: IRISA, Inria Sophia, Leonardo Labs, I3S, LS2N; or found employment: Engineer Dow Chemical, Machine learning - Amazon Web Service, SLAM engineer - Huber Automotive, Control engineer, ArcelorMittal R&D, Consultant Mech. Eng., Technical Consultant - Accenture, CDI Testing engineer - Parrot.
Read what our students and graduates have to say about the programme:
Olivier Kermorgant, M2 Programme Supervisor IMARO, Programme Supervisor Control and Robotics
Olivier Kermorgant is a graduate of Centrale Paris, with a PhD from Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique. His career history includes a teaching position at Télécom Physique Strasbourg and a research engineer position at IRT Jules Verne, working on the prototyping of an autonomous mobile robot in the ship industry. Since 2015 he has been an associate professor at Centrale Nantes and a researcher in the LS2N in the ARMEN team.
Elwan Héry, M1 Programme Supervisor Control and Robotics
Elwan Héry is an associate professor at Centrale Nantes and at the LS2N (Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes) in the ARMEN team (Autonomous Robots and Control of Interactions with the Environment). His main research interests are in perception, localization and mapping for autonomous vehicles and mobile robots.
Centrale Nantes houses 17 buildings on a 40-acre green campus. In addition to the standard facilities of a university campus (classrooms, media library, computer rooms, etc.), it is home to 13 research platforms, some of which are unique in France, and modern and varied sports facilities, the Centrale-Audencia-Ensa incubator and vibrant student life. Facilities on the Centrale Nantes campus:
Welcome to one of France’s most prestigious engineering schools.
This is where we prepare the world of tomorrow - a sustainable world where research and teaching inspire each other, where we contribute each and nervy day to meeting the challenges of energy transition, the factory of the future and healthcare. Welcome to a school which offers more than 400 course combinations, q school where students play an active role in decision making, a diverse school with over 70 nationalities on campus. Welcome to Centrale Nantes.
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