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Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray
IRSTV, Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
Porte d’entrée du réseau des acteurs en Recherche, Formation et Innovation des Pays de la Loire
A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
New for 2025/26
This specialism in Mechanical Engineering aims to provide students with advanced training on the physics, observation and modelling of atmospheric flows. It addresses research and engineering issues in which the dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer plays a key role: wind energy, wind propulsion, urban climate, air quality, etc.
In the field of fluid mechanics, flows in the lower atmosphere, turbulent by nature, are distinctive because they result from large-scale meteorology forcing, and dynamic and thermodynamic interactions with the Earth's surface. Numerical modeling approaches for these turbulent flows differ depending on the scale considered and the intended application. The experimental characterization of atmospheric flows, despite recent technological progress, is often complex or incomplete and its limits should be known. Therefore, the courses offered in this programme will provide an emphasis on the physical processes involved in the dynamics of the lower atmosphere, as well as on observation and modelling methods. Courses more specific to applications in the field of energy and urban atmosphere are also offered. The training involves theoretical courses as well as practical applications using numerical software and experimental devices.
The MSc in Atmospheric Dynamics for Environment and Energy (M-ENG ADEE) lasts two academic years - denoted by M1 and M2 and is taught in English. It comprises three study semesters followed by a paid Master's thesis / internship in the final semester.
Our Master's programmes in Mechanical Engineering are fully accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
Learn more about Centrale Nantes' commitment to the 17 sustainable development goals
30 ECTS Credits per semester. Language of instruction: English
* 'French as Foreign Language' except for French native speakers who will study 'Cultural and Communicational English' or Spanish (depending on sufficient demand). NB Course content may be subject to minor changes
NB Internships undertaken in France are strictly regulated and are only open to current full-time students of an accredited educational institution. Interns are entitled to all the rights guaranteed to regular employees (such as social protection and redress mechanisms). For internships that exceed two months in duration a minimum level of remuneration is set by the government, at approximately €600 per month. In some professional branches, this amount may be higher.
In addition to the above specialism-specific skills, students will also develop more general skills:
This Mechanical Engineering programme relies on the Centrale Nantes’ faculty, staff and research facilities of the Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA).
The results obtained from experiments relating to quality of life issues, (comfort, air quality and climatology or local meteorology) contribute to the decisions that are being made for sustainable urban development in the context of both climate change and the development of coastal and continental cities.
Learn more
In 2019, the LHEEA Laboratory acquired a scanning LiDAR - Light Detection and Ranging - an innovative measuring device to characterize wind and atmosphere. It will be used for marine renewable energy (MRE), urban atmosphere and air quality applications.
The Nantes Observatory for Urban Environments (ONEVU) has been operational since 2008 for the long-term study of the hydrology, micro-meteorology, climatology, water, air and soils quality of the urban environments.
Early Bird Applications:
*no other test is recognised.
Fully taught in English.
When applying for a Centrale Nantes MSc Programme you will be asked to provide the following documents:
Your documents must be uploaded in English or French. If the original version of your documents is not in one of these two languages, a certified translation by a sworn translator is required.
Apply online on the eCandidat platform
Master Admission Office Tel: + /
€243 per year
Learn more about Elite tuition fee waivers and scholarships
Survey conducted in 2024 of our 2022 MSc Mechanical Engineering graduates, 76% of whom are currently in employment and 15% pursuing a PhD.
Job/PhD search duration: 74% find their first job in 3 months or less 100% secured their PhD in less than 3 months Country of origin France - 19% Asia Pacific - 32% Europe other - 10% Middle East - 32% Africa - 6% Current country of residence France - 90% Europe other - 6% Americas - 3% 64% earn a starting salary in excess of €40K 25% are undertaking their PhD in the laboratory where they interned for their Master's thesis 100% have a permanent work contract 70% recommend the programme
Graduates will have the opportunity to pursue their studies after the MSc programme with a PhD in various French or international research institutes including: LHEEA (Centrale Nantes), INRAE-Bordeaux (Bordeaux University), Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, etc.
Coming soon
Isabelle Calmet, M2 Programme Supervisor ASEE,
Isabelle Calmet is a professor in the Department of Fluid Mechanics and Energetics. Her research in the LHEEA focuses on the multi-scale modeling of atmospheric boundary layer flows, the study of urban microclimate and the characterization of dynamic and thermodynamic interactions between urban or coastal surfaces and the atmosphere.
Laurent Gornet, M1 Programme Supervisor Mechanical Engineering
Laurent GORNET is Professor of Structural Mechanics at the Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (GeM), Centrale Nantes. His research focuses on testing and modeling the mechanical behavior of elastomer and composite materials. Contact:
Centrale Nantes houses 17 buildings on a 40-acre green campus. In addition to the standard facilities of a university campus (classrooms, media library, computer rooms, etc.), it is home to 13 research platforms, some of which are unique in France, and modern and varied sports facilities, the Centrale-Audencia-Ensa incubator and vibrant student life. Facilities on the Centrale Nantes campus:
Welcome to one of France’s most prestigious engineering schools.
This is where we prepare the world of tomorrow - a sustainable world where research and teaching inspire each other, where we contribute each and nervy day to meeting the challenges of energy transition, the factory of the future and healthcare. Welcome to a school which offers more than 400 course combinations, q school where students play an active role in decision making, a diverse school with over 70 nationalities on campus. Welcome to Centrale Nantes.
Explore the campus with its classrooms, research platforms, student life and sports activities: Take the virtual tour
Contact our admissions team at for a replay of the latest programme webinar with the programme supervisor: course content, career opportunities and research infrastructure.
We regularly attend education fairs around the world to meet with prospective students and provide information about our study programmes.
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