Control and Robotics - Master of Science (MSc)

Our Master's Programmes are taught in English, fully accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and give full access to PhD studies in France or abroad.

Choose from the following specialisms in Control and Robotics

MSc Data Science, Signal and Image Processing - CORO DASSIP

This specialism provides the necessary skills in signal modelling, image processing and machine learning, relevant to the theory and the practice of data analysis and information retrieval, for the development of modern numerical methods. Integrated Master-PhD track also available.

All about CORO DASSIP and how to apply

MSc Advanced Robotics - CORO IMARO

The main objective of this specialism is to master the modelling and control of complex robots evolving in dynamic environments by using proprioceptive and exteroceptive perception. The focus is on advanced robotics, but more generally the specialism deals with modern techniques in systems engineering for the modelling, simulation, optimisation, analysis, and control of a variety of robotics systems. It also takes into account the modelling and perception of the environment. Integrated Master-PhD track also available.

All about CORO IMARO and how to apply

Joint programme in Advanced Robotics - EMARO

The EMARO (European Master on Advanced Robotics) programme welcomed its first students in 2008, under the Erasmus Mundus European Programme of Excellence label. The programme was extended in 2014 as the Erasmus+ (EMARO+) programme. When the European funding cycle of EMARO+ came to an end, three of the partner institutions decided to maintain this project and the community around it by concluding an EMARO+ Double Degree agreement. Students enrolled in the M1 year at one of the partner institutions (Centrale Nantes (IMARO), University of Genoa, Warsaw University of Technology) are eligible to apply for the double degree programme and spend their M2 year at one of the other partner universities.

All about the EMARO Joint Programme in Advanced Robotics and how to apply

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters

Centrale Nantes currently offers four Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJMs) in Control and Robotics. EMJMs are prestigious international study programmes, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions. EU-funded scholarships are awarded to the best student candidates applying under annual selection rounds. Centrale Nantes is the coordinating institution for all programmes:

Programmes not available after 2024/25 intake
Published on November 21, 2023 Updated on February 24, 2025